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vol.15 número46El aprendizaje de la maternidad: discursos para la educación de las mujeres en España (siglo XX)Reforma en salud: entre el modelo biomédico y el carácter social de la salud. Atención a pacientes diabéticos no insulino dependientes índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão On-line ISSN 2448-5799versão impressa ISSN 1405-1435


RIANO MARIN, Rosa Elena  e  OKALI, Christine. Empoderamiento de las mujeres a través de su participación en proyectos productivos: experiencias no exitosas. Convergencia [online]. 2008, vol.15, n.46, pp.119-141. ISSN 2448-5799.

The investigation is situated in the middle of the debate on the empowerment of women, and in the discussion on the importance to have an income and programs that promote micro-credits to reach gender equality. The investigation was carried out in the northern part of the State of Veracruz. Groups of women involved in three productive projects with animals, financed by different government agencies were analyzed. Twenty-three households in a rural community were investigated, in which 14 of them lived men and women who are or were part of a productive project. It was found that as a result of their participation women did not experienced processes towards their empowerment; besides, the productive projects generated sporadic and irregular income and few temporary jobs.

Palavras-chave : empowerment; rural women; women's groups; WID; micro credit programmes.

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