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Perinatología y reproducción humana

versão On-line ISSN 2524-1710versão impressa ISSN 0187-5337


SALDIVAR-RUIZ, Luis et al. New somatometric curves for healthy newborns of average economic level in Mexico City. Perinatol. Reprod. Hum. [online]. 2014, vol.28, n.1, pp.7-15. ISSN 2524-1710.

Introduction: Somatometric curves are useful in the evaluation of pediatric patients. The curves of Dr. Jurado Garcia are 40 years old, so the current usefulness of those curves is controversial. The aim of this work is to report the growth curves performed at the Medical Tower Hospital. Material and methods: A prospective study of 5,799 clinical histories was performed at the Torre Medica Hospital, Mexico City. We included 2,252 newborns born from January 1997 to December 2009. A somatometric evaluation was achieved in relation to gestational age, weight, size, and cephalic perimeter. Results were presented by percentile curves. Results: In our population, the reference curves gave the best results for identifying fetuses with normal (> 3th percentile to < 97th percentile) weigth, size and cephalic perimeter. Curves for weight, length and head circumference were constructed according to gestational age for men and women. Conclusion: The percentiles of Jurado García have proved good concordance between the study population and the chosen reference data. Percentiles and standard deviation (DS) are a simple tool for evaluating the performance of each reference curve. The changes in the last 40 years in Mexico City in development, nutrition, weight and size have been important, therefore, percentils have to be revised for acurracy.

Palavras-chave : Somatometric curves; gestational age; México.

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