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vol.48 número190La universidad en crisis, ¿amenaza o reafirmación de su ontología?Las universidades frente al aseguramiento de la calidad y las políticas de financiamiento de la investigación: estudios de caso en el sector privado argentino índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista de la educación superior

versão impressa ISSN 0185-2760


ABELLO ROMERO, Juan; MANCILLA-MANCILLA, Claudio  e  GANGA-CONTRERAS, Francisco. Factors influencing the preference for the type of leadership structure of the Supreme Collegiate Body of Ibero American universities. Rev. educ. sup [online]. 2019, vol.48, n.190, pp.23-43.  Epub 10-Jan-2020. ISSN 0185-2760.

This paper shows how personal characteristics and organizational context influence individuals who are part of the academic community of Ibero American universities to choose a type of leadership structure of governments college students, based on agency theory or server theory. The study was made in universities where the currently rector also presides the Supreme Collegiate Body, that is, the rector has a double role. To achieve the work objective, nonparametric analyses and two matching procedures are performed with bootstraping to obtain more precise results.

Palavras-chave : University corporative governments; Board of Directors; Leadership structure; Universities; Higher education.

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