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vol.35 número90El mercado internacional de la miel de abeja y la competitividad de México índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista de economía

versión On-line ISSN 2395-8715


ALVAREZ-AROS, Erick Leobardo. Determining factors of innovation in the competitiveness of the automotive autopart industry in Mexico. Rev. econ. [online]. 2018, vol.35, n.90, pp.125-153. ISSN 2395-8715.

Currently, adaptation to change is achieved with key elements such as innovation in organizations. Therefore, this work determined the main factors of innovation and competitiveness in the automotive autoparts industry in México. For this, a Likert questionnaire was applied to a final sample of 141 companies and a factorial analysis and a multiple regression were carried out. The results conclude a positive and significant relationship between the internal competitiveness factor and the organizational innovation factor. It is suggested to study the exogenous factors of innovation and competitiveness in future research.

Palabras llave : innovation; business competitiveness; competitive advantage; auto parts industry.

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