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vol.66 número6Structural, electronic, and optical properties of quaternary alloys Al0.50Ga0.50NxSb1-x: a first-principles studyRadiation guided along a cylindrical symmetry system according to the refractive index profile índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista mexicana de física

versão impressa ISSN 0035-001X


LOPEZ-LAURRABAQUIO, G. et al. Analysis in the generation of reactive oxygen species through the interaction between the secondary radiation of the compound system (cisplatin and silica nanoparticle) and intracellular water. Rev. mex. fis. [online]. 2020, vol.66, n.6, pp.797-802.  Epub 31-Jan-2022. ISSN 0035-001X.

Through computer simulations of Monte Carlo (TOPAS-nBio code), the generation of reactive oxygen species will be analyzed when applying external radiation with electrons which energy is 5 keV to the physical system: composite system and intracellular water. This study of the generation of reactive species was focused exclusively on the interaction between secondary radiation from the composite system and intracellular water. This secondary radiation originates from the platinum atom and oxygens (from the composite system) to be the greater influence relative to platinum, which mainly consists of electrons called Auger. In this work, only the influence of these ionizing electrons in intracellular water is considered, leading to the generation of reactive oxygen species. Furthermore, the interaction between the nanoparticle surface and cisplatin was not taken into account.

Palavras-chave : Monte Carlo; reactive species; auger.

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