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Estudios de historia novohispana

versão On-line ISSN 2448-6922versão impressa ISSN 0185-2523


ACOCAL MORA, Sandra. Pipiltin and macehualtin Government of San Pablo Quauhtotoatlan, Tlaxcala, 16th Century. Estud. hist. novohisp [online]. 2023, n.69, pp.115-145.  Epub 27-Fev-2024. ISSN 2448-6922.

The article that I present explains the way in which the authorities of the subject town of Quauhtotoatlan organized themselves to govern in coordination with the highest authorities, which concentrated in the city of Tlaxcala. These mandones or tequitlatoque (“those who are in charge of distributing the tribute and/or the work”), of pilli and macehualtin status -nobles and common people, respectively- were well versed in the ancient and Castilian forms of government. Through a study of Quauhtotoatlan, I hypothesize that those gears which allowed the apparatus of the Indian cabildo to move were the authorities of the towns of the province of Tlaxcala. The primary sources here consulted come from the Archivo Histórico de Tlaxcala, the Archivo General de la Nación, and the Biblioteca del Museo Nacional de Antropología e Historia.

Palavras-chave : Indian cabildo; pipiltin; macehualtin; mandones; tequitlatoque.

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