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versão impressa ISSN 1405-2768


BEJAR-PULIDO, Silvia Janeth et al. Mechanical and chemical properties of native tree roots and their possible effect on soil stability in Durango. Polibotánica [online]. 2024, n.57, pp.107-124.  Epub 19-Abr-2024. ISSN 1405-2768.

In Mexico, natural disasters related to sediments, such as landslides, landslides and alluviums, are generally induced by anthropogenic activities such as road construction, which modify the vegetation cover, soil characteristics, root density and soil stability. slopes. The objective of this research was to evaluate the mechanical and chemical characteristics of roots of tree forest species (J. deppeana, Q. sideroxyla, P. durangensis y P. cooperi) present in slope cuts of the main road that connects the urban area with the rural area of the municipality of Pueblo Nuevo, Durango. 30 root samples per species were collected and divided into three diameter categories (CD) (CD I = 0.1-3.0 mm, CD II = 3.1-6.0 mm and CD III = 6.1-10 mm). The mechanical properties (maximum breaking force [Fmax], tensile strength [Ts] and elastic modulus [Eroot]) were analyzed with an Instron SATEC universal machine at a constant speed of 10 mm/min. The amount of cellulose, lignin and hemicellulose was determined using the Van-Soest method. The results showed significant differences between species for all the properties analyzed. Particularly J. deppeana presented higher values of Fmax, Ts and Eroot of 402.80 N, 34.06 N mm2, 1283.45 N mm2, as well as the contents of cellulose (40.29%), hemicellulose (12.57%) and lignin (37.63%). The mechanical and chemical characterization of the roots of the evaluated forest species provides important information that can be considered in slope maintenance and rehabilitation activities.

Palavras-chave : soil; fixation; tensile strength; forest species; cellulose.

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