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Estudios de historia novohispana

versión On-line ISSN 2448-6922versión impresa ISSN 0185-2523


RAMIREZ URIBE, Claudio. Sarabanda tenge que tenge... Evidence of Bantu Religious Practices in a Villancico in the 17th Century Puebla Cathedral. Estud. hist. novohisp [online]. 2022, n.66, pp.47-79.  Epub 06-Jun-2022. ISSN 2448-6922.

This paper analyzes the content of the villancico Guineo a 5, Eso rigor e repente, written by Puebla’s chapel master, Gaspar Fernandes, at the beginning of the seventeenth century. Inside this composition, some textual elements reflect the daily reality and the vision that society in the city of Puebla and the New Spain had about the African and Afro-descendant populations. Through the villancico lyrics analysis, it stands out the identification of African or Afro-descendant religious and spiritual thinking elements (specially Bantu), probably as a reference to the Afro-descendant catholic religious practices made by this community. Puebla was an urban space with black brotherhoods and Afro-descendant musicians inside the Cathedral musical chapel by the time this guineo had been written and presented.

Palabras llave : villancico; stereotype; Bantu; spirituality; resignification.

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