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vol.29 número3Descripción física y geológica del enjambre de diques de NanchititlaGeomorfometría del Escarpe Principal del Golfo de California. Análisis comparativo entre dos segmentos del rift: Sierra San Pedro Mártir y Sierra Juárez, Baja California, México índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista mexicana de ciencias geológicas

versão On-line ISSN 2007-2902versão impressa ISSN 1026-8774


RAMOS-ZUNIGA, Luis G.; MEDINA-FERRUSQUIA, Hugo C.  e  MONTALVO-ARRIETA, Juan C.. Seismicity patterns in the Monterrey curvature, northeastern Mexico. Rev. mex. cienc. geol [online]. 2012, vol.29, n.3, pp.572-589. ISSN 2007-2902.

Northeastern Mexico has been long considered as an aseismic region. The evidence of more than 160years of seismicity has been complemented by installing the the LNIG sismological station in January 2006 (Servicio Sismológico Nacional). The seismicity at continental interiors can be devastating because most urban areas have been built without seismic design criteria. A geodynamic model has been proposed to explain intraplate seismicity patterns from correlating (a) the seismic activity located in the Monterrey curvature, for the period 1847 to 2011, (b) aeromagnetic data, and (c) geological-structural information available. The integration allowed us to correlate the epicenters with mapped lineaments and geological structures. The observed concentration of such seismic activity is mainly located along the geological provinces of the Sierra Madre Oriental and the northern part of the Gulf of Mexico Coastal Plain. On the other hand, the correlation between aeromagnetic data and seismicity allowed the identification of lineaments in the coastal plain that may be associated with geological structures such as the Alto de Terán, sierra San Carlos and sierra Papagayos. We propose that the block limit model may explain the seismicity pattern in the study region. Spatial and temporal variations of seismicity in the study area result from a complex system of interacting faults and the earthquakes cannot be seen as the product of isolated faults.

Palavras-chave : intraplate seismicity; aeromagnetic data; magnetic lineaments; crustal faults.

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