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Revista mexicana de física
versão impressa ISSN 0035-001X


Rev. mex. fis. vol.68 no.6 México Nov./Dez. 2022

 ·  Description of nuclear properties for 114-128Cd isotopes
Mohammed Ali, A.; Alkhayat, R. B.; Yousif, M. M.; Abed Al-Jubbori, M.; Kassim, H. H.; Sharrad, F. I.

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 ·  Quasi-point versus point nodes in Sr2RuO4, the case of a flat tight binding γ sheet
Contrera, P.; Osorio, D.; Tsuchiya, S.

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 ·  Computational study of structural stability, elastic, electronic, magnetic and thermodynamic properties of the Rh2-based full-Heusler compounds: Rh2MnZ (Z = Sn, Pb, Tl) by FP-LAPW method
Benichou, B.; Bouchenafa, H.; Nabi, Z.; Bouabdallah, B.

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 ·  Dynamics of the capillary rise in tilted Taylor-Hauksbee cells
Diéz-Barroso, R.; Medina, A.; Lopez-Villa, A.; Higuera, F. J.

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 ·  The q-deformed heat equation and q-deformed diffusion equation with q-translation symmetry
Sang Chung, W.; Hassanabadi, H.; Křiž, J.

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 ·  Radiation from a dipole perpendicular to the interface between two planar semi-infinite magnetoelectric media
Franca, O. J.; Urrutia, L. F.

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 ·  Relativistic hyperbolic motion and its higher order kinematic quantities
Pérez-Román, I; Rosu, H. C.

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 ·  The non-relativistic treatment of heavy tetraquark masses in the logarithmic quark potential
Abu-Shady, M.; Ahmed, M. M. A.; Gerish, N. H.

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 ·  Initial State Radiation and Beamstrahlung in the production of a resonance of mass m Z ' in 3-3-1 model
Morgan Cruz, C. A.; Ramírez Ulloa, G. H.; Rivasplata Mendoza, A. I.; Ramos Villalobos, K. J.; Rabanal Muñoz, J. F.; Gil Ramírez, R. J.; Cieza Montalvo, J. E.

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 ·  A novel theoretical study of elastic and electronic properties of Os2YAl, (Y=Sc, Ti, V) Heusler Alloys
Taouaf, L.; Mebrek, M.; Sofiane Bendelhoum, M.; Berber, M.

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 ·  Nonlinear effects and applications for piezoelectric materials
Jaramillo Alvarado, A. F.; Hidalga-Wade, F. J. de la; Rosales Quintero, P.; Torres Jacome, A.

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 ·  Structural, electronic and optical properties of the wide band gap semiconductors KGaQ2 (Q = S, Se) and of AGaTe2 (A = K, Cs)
Benmekideche, N.; Fetah, S.; Belgoumri, Gh.; Bentabet, A.; Benmakhlouf, A.

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 ·  Half-metallic and thermodynamic properties of new d0 CsCaZ (Z= Ge, Sn and Pb) half Heusler alloys: A spin-based devices vision for the future
Bendahma, F.; Mana, M.; Hammou, M.; Terkhi, S.; Benderdouche, N.; Bentata, S.

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 ·  Uncertainties in theoretical predictions for γ d π 0 d observables near threshold due to the use of different elementary amplitudes
Al-Ghamdi, H. M.; Darwish, E. M.; Ibraheem, A. A.; Abou-Elsebaa, H. M.

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 ·  Impact of nonlinearity and wave dispersion parameters on the soliton pulses of the (2+1)-dimensional Kundu-Mukherjee-Naskar equation
Rayhanul Islam, S. M.; Kumar, D.; Fendzi-Donfack, E.; Inc, M.

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 ·  Design and simulation of hybrid SET-CMOS logic inverter using macro-model technique
Kazdir, M. S. El; Rzaizi, M.; Assali, K. El; Abouelaoualim, D.

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 ·  First principle investigation of physical properties of MNiBi: (M = Sc, Y) half-Heusler compounds
Missoum, D.-E.; Bencherif, K.; Bensaid, D.

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 ·  Standard enthalpies of formation of 3-hydroxyphthalic anhydride
López-Ortega, M.; García-Castro, M. A.; Galicia-Aguilar, J. A.; Aranda-García, R. J.; Ramos-Hernández, H. S.; Díaz-Sánchez, F.

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 ·  Prediction of equations of state of molecular liquids by an artificial neural network
Torres-Carbajal, A.; Que-Salinas, U.; Ramírez-González, P. E.

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