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Revista mexicana de física

versão impressa ISSN 0035-001X

Rev. mex. fis. vol.67 no.3 México Mai./Jun. 2021  Epub 21-Fev-2022 


Gravitation, Mathematical Physics and Field Theory

Conjugate spinor field equation for massless spin- 3/2 field in de Sitter ambient space

S. Falahi1 

S. Parsamehr2 

1Department of Physics, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran. e-mail:

2Department of Physics, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran. e-mail:


The quantum field theory in de Sitter ambient space provides us with a comprehensive description of massless gravitational fields. Using the gauge-covariant derivative in the de Sitter ambient space, the gauge invariant Lagrangian density has been found. In this paper, the equation of the conjugate spinor for massless spin-3/2 field is obtained using the Euler-Lagrange equation. Then the field equation is written in terms of the Casimir operator of the de Sitter group. Finally, the gauge invariant field equation is presented.

Keywords: De Sitter space-time; conjugate spinor; field equation; massless spin-3/2

PACS: 04.62.+v; 11.15.-q; 11.10.-z


The experimental data and cosmological observations show that the universe is expanding with a constant positive acceleration, i.e., the space-time can be non-flat 1-6. Since the simplest curved space-time that corresponds to these observations is de Sitter space-time and this space-time has maximal symmetry, the group of ten parametric SO (1,4) is the kinematic group of the de Sitter space. Therefore, quantum field theory, gauge theory and quantum cosmology are investigated in this space-time 7-16.

Supersymmetry has been introduced as one of the fundamental principles of all the efforts to achieve the grand unified theory. It acts in such a way that the relationship between the bosons (integer-valued spin) and the fermions (half-integer spin) is established. In the supersymmetry, all the particles have a partner. For example, for a graviton ( gravity-carrier particle with a spin-2), a partner with a spin-32 called gravitino can be considered. With the development of quantum field theory, gauge theories and their very successful results, everyone began to think about quantization and gauge everything. As far as gauge theories are concerned, it should be considered that the structure of a particular symmetry called gauge symmetry, should remain invariant. Quantum gravity theories that use supersymmetry are called supergravity and seek to unify the gravitational interaction with other fundamental interactions. It should be noted that supergravity is a local supersymmetry theory 17. Therefore, gauge theory can be extended to gravity 18.

To understand physical systems, we must obtain the equation of motion of physical quantities or, equivalently, the system’s Lagrangian. In Lagrangian mechanics, changes in a physical system are described through solving the Euler-Lagrange equation for that system’s behavior. The spin-32 field equation was first introduced by William Rarita and Julian Schwinger in 1941 using the Euler Lagrange method 19.

The field quantization and the gauge theory are reformulated in the ambient space formalism 12. In the de Sitter ambient space formalism the spinor fields can be written in terms of the de Sitter plane wave. The dS plane wave cannot be defined properly since the plane wave solution has the singularity in the limit x (x is the ambient space coordinate) 14. Therefore, in ambient space formalism only the massless fields with spin 0,12,1,32,2 can propagate. We assume that the interactions between the elementary systems in the universe are governed by the gauge principle and formulated through the gauge-covariant derivative which is defined as a quantity that preserves the gauge invariant transformation of the Lagrangian. In quantum field theory, the Gupta-Bleuler quantization method is used to eliminate the infrared divergence of the two-point function 20-22. According to this method, the quantum field affects the space including all states with positive and negative norm. In this formalism, of all the degrees of freedom, only two are physical 12,13.

In the previous work, we introduced Lagrangian for massless spin-32 field in de Sitter space-time. Due to the complex and difficult calculations, we intend to present more details of the calculations in this article. The notation of ambient space is briefly reviewed in Sec. 2. In Sec. 3, through this notation, we calculate the conjugate spinor field equation also the equation of this field is invariant. A brief conclusion is presented in Sec. 4. Finally, details of mathematical calculations are given in two appendices.


It has been discovered today that the universe is accelerating, with a small, but non-zero and positive cosmological constant, Therefore, it can be concluded that the shape and geometry of the universe is curved. So, in the first-order approximation, we can use the de Sitter space-time to explain the curved universe. This space-time is a 4-dimensional hyperboloid that can be embedded in a Minkowski 5-dimensional space-time 14,15:

XH={x\R5|xx=ηαβxα×xβ=-H-2},α,β=0,1,2,3,4, (1)

where ηαβ=diag(1,-1,-1,-1,-1) and H is the Hubble parameter. The metric is defined as follows:

ds2=ηαβdxαdxβ|x2=-H-2=gμνdSdXμdXν, μ=0,1,2,3, (2)

where Xμ are the components of the coordinate four-vector in a system of intrinsic coordinates on a hyperboloid and xα is the five dimensional Minkowski space-time (de Sitter ambient space). Two Casimir operators of the group include:

Q(1)=-12LαβLαβ,α,β=0,1,2,3,4, (3)

Q(2)=-WαWα,Wα=18ϵαβγδηLβγLδη, (4)

where ϵαβγδη is an anti-symmetric tensor, and Lαβ are ten infinitismal generators in de Sitter space. They can be written as a linear combination: Lαβ=Mαβ+Sαβ. Where Mαβ is the orbital part and Sαβ is the spinoral part. In this formalism, the space Mαβ is represented as

Mαβ=-i(xαβ-xβα)=-i(xαβ-xβα), (5)

where β=θβαα is the transverse derivative (x.=0) and θαβ=ηαβ+H2xαxβ is the projection tensor on de sitter hyperboloid. For half-integer spin fields s=l+1/2, the spinoral part is defined as:

Sαβ(s)=Sαβ(l)+Sαβ(12), (6)

where Sαβ for spin (1/2) field is:

Sαβ=-i4[γα,γβ], (7)

and the γ-matrices satisfy following relation:

{γα,γβ}=2ηαβI. (8)

A proper display for them is :

γ0=I00-I,γ4=0I-I0,  γ1=0iσ1iσ10,γ2=0-iσ2-iσ20, γ3=(0iσ3iσ30), (9)

γα=γ0γαγ0(γ4)2=-1(γ0)2=1, (10)

where I is unit 2 x 2 matrix and σi are the Pauli matrices. It should be noted that for massless spin-(3/2) field Q(3/2)(1) is :

Q32(1)Ψα=Q0(1)Ψα+xΨα+2xαΨ-112Ψα+γαΨ, (11)

Q0(1)=-αα is the “scalar” Casimir operator.

3.Conjugate spinor field equation for massless spin-3/2 field

It is believed that the gauge theory is the basis of fundamental particle interactions. The Lagrangian for massless spin-(3/2) field is peresented, in the linear approximation, by using the gauge theory and defining the gauge covariant derivative. In the ambient space notation the gauge covariant derivative can be defined as DβΨ=β+i(ΨβA)γ0QA, with A = 1,…N13. The vector-spinor field equation Ψα(x) is obtained from the usual Euler-Lagrange equations. This Lagrangian is invariant under the gauge transformation: ΨαΨαg=Ψα+αψ, and Ψ̃αΨ̃αg=Ψ̃α+αψ̃ (see more details 23):

L=(~αΨ~β-~βΨ~α)(αΨβ-βΨα), (12)

α is a transverse-covariant derivative which is defined to obtain an invariant Lagrangian according to the following equation:

βΨα1....αl(β+γβx̸)Ψα1....αl-n=1lxαnΨα1..αn-1βαn+1..αl, (13)

also for the conjugate spinor Ψ̃α:

~βΨ~α1....αlβΨ~α1....αl-n=1lxαnΨ~α1..αn-1βαn+1..αl, (14)

where x̸=γαxα and γα=θαβγβ. The above equations are specifically designed for our calculations:

αΨβ=αΨβ+γαx̸Ψβ-xβΨα, (15)

~βΨ~α=βΨ~α-xαΨ~β. (16)

Now we want to obtain the field equation for the conjugate spinor (Ψ̃α=Ψαγ0) by using the Euler-Lagrange equation in the linear approximation. The Euler-Lagrange equation is:

δLδΨm-lδLδ(lΨm)=0. (17)

First, we extend each terms of the (11):

A=(αΨβ-βΨα)=αΨβ+γαxΨβ-βΨα-γβxΨα, (18)

B=(~αΨ~β-~βΨ~α)=(αΨ~β-xβΨ~α-βΨ~α+xαΨ~β). (19)

By use the Euler-Lagrange equation, we consider the following terms:

δLδΨm=(γαxδmβ-γβxδmα)(~αΨ~β-~βΨ~α), (20)


δLδ(lΨm)=(δlαδmβ-δlβδmα)(~αΨ~β-~βΨ~α), (21)

if β=m, then, one obtains:

δLδΨm=γαx(~αΨ~β-~βΨ~α), (22)

δLδ(lΨm)=δlα(~αΨ~β-~βΨ~α). (23)

Now, by placing the above expressions in the Euler-Lagrange equation, the field equation is obtained as follows:

γαx(~αΨ~β-~βΨ~α)-α(~αΨ~β-~βΨ~α)=0, (24)

this equation can be written in the summarized form:

(α-γαx̸)(~αΨ~β-~βΨ~α)=0. (25)

In the Appendix A, the field equations for the conjugate spinor is obtained by using the second order Casimir operator:

(Q32(1)+52)Ψ~α+α(x̸Ψ̸~+Ψ~)-2(γαΨ̸~+x̸̸Ψ~α-Ψ~α)=0. (26)

In this here we present the gauge invariant field equation for the conjugate spinor. Given the definition of Q32(1), we rewrite (25) as follows:

-Q0Ψ~β+Ψ~β-2xβ(Ψ~)-β(Ψ~)\na+x̸̸Ψ~β-xβx̸Ψ~-x̸βΨ~=0. (27)

We show that the above equation is invariant under the following gauge transformation:

Ψ̃αΨ̃αg=Ψ̃α+αψ̃, (28)

with Ψ as an arbitrary spinor field. Therefore, (26) comes as follows:

-Q0(Ψ~β+βψ~)+Ψ~β+βψ~-2xβα(Ψ~α+αψ~)-βα(Ψ~α+αψ~)+x̸̸(Ψ~β+βψ~)-xβx̸(Ψ~+\slashedψ~)-x̸β(Ψ~+\slashedψ~)=0. (29)

Consequently, we can derive:

=-Q0Ψ~β+Ψ~β-2xβ(Ψ~)-β(Ψ~)+x̸̸Ψ~β-xβx̸Ψ~-x̸βΨ~-Q0βψ~+βψ~-2xβααψ-βααψ+\slashedx\slashedβψ~-xβx̸\slashedψ~-\slashedxβ\slashedψ~=0=0. (30)

For a gauge invariant, the last terms must be zero. In order to prove this, we use the following auxiliary relationships:

[α,̸]=x̸α-xα̸, (31)

[α,Q0]=-6α-2(Q0+4)xα. (32)

Thus, the last terms of equation (29) are

-Q0βψ~+βψ~-2xβααψ-βααψ+xβψ~-xβx̸ψ~-xβψ~=2xβQ0ψ~+βψ~-xβx̸\ψ~-6βψ~-2Q0xβψ~-8xβψ~+xβx̸\ψ~+βψ~. (33)

After some simplification, the equation (32) becomes:

2xβQ0ψ̃-4βψ̃-2Q0xβψ̃-8xβψ̃=2(xβQ0-Q0xβ)ψ̃-4βψ̃-8xβψ̃. (34)

Finally, using the auxiliary relationship [xα,Q0]=2α+4xα, we obtain:

=2(2β+4xβ)ψ̃-4βψ̃-8xβψ̃=0, (35)

proving that the field equation is invariant.


In order to better understand the evolution of the universe, it is necessary to extend the theory of quantum fields, field interactions, or gauge theory, supersymmetry and supergravity in the de Sitter space-time. We studied the conjugate spinor field equation for massless gravitational field by the Euler-Lagrange equation in the de Sitter ambient space formalism. The field equation in terms of the Casimir operator is obtained. We have shown that the field equation of the conjugate spinor for massless spin-(3/2) field is gauge invariant. Studies of this kind are of particular interest given the recent observations of gravitational waves (LIGO Collaboration); the graviton is a particle that is believed to carry the force of gravity, which would be accompanied by the gravitino in a supersymmetric theory in curved space.


We would like to express our heartfelt thank and sincere gratitude to Professor M.V. Takook and E. Yusofi for their helpful discussions. This work has been supported by the Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah Branch, Kermanshah, Iran.


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A. The field equation in terms of Casimir operator

Here we want to show how the field equation is written in terms of the Casimir operator:

(α-γαx̸)(αΨ~β-xβΨ~α-βΨ~α+xαΨ~β)=0, (A.1)

α(αΨ~β-xβΨ~α-βΨ~α+xαΨ~β)1-γαx̸(αΨ~β-xβΨ~α-βΨ~α+xαΨ~β)2=0. (A.2)

We first consider the expression 1:

ααΨ̃β-xβΨ̃α-βΨ̃α+xαΨ̃β=α(αΨ̃β)-α(xβΨ̃α)-α(βΨ̃α)+α(xαΨ̃β), (A.3)

=-Q0Ψ̃β-(αxβ)Ψ̃α-xβ(αΨ̃α)-α(βΨ̃α)+4Ψ̃β, (A.4)

=-Q0Ψ̃β-(δβα+xβxα)Ψ̃α-xβ(Ψ̃)-α(βΨ̃α)+4Ψ̃β, (A.5)

=-Q0Ψ̃β-Ψ̃β-xβ(Ψ̃)-(βαΨ̃α+xβαΨ̃α-xαβΨ̃α)+4Ψ̃β, (A.6)

=-Q0Ψ̃β+3Ψ̃β-2xβ(Ψ̃)-β(Ψ̃)+xαβΨ̃α, (A.7)

=-Q0Ψ̃β+2Ψ̃β-2xβ(Ψ̃)-β(Ψ̃). (A.8)

We first consider the expression 2:

-γαx̸(αΨ~β-xβΨ~α-βΨ~α+xαΨ~β), (A.9)

=-(2xα-xγα)(αΨ~β-xβΨ~α-βΨ~α+xαΨ~β), (A.10)

=2xαβΨ~α-2xαxαΨ~β+x̸̸Ψ~β-x̸γαxβΨ~α-x̸γαβΨ~α+x̸xαΨ~α, (A.11)

=x̸̸Ψ~β-xβx̸Ψ~-x̸βΨ~-Ψ~β, (A.12)

in the above calculations, we have used the terms xΨ=0 and x=0. According to 1 and 2 we can write the equation of motion as follow:

=-Q0Ψ~β+Ψ~β-2xβ(Ψ~)-β(Ψ~)+x̸̸Ψ~β-xβx̸Ψ~-x̸βΨ~=0. (A.13)

Finally, given Q32(1) definition, we have:

(Q32(1)+52)Ψ~α+α(x̸Ψ̸~+Ψ~)-2(γαΨ̸~+x̸̸Ψ~α-Ψ~α)=0. (A.14)

B. The auxiliary relationships

Here are some of the auxiliary relationships used in this article:


Received: October 02, 2020; Accepted: January 06, 2021

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