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 número98“Una época en la que el Ciudadano ve su seguridad individual respetada”. La circulación del lenguaje de los derechos en los tribunales de la Buenos Aires posrevolucionaria (1810-1830) índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão On-line ISSN 2395-8464versão impressa ISSN 0186-0348


CARBAJAL LOPEZ, David. Canonization or National Holiday: The Celebration of St. Philip of Jesus in Mexico, 1797-1833. Secuencia [online]. 2017, n.98, pp.6-34. ISSN 2395-8464.

The feast of the Blessed Philip of Jesus in the early 19th century makes it possible to analyze the transformations of corporate festive events within the framework of the secularization of the ancien régime to modern liberal order. An analysis of court records, records, reports and printed matter reveals the implications of enlightened criticism and public opinion. First, in the collection of resources following the delegitimization of almsgiving on the basis of the principle of free will; second, in the image of the saint, converted into a national protomartyr by the liberals’ attempt to appropriate the feast despite criticism from more radical elements. Third, in the religious messages: the feast originally served to correct customs and as an example for conversion, yet by the middle of the century, Philip of Jesus came to be regarded as a protector of his compatriots.

Palavras-chave : feasts; ceremonies; enlightened catholicism; alms; secularization.

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