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Salud mental

versão impressa ISSN 0185-3325


RODRIGUEZ-PEREZ, Víctor; VALENCIA-FLORES, Matilde; REYES-LAGUNES, Isabel  e  LARA-MUNOZ, Ma. del Carmen. Adaptation and psychometric validation of the functional outcomes sleep questionnaire (FOSQ) in México City habitants. Salud Ment [online]. 2013, vol.36, n.4, pp.307-313. ISSN 0185-3325.

Excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) is a highly disabling sleep disorder related to alterations in behavioral performance, work injuries and vehicle accidents. A high prevalence of EDS (from 16% to 32%) in the general population has been reported. The Functional Outcomes Sleep Questionnaire (FOSQ) is an instrument that measures the impact of EDS in a patient's functional state in different sleep disorders. This questionnaire has been validated in different countries (Norway, Turkey, Spain). Therefore, the objective of this study was to obtain the cultural validation, the internal consistency, construct validity and factor congruence of the adapted questionnaire for the inhabitants of Mexico City (FOSQ-México). In the first part of the study we translated the questionnaire using the standard methodological process. The FOSQ cultural adaptation was made by the Natural Modified Semantic Networks technique in a sample of 78 participants. In the second part, the adapted FOSQ was applied to 152 participants to test items discrimination, internal consistency, factor analysis by principal-components and factorial congruence with the original version. The principal-components analysis of the FOSQ yielded six meaningful factors that explained 67.2% of the total variance, an average a coefficient between 0.85 to 0.94 for the six factors. The factorial congruence coefficients ranged from 0.360 to 0.969 between the original and the FOSQ-México version. This study demonstrated that the FOSQ version for inhabitants of Mexico City is reliable, valid and conceptually equivalent to the American version.

Palavras-chave : Functional Outcomes Sleep Questionnaire; reliability; validity; excessive daytime sleepiness; sleep disorders; functional status.

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