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Latinoamérica. Revista de estudios Latinoamericanos

versión On-line ISSN 2448-6914versión impresa ISSN 1665-8574


DESTEFANIS, Laura. Suburban Chronicles in Argentina. The Atypical Case of Trópico de Villa Diego, by Mario Castells. Latinoamérica [online]. 2023, n.76, pp.123-144.  Epub 17-Mar-2023. ISSN 2448-6914.

The urban chronicle takes part in Argentine literature since the XIXth century. However, the absence of some great demographic and social nodes, such as some peripheral cities, is remarkable. The purpose of this paper is to analyze how Mario Castells represents Villa Gobernador Gálvez city, in the southern Rosario, in his Trópico de Villa Diego (2014), through a comparative approach with other urban chronicles, whose larger streams are those offered by outsider chroniclers or sensationalist journalists: this approach allows to observe how the endogenous gaze operates instead, when the chronicler is part of the representated human landscape. Without ever losing the focus of the historical-political chronicle, Castells makes use of resources that underline the intellectual work of a social group whose possibility of intervention in the sphere of discursive and cultural production has been historically denied.

Palabras llave : Chronicle; Suburban; Immigration; Rosario; Argentina; Paraguay.

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