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vol.69 número3La responsabilidad social de las empresas: una propuesta de modelo índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista mexicana de sociología

versão On-line ISSN 2594-0651versão impressa ISSN 0188-2503


SIEGLIN, Veronika  e  RAMOS TOVAR, María Elena. Job Stress and Depression among Teachers in the Metropolitan Area of Monterrey. Rev. Mex. Sociol [online]. 2007, vol.69, n.3, pp.517-551. ISSN 2594-0651.

Although the World Health Organization sounded the alarm about the increase in psychic and mental disorders among the economically active population, the deterioration of mental health has yet to be linked to the social and work environment. This article explores and describes depression and anxiety disorders among a non-representative sample of public elementary and secondary school teachers in the Metropolitan Area of Monterrey and its link with work factors in the school environment. The figure indicates that approximately a third of teachers display symptomatology associated with depression and that it is a collective phenomenon.

Palavras-chave : Mental health; job stress; identity policies; education policies; teachers; Mexico.

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