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Estudios sociales. Revista de alimentación contemporánea y desarrollo regional

versión On-line ISSN 2395-9169


RIOS-CORTES, Ada María et al. Traditional knowledge about Bacopa procumbens (Mill.) Small in Huasca, Hidalgo, México. Estud. soc. Rev. aliment. contemp. desarro. reg. [online]. 2023, vol.33, n.61, e231291.  Epub 11-Ago-2023. ISSN 2395-9169.


To identify the knowledge about the traditional use of Bacopa procumbens that is preserved by the inhabitants of the municipality of Huasca de Ocampo, Hidalgo, Mexico.


The study was based on a structured interview with 26 informants, using a convenience sample. Descriptive analysis was performed by means of frequencies and a multivariate analysis of multiple correspondences.


The traditional knowledge of this plant is found in housewives, with an average age of 40 - 50 years old, this knowledge was transmitted by relatives, the traditional use for this species is to reduce or relieve stomach pain, heal wounds, to relieve toothache, calm kidney pain, eliminate swelling and fever. The plant is collected in the field, only in the amount that will be used, which can help in part to conserve the resource, although overexploitation should be prevented.


There are few people who know the plant.


The traditional knowledge of the plant is focused on women, housewives, it is used by boiling it, mainly for stomach pain, and other health problems.

Palabras llave : traditional medicine; genetic resources; traditional knowledge; medicinal plant; women; uses.

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