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Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana

versión impresa ISSN 1405-3322


AMERI, Hamed  y  SHAGHAYEGHI, Parisa. The Hettangian-Bajocian flora of the Shemshak Group, Kerman, Iran. Bol. Soc. Geol. Mex [online]. 2023, vol.75, n.3, e110923.  Epub 28-Mayo-2024. ISSN 1405-3322.

Numerous examples of macro plant fossils can be found in the Kerman region’s Early and Middle Jurassic successions. The Ab-e-Haji, Badamu, and Hojedk formations were among these patterns. One of the suitable regions for paleobotanical study is the Chatroud section. In this region, the Lower-Middle Jurassic is approximately 210 meters thick. 18 species of macro plant fossils from 14 genera, including Nilssonia polymorpha, Ptero phyllum nathorsti, Podozamites distans, Elatocladus zamioides, Elatides thomasii, Nilssonia feriziensis, Nilssonia herriesi, and Beania sp., which are identified and described in this study, along with Pterophyllum schenki, Anomozamites marginatus, and Klukia exilis. In this region, there are two plant assemblage zones known as Anomozamites marginatus-Pterophyllum schenki Zone and Klukia exilis Zone. The Hettangian-Bajocian age is preserved at the Chatroud section.

Palabras llave : Jurassic; Hettangian-Bajocian; plants; Biozone; Kerman; Iran.

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