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 número18Televisión y producción de interacciones comunicativas"Un momento y ya volvemos": un análisis de contenido de la publicidad infantil en la televisión chilena índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Comunicación y sociedad

versão impressa ISSN 0188-252X


SALAZAR NAVARRO, Salvador. Behind the Great Wall: China's media system transformation (1979-2009). Comun. soc [online]. 2012, n.18, pp.55-77. ISSN 0188-252X.

This article analyses changes in China's system of public communication in the last three decades. Social communication theory is used to assess the links between communication and society which are part of the resent transition from a paradigm based on "real socialism" to the newly adopted communicative model.

Palavras-chave : China; communicative system; media; social communication theory; media reform.

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