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Journal of applied research and technology
versão On-line ISSN 2448-6736versão impressa ISSN 1665-6423


J. appl. res. technol vol.2 no.3 Ciudad de México Dez. 2004

Antennas array adjust with adaptive neuronal system
Padrón, A.; Garduño, J. I.; Herrera, A. A.; Prieto, R.

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Flow control design for a flexible and adaptive router in parallel systems
De Luca, A.; Jiménez, A.

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Hearing Aid. measurement of electroacoustical characteristics
Pérez-Ruiz, S. J.; Damián-Zamacona, R.; Quintana-Thierry, S.; Bañuelos-Saucedo, M. A.; Castillo-Hernández, J.

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Capture of events midi in parallel with FPGAs'
Peña, M.; De Luca, A.

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Digital blood pressure monitor
Fuentes, R.; Bañuelos, M. A.

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Laser ultrasonic for measurements of velocity distribution in pipes
Navarrete, M.; Hernández, F.; Morales, J.; Villagrán-Muniz, M.

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Product engineering of a laboratory electronic equipment
Calva O., G.; Pérez S., J.L.; Juárez A., J.L.; Pérez L., S.

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Design and fabrication of a low speed impact tester
Navarrete, M.; Godínez, F. A.; Serrania, F.

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Meteorological unit for didactic uses (UMUD)
Damián, R.; Calva, G.; Bañuelos, M.; Castillo, J.; Quintana, S.

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Acoustic emission analyzer
Almeida-Pérez, J. J.; Chaparro-Sánchez, R.; Rojas-Molina, A.; Ríos-Cabrera, R.

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