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vol.41 número6Perfiles de personalidad: estudio comparativo de adolescentes con y sin TDAH índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Salud mental

versão impressa ISSN 0185-3325


PALACIOS-CRUZ, L. et al. Comparison of clinical and cognitive characteristics of a Mexican adult clinical population with and without ADHD. Salud Ment [online]. 2018, vol.41, n.6, pp.297-305. ISSN 0185-3325.


. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder affecting approximately 5% of the world population, with symptoms that may persist into adulthood. Despite the findings on the clinical course of this disorder, information regarding comorbidity patterns, psychosocial and executive functioning in adult life in those with and without ADHD in Latin American samples is scarce.


. The aim of this study is to compare the comorbidity pattern, psychosocial, and executive functioning of adults with and without ADHD from a clinical sample.


. One hundred and fifty-one patients between 20 and 45 years, with screened positively on ASRS-V1.1, were invited to continue an evaluation process as part of clinical research program (PROMETEO): 1) K-SADS-PL Mx interview, 2) MINI-Plus interview, ASRS-V1-1 18 item version, BRIEF self-reported questionnaire, SCQA-ADHD, and 3) Individual case review by clinical expert in ADHD.


. Individuals in the ADHD group had a higher average of comorbid disorders (2.5 SD 1.1 vs. 1.3 SD 1.0 respectively, F = .439; t = -6.621; df = 149; p < .001), more likelihood of procrastinating (OR = 6.5; 95% CI[2.6, 16.2]; z = 4.0) and were more likely to present difficulties in both the behavior regulation index (OR = 104.9; 95% CI[31.8, 345.7]; z = 7.65) and the metacognitive index (OR = 94.79; 95% CI[29.10, 308.76]; z = 7.56) compared to the non-ADHD group, regardless of gender.

Discussion and conclusions

. Our results indicate that the ADHD adult group presented with more comorbidity, and worse psychosocial and executive functioning than non-ADHD adults.

Palavras-chave : ADHD; adult; women; comorbidity; executive functions.

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