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Revista mexicana de ciencias pecuarias

versión On-line ISSN 2448-6698versión impresa ISSN 2007-1124

Rev. mex. de cienc. pecuarias vol.10 no.2 Mérida abr./jun. 2019 


Productive and economic response to partial replacement of cracked maize ears with ground maize or molasses in supplements for dual-purpose cows

Isela G. Salas-Reyesa 

Carlos M. Arriaga-Jordánb 

Julieta G. Estrada-Floresb 

Anastacio García-Martíneza 

Rolando Rojo-Rubioa 

José F. Vázquez Armijoa 

Benito Albarrán-Portilloa  * 

a Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Centro Universitario UAEM. Temascaltepec. Km 67.5 Carretera Toluca-Tejupilco, Temascaltepec. 51300. Estado de México. México.

b Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Rurales. Estado de México. México.


The aim of the study was to assess the effect of partial replacement of cracked maize ears with ground maize (GM) or sugar cane molasses (SCM) in supplements for dual purpose cows. Eighteen (18) multiparous cows (414 ± 13 kg of body weight and 106 ± 32 d in milk) were randomly assigned to the treatments. Treatments were as follows: 1) Control supplement (CS) which consisted of 87% of cracked maize ears (CME), 11% soybean meal, and 2% urea; 2) Ground maize replacing 20% of CME in CS (GMS); 3) Sugar cane molasses replacing 18% of CME in the CS (MOS). Each cow received 5 kg/d of supplement DM, whereas their calves received 1.8 kg/d DM of the CS. The experiment lasted eleven weeks, and data were recorded once at the end of every week. Data were analysed using a linear mixed model as a completely randomized design. Net profit from milk and beef due to supplements were estimated using the partial budget approach. There were no differences (P>0.05) between treatments on milk composition, body conditions score, nor daily weight gain of cows and calves. However, compared to GM, CS shown greater (9.0 %, P<0.05) dry matter intake and SCM shown greater milk yield (18.6 %, P<0.05). Partial replacement of cracked maize ears with ground maize or sugar cane molasses, in supplements for dual purpose cows, did not affected animal productive response. However, considered the combined net profit margins (milk and calves), SCM got an average of 9 % higher profits compared of the rest of supplements.

Key words: Milk; Beef; Brown Swiss; Tropical Grasses; Energy supplementation


El propósito fue evaluar el efecto del remplazo parcial de mazorca de maíz quebrado con maíz molido (MM) o con melaza de caña de azúcar (MCA) en suplementos para vacas de doble propósito. Dieciocho (18) vacas multíparas (414 ± 13 kg de peso vivo, y 106 ± 32 días en lactación) se asignaron al azar a los tratamientos: 1) suplemento testigo (ST) 87% de mazorca de maíz quebrado (MMQ), 11% pasta de soya y 2% urea; 2) reemplazo de 20% de MMQ con 20% maíz molido (MM); 3) reemplazo de 18% de MMQ por melaza (MCA). Cada vaca recibió 5 kg/día en base materia seca (MS) de suplemento, mientras que sus becerros recibieron 1.8 kg/día base MS del suplemento testigo. El experimento duró 11 semanas y los datos se registraron una vez por semana. Se utilizó un modelo mixto de SAS en un diseño completamente aleatorio. Se determinaron márgenes netos de ganancia de leche y carne (kilos de becerro destetado) mediante presupuestos parciales. No hubo diferencias (P>0.05) entre los tratamientos sobre la composición de la leche, la condición corporal ni el aumento de peso diario de las vacas y terneros. Sin embargo, en comparación con el MM, el ST mostró mayor (9.0 %, P<0.05) ingesta de materia seca, y MCA mostró mayor producción de leche (18.6 %, P<0.05). No existieron diferencias significativas (P>0.05) en las demás variables de respuesta. Los márgenes combinados de ganancias netas (ventas de leche y terneros), fueron 9 % mayores para el tratamiento con MCA en comparación con el resto de los suplementos.

Palabras clave: Leche; Carne; Pardo Suizo; Pastos Tropicales; Suplementación energética


Dual-purpose (DP) bovine production, in tropical regions of Mexico and Latin America, rely on the use of local resources like grasses, shrubs and trees under extensive management. In the south west of the State of Mexico as well as in most tropical regions of México, cattle feed exclusively on forages under extensive grazing during the rainy season. During the dry season (December to May), the availability and nutritional quality of forages decreases considerably. To minimize the impact of the low forage availability and to the diminished quality of forages, farmers supplement their cattle with variable amounts of supplement (5 to 9 kg DM/cow/d)1.

Farmers’ decision on the amount of supplement offered to each cow, and the time to start supplementation during the dry season, depends on the availability of forage on pastures. The second half of the dry period (March to May) is the most critical for farmers, since forage in pastures becomes scarce, so that farmers use supplements to sustain animal production1,2.

Metabolizable energy has been reported as one of the main constrains for cattle production under tropical conditions due to the low nutritional value of forages (due mainly to high fibre content)3.

Supplements represent between 50 to 70 % of milk and beef production costs. Due to supplementation, milk production costs increase 22 % in the dry season, in comparison to the rainy season, reducing the already slim profit margins1,2.

In order to keep supplement costs as low as possible, harvested maize ears produced in the farm are cracked instead of being ground, in order to reduce processing cost. However, total digestibility of cracked maize ears is lower (87.6 %), compared with ground maize (91.7 %)4. Frequently, un-degraded large particles of maize appear in faeces representing a waste and inefficient use of this resource.

Maize starch is the most common source of energy for dairy cattle, that degrades between 4 to 6.4 %/h. Carbohydrate sources with faster degradation rates than maize may improve ruminal conditions, resulting in better animal productive response to supplementation5.

Sugar cane molasses is a readily source of energy, that has been used in supplements for cattle feeding on low quality grasses in tropical regions6,7,8. However, despite availability and relatively low cost, farmers in the study region do not incorporate this resource in their cattle supplements.

The inclusion of sugar cane molasses under in vitro studies improves fibre digestibility of a combination of star grass (Cynodon nlemfuensis) and Leucaena leucocephala; whereas the inclusion of maize grain increased in vitro volatile fatty acids production9. Furthermore, addition of sugar cane molasses to supplements based on maize silage, improved growing rates of heifers under tropical conditions, reducing production costs at the same time6.

The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the productive and economic response of partial replacement of cracked maize ears (control supplement) with ground maize (20 % inclusion) (GM), or sugar cane molasses (18 % inclusion) (SCM), in supplements offered to grazing dual purpose Brow Swiss cows during the dry season in a subtropical region of Mexico.

Material and methods

Area description

The study was performed in a commercial dual purpose farm in the State of Mexico, at 19° 04 ´48” N and 100° 13’ 18” W, and an altitude of 1,470 m. Climate is subtropical (warm sub-humid), with a mean annual temperature of 23 °C, and 1,115 mm mean annual rainfall.

Experimental farm

The participating farm is of typical characteristics of DP of the region. Resources, management and socioeconomic characteristics have been described1. Briefly, the farm produces milk all year round, and milk and calves sales represent 42 and 44 % of annual incomes, respectively. Daily milk incomes cover daily expenses of farm operation, and the economic needs of the farming family. Calves are sold at 18 mo old, usually by the end of the rainy season. Farm land extension is 100 ha and the perimeter fenced, with no subdivisions, where cattle graze all year round. Usually, around 35 milking cows and their calves plus a sire are kept as a single herd, whereas replacements, are kept on a different location. Cattle feed exclusively on forages during the rainy season, receiving only mineral supplementation. During the dry season, cows are supplemented with a mixture of cracked maize, and soybean meal (~5 kg/cow/d DM).

Animals and management

Eighteen (18) multiparous Brown Swiss cows (414 ± 13 kg weight and 106 ± 32 d in milk) were randomly allocated to one of three treatments (six cows per treatment).

Experimental cows grazed with the rest of the herd. Stocking rate was 0.25 animal units (AU) per ha. Cows had access to ad libitum water and minerals. Milking of cows was manually from 0700 to 0900 h once a day. Before milking, the calf was allowed to suckle for few seconds the first milk for let-down, and then tied to the cow´s neck until the end of milking. Afterwards, calves suckled the residual milk and remained with their dam in grazing areas until 1400 h.

After been separated from their dams, calves remained in a different paddock until the next morning, where they grazed on a pasture of similar characteristics as the cows. Calves received 1.8 kg DM/d of control supplement (CS) (Table 1), and had access to water and a mineral mix ad libitum.

Table 1 Ingredients and chemical composition of control (CS), ground maize (GM), and sugar cane molasses (SCM) supplements (g/kg DM) 

Ingredient composition:
Cracked maize ears 866 696 693
Soybean meal 111 81 107
Ground maize 200
Molasses 177
Urea 23 23 23
Chemical composition:
Dry matter 873 870 849 4.1
Crude protein 124 113 119 14.4
Neutral detergent fibre 379 218 214 2.7
Acid detergent fibre 55.7 63.0 48.9 0.6
Lignin 11.0 11.5 11.4 8.5
Dry matter digestibility 903 908 940 5.2
Organic matter digestibility 895 901 933 11.3
NDF digestibility 792 715 809 3.2
Metabolizable energy, MJ/kg DM 14.1 14.1 14.6 16.1
Solubles (a) 59.8 46.5 68.1
Solubles rate (0-1) 0.098 0.128 0.153
Insoluble (b) 256.8 274.2 255.7
Insolubles rate (0-1) 0.062 0.067 0.065
Lag (h) 5.8 5.5 4.2

From a previous study (unpublished), calves consumed on average 3.0 kg of milk estimated by weight differences before suckling (0900 h milking) and after removal from their dams (1400 h).

The management of cows and calves during the experiment was minimal in order to avoid stress in the animals, and not to interfere with the farmer’s daily activities. Therefore, cows and calves were weighted once a week.


The control supplement (CS) was based on cracked maize ears (CME) (husk, kernels and cob) (86.6 %), complemented with soybean meal (11.1 %) and urea (2.3 %). In the first experimental supplement, 20 % of ground maize grain partially replaced cracked maize ears, to form the ground maize supplement (GM). For the second experimental supplement, 18 % of molasses replaced the same proportion of cracked ear maize (SCM). Table 1 shows the ingredients and chemical composition of supplements.

Experimental cows individually received their assigned supplement (5 kg of DM/cow/d) while milking, in a cloth bag tied to their neck. All cows consumed the supplement entirely.

The experiment started on February 19th and ended on May 8th of 2015. Previous to the start, cows spent one week as adaptation period to the supplements. Then, the experiment proceeded for the next 11 wk (experimental periods).

Milk yield and composition

Milk yield was recorded on the last day of every week. After milking, cows and calves were weighted. Body condition score (BCS) of cows was determined on a 1 to 5 score scale. Milk composition (fat, protein and lactose g/kg) was determined within 2 h after milking on recording day with a portable ultra-sound milk analyser. Milk urea nitrogen (MUN) was subsequently determined in the laboratory by enzymatic colorimetry.

Feed sampling and chemical analysis

Pasture variables were determined every other week (1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11). Available herbage mass (AHM) (kg DM ha/d), was determined by placing six quadrants (0.25 m2), adjacent to a patch where the cows were grazing at the sampling time. Herbage mass (HM) inside the quadrants was cut to ground level with shears to determine AHM in grazing areas. From the quadrants, a 25 g sample was separated into live and dead matter, and each was weighed.

Determined pasture variables (kg DM/ha) were: available herbage mass (AHM), and its corresponding amounts of leaf (LA), stem (SA), dead matter (DMA), and live matter (LMA).

Green matter was considered live matter, and non-green matter was considered dead matter. LA and SA were estimated from the 25 g samples harvested from each quadrant by separating leaves from stems and weighing them separately. Finally, a composite sample from the six quadrants (100 g) per week was taken to determine chemical composition of pastures.

Supplements were sampled on two consecutive days at the end of every week, to determine chemical composition of a composite sample. Feed samples were dried at 60 °C to constant weight to determine DM. They were also analysed for ash, crude protein (CP) by the micro Kjeldahl method10. Neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF) and acid detergent lignin (ADL) using the Ankom method11. The ME of supplements and pasture was estimated using the OMd values from in vitro gas production, using the following equation12:

ME (MJ/kg DM) = (OMd) (0.0157)


ME = metabolizable energy (MJ/kg DM);

OMd digestibility of organic matter (g/kg DM).

The in vitro dry matter digestibility (DMd), organic matter digestibility (OMd), and NDF digestibility (NDFd) were determined using the in vitro gas production technique. Degradation fractions a, b and L of herbage were estimated according to the following equation13.

y=A 1-exp- b t-T-c(t- T)


y = cumulative gas production (mL),

t = is the incubation time in hours,

A = is the asymptote of the total gas produce (mL/g DM),

b = is the constant of gas produced per hour,

c = is a constant, and

T = is a discrete lag time in hours in that microorganisms colonize the substrate and star the fermentation.

The degradation fraction rate (µ) was calculated using the following equation13:

μ=b+c2 t, tT

Herbage dry matter intake

Cow´s herbage DMI was estimated indirectly from animal performance, taking calculations for energy requirements of milking cows from and estimated ME content of feeds from chemical analysis14.

Herbage dry matter intake (kg/day) MEm+MEml+MELw+SupMEHerbage ME


MEm, MEml and MELw are the estimated ME requirements for maintenance, milk yield and live weight change, respectively.

SupME is the ME provided by the supplement (MJ/kg DM).

Herbage ME is the estimated ME concentration of herbage samples. The ME concentrations of supplements and pasture were calculated using OMd results from in vitro gas production13:

ME MJkgDM=OMd(0.0157)

Economic analysis

The economic analysis was performed using the partial budget approach15, to determine the economic profits from the use of supplements, exclusively for milk and beef (i.e. kg of weaned calves). Economic analysis results are expressed in US dollars.

Statistical analyses

The data were analysed using the MIXED procedure of SAS 9.016 for a completely randomized experimental design, with cow as a random effect to account for repeated measurements on the same animal throughout the experiment.

The model used was:

yijk= µ + τi + δij + tk + (τ*t)ik + εijk


yijk = dependent variable,

µ= overall mean,

τi = fixed effect of treatment (i =1, 2 and 3),

tk = fixed effect of Wk (k = 1, 2…11),

(τ*t)ik = fixed effect of interaction between treatment i and Wk k ,

δij= random effect of cow j within each treatment and,

εijk = random error term.

Least squares means and standard errors for fixed effects were obtained and used for multiple mean comparisons. Significant differences between treatments were declared when P<0.05.


Table 2 shows the chemical composition of pasture herbage as well as in vitro gas production parameters. Crude protein average was 58 g/kg DM, having maximum values in wk3 and wk4 (70 and 75 g/kg DM, respectively). Dry matter digestibility (DMd) and estimated metabolizable energy (ME) had the highest values in wk 4 and wk 5 (620 and 606 g/kg DM, and 9.6 and 9.4 MJ/kg DM, respectively).

Table 2 Herbage chemical characteristics (g/kg) and gas production curve parameters 

Experimental week 1 3 5 7 9 11 Mean SD
Dry matter 701 675 648 623 694 613 651 36.8
Crude protein 50 75 70 53 46 50 58 12.1
Neutral detergent fibre 716 704 706 703 738 796 728 36.2
Acid detergent fibre 371 367 360 369 401 424 380 25.0
Acid detergent lignin 14 14 15 17 14 16 15 1.3
Dry matter digestibility 559 580 620 606 555 497 570 43.7
Organic matter digestibility 552 572 612 599 548 490 564 43.5
NDFd 489 501 523 560 526 423 517 46.4
ME, MJ/kg DM 8.7 9.0 9.6 9.4 8.6 7.7 8.9 0.7
b 200 198 209 213 181 160
c 0.032 0.031 0.033 0.032 0.034 0.039
L 5.1 5.1 5.3 5.2 5.2 5.2

The asymptotic gas production (b) (mL/g DM), had the highest values in wk 4 and wk 5. The rate of gas production (c) showed the highest values in wk 6 (0.034) and wk 7 (0.039), whereas from wk 1 to wk 5 the rate remained constant ~ 0.032/h. Initial lag time before gas production begins (L) had the lowest value in wk1 (4.4), while from wk 2 to wk 7 values remained close to 5.2.

Average NHA was 11 (kg/ha/d), whereas AHM was 1,932 (kg/ha DM). Pasture morphological composition is shown in Figure 1. Green pasture represented 58 % of AHM, with and increasing trend towards the end of the study, due to some light rains; whereas leaf represented 38 % of the AHM. Cynodon plectostachyus was the predominant grass representing 92 % of the botanical composition; while Paspalum notatum and Paspalum convexum represented 5 and 3 %, respectively.

Figure 1 Available herbage mass (AHM) (kg/ha DM), morphological composition (kg/ha DM) throughout experimental weeks 

Table 1 shows ingredients and chemical composition of supplements. Average DM was 864 g/kg. Crude protein contents were 124 (CS), 113 (GM) and, 119 (SCM) g/kg DM. Neutral detergent fibre of CS was 43 % higher (379 g/kg DM) than experimental supplements (218 and 214 g/kg DM for GM and SCM, respectively).

Molasses inclusion increased values for dry mater digestibility (DMd), organic matter digestibility (OMd) and neutral detergent fibre digestibility (NDFd), as well as estimated metabolizable energy (MJ/kg DM), compared with CS and GM. SCM water soluble content represented by the a fraction produced higher gas volume (68.1), than CS (59.8) and GM (46.5) (Table 1). Soluble fermentation rate of CS was lower (0.098), than GM and SCM (0.128 and 0.153, respectively). Insolubles (b), which is the insoluble but potentially fermentable material was higher for GM (274.2), than CS (256.8) and SCM (255.7). The lag phase was shorter for MOS (4.2 h), intermediate for GM (5.5 h) and longer for CS (5.8 h).

Table 3 shows animal productive response variables. There were no significant differences due to treatments, with the exception of DMI and milk yield (P<0.01). The effect of week was highly significant (P<0.01) for all variables.

Table 3 Least squares means of animal response variables due to control supplement (CS), ground maize supplement (GM) and, sugar cane molasses supplement (SCM) on dual-purpose lactating cows during dry season 

Dry matter intake, kg/d 12.2a 11.1b 11.7ab 0.27
Milk, kg/d 6.2ab 5.7a 7.0b 0.31
Fat, g/kg 33.8 34.6 33.2 2.1
Protein, g/kg 30.5 30.5 30.6 0.19
Lactose, g/kg 42.2 43.1 42.7 0.43
Milk urea nitrogen, mg/dL 8.0 7.5 7.5 0.28
Cow weight, kg 430 406 430 16.9
Cow weight gain, kg/d 0.283 0.136 0.281 0.13
Body condition score, 1-5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.03
Calves daily weight gain, kg/d 0.68 0.71 0.73 0.07

a,b,c Means within a row with different superscript are significantly different (P<0.05).

Dry matter intake (kg/cow/d) of CS was statistically not different (P>0.05) from SCM (12.2 and 11.7 kg/d, respectively), but significantly different (P<0.05) from GM (11.1 kg/d); whereas GM and SCM were not different from each other (P>0.05).

Milk yield was statistically similar between CS and SCM with 6.2 and 7 kg/cow/d; whereas GM (5.7 kg) was different from SCM but similar to CS. There were no differences (P>0.05) for the rest of the response variables. Fat, protein and lactose mean contents were 33.9, 30.5 and 42.7 (g/kg), respectively. Mean milk urea nitrogen (MUN) was 7.7 (mg/dL).

Live-weight was not different between treatments (430, 406 and 430 kg/cow, for CS, GM and SCM, respectively). Cows given CS, GM and SCM had similar (P>0.05) daily weight gains of 0.283, 0.136 and 0.281 (kg/d), respectively. The average body condition score (BCS) was 1.5 points. Calves mean weight gain was 0.7 (kg/d) (Table 3).

Table 4 shows the partial budget analysis of milk and beef (weaned calves) due to supplements. Molasses supplement had a higher production cost (i.e. total supplement cost), but had better economic returns (i.e. total milk profit margin).

Table 4 Milk and beef production cost due to supplements: control (CS), ground maize (GM) and sugar cane molasses (SCM) 

Total supplement, kg/treatment 2,730 2,730 2,730 2,730
Supplement cost, $/kg DM 0.24 0.25 0.27 0.25
%Ŧ -0.05 -0.01 +0.07
Total supplement cost, $ 655 677 660 664
%Ŧ -0.01 +0.02 -0.01
Milk production Total milk yield, kg/treatment 3,260 3,041 3,713 3,338
%Ŧ -0.02 -0.09 +0.11
Milk selling price, $/kg 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39
Milk sales incomes, $ 1,269 1,184 1,446 1,300
%Ŧ -0.02 -0.09 +0.11
Milk production cost, $/kg 0.20 0.22 0.20 0.21
%Ŧ -0.03 +0.06 -0.03
Milk´s profit margin, $/kg 0.19 0.17 0.18
%Ŧ +0.04 -0.07 0.19 0.04
Total milk´s profit margin, $/treatment 613 507 721 614
%Ŧ 0.0 -0.17 +0.17
Total milk´s profit margin, $/cow 102 85 120 102
%Ŧ 0.0 -0.17 +0.17
Supplement, kg/treatment 601 601 601 601
Supplement cost, $/kg 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24
Total supplement cost, $ 144 144 144 144
Beef production Beef produce, kg/treatment 371 388 399 386
%Ŧ -0.04 0.0 +0.03
Beef selling price, $/kg 3.24 3.24 3.24 3.24
Beef incomes, $/treatment 1,205 1,258 1,293 1,252
%Ŧ -0.04 0.0 +0.03
Beef production cost, $/kg 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34
Beef margin profit, $/treatment 1,064 1,118 1,153 1,112
%Ŧ -0.04 +0.01 +0.04
Beef margin profit, $/calf 177 186 192 185
%Ŧ -0.04 +0.01 +0.04
Total net margin profit, ($) (milk + beef) 1,678 1,625 1,874 1,726
%Ŧ -0.03 -0.06 +0.09

%Ŧ= Difference in relation to mean.

Beef production (kg/treatment as weaned calves) for SCM was higher (399 kg) than CS and GM (371 and 388 kg, respectively); resulting in higher beef incomes and profit margins. GM was second best for both indicators.

Overall, SCM was the treatment with higher total net profit margin from milk plus beef with $1,874 (P<0.01); whereas CS came second ($1,678) and, GM generated the lowest total net profit margin with $1,625.


The AHM in grazing areas remained low but constant in the grazing areas. The low but constant forage production during the experiment in spite of dry conditions could be due to water filtered to pastures from a stream that runs across the study area. This may explain in part the constant green material in grazing areas from wk1 to wk9; whereas the sharp increment was due to unusual rain at the end of the study.

In spite of these, the chemical composition of pasture across the experiment was low in terms of CP, DMd, and estimated ME. Similar chemical and agronomic characteristics of pastures dominated by Cynodon plectostachyus, from a nearby location to this study have been reported17,18.

Molasses inclusion improved in vitro degradability of the supplement given by the fractions a and b, resulting in 0.5 MJ of estimated ME more than CS and GM. This improvement could have had a positive impact on forage digestibility, by improving the ruminal environment due to the supply of readily available energy, which could have increased dry matter intake (additive effect), as demonstrated in previous studies19,20,21.

The second best supplement was CS, according to soluble fraction a. Better degradation kinetics were expected in the GM than in the CS, since a small particle size of maize grain increases starch digestibility (high soluble fraction)22. However, CS had a higher soluble (a) fraction, higher insoluble (potentially degradable “b”) and higher insoluble fermentation rate, than GM. These could be due to higher proportion of husk and cob material in CS, which have a greater potential degradability, compared with GM.

The low milk production response of cows on GM was unexpected, since ground maize has been reported to yield more energy in rumen in the form of propionate production. Rumen propionate production has been reported as the main driver of milk in lactating dairy cows4.

One possible explanation to the low milk production response could be related to the fact that GM had about 20 % less soybean than the other two supplements. Low rumen degradable protein has been related to lower NDF digestibility23,24.

Furthermore, under low grass quality conditions like in this experiment, sugar cane molasses supplemented with urea, could be a better alternative than ground maize as a source of energy, since sugars are more rapidly fermented in the rumen than the starch from maize, allowing a readily supply of energy to rumen microbes. This may explain the higher soluble fraction and shorter lag phase of SCM25.

Milk yields and milk composition in this study were lower than yields of Holstein and Brown Swiss x Zebu cows26,27. However, cows in both studies lost weight (~ 40 kg) and BCS, attributed to insufficient nutrients provided by the supplements; contrary to weight gained by the cows in this experiment (~ 0.233 kg/d).

In this study, treatments did not affect milk composition (i.e. fat, protein or lactose); contrary to this, reports show significant differences in protein yield (kg/d) due to a reduction in maize grain particle size that increased starch fermentation, resulting on higher propionate concentration in rumen23.

Despite cows did gain weight due to supplements (average 0.233 kg/d), body condition score remained unchanged throughout the experiment (~1.5). Dual purpose cows under typical management do not receive enough energy supplies, resulting in small cow size, and limited dry matter intake capacity limiting milk yields. To overcome this situation, it has been proposed supplementation of good quality tropical grasses (0.6 to 4.4 kg/d), and supplements (between 4.0 and 5.0 kg/d), all year round. By doing this, cows will likely be on a better body condition score, (positive energy balance), particularly during critical periods like early lactation, resulting on higher milk yields28.

It is important to note that the weather conditions during the dry season were atypical so the economic analysis should be taken with caution. From the economic point of view, molasses inclusion in the supplement increased profits from milk and beef. The small milk yield difference between these two treatments made a significant economic difference in milk and beef profit margin29.

Combined net profit margins from milk and beef (weaned calves) were around 9 % higher for SCM compared to CS and GM. Molasses has been reported as an energy supplement that results in better milk and beef revenues29,30. However, these effects do not always happen. In situations when molasses is of high cost, its inclusion in dairy cow supplements represented a loss of revenue due to the small milk response31.

Farms in the study region cannot adopt any kind of forage conservation due to the steep conditions of pastures, besides the increased cost due to labour and machinery. Therefore, molasses inclusion in supplements during the dry season could be a supplementation alternative to sustain animal production performance, when forages are limited and of low quality.

Conclusions and implications

Partial replacement of cracked maize ears with sugar cane molasses, in supplements for grazing Brown Swiss dual purpose cows during the dry season, significantly increased milk yields over a supplement with ground maize. There were no differences in other animal productive response variables. Combined net profit margins (milk and calf sales) were on average 9 % higher when including sugar cane molasses in supplements.


For the financial support of the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) of Mexico and to the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEMEX). Gratitude is also expressed for the funding of this research through grants 1003/2012RCA (UAEMEX) and 129449 CB-2009 (CONACYT).


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Received: August 05, 2017; Accepted: April 30, 2018

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