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vol.24 número82Práctica colegiada en la formación inicial docente y construcción del saber pedagógicoFormación del profesorado: Estilos de enseñanza y habilidades emocionales índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista mexicana de investigación educativa

versão impressa ISSN 1405-6666


FUENTES OLAVARRIA, Daniela. Contributions of Experiential Learning in Training Psychiatric Nursing Students: A Qualitative Study. RMIE [online]. 2019, vol.24, n.82, pp.833-851.  Epub 20-Fev-2020. ISSN 1405-6666.

The research objective was to determine the contribution of the experiential learning theory to the training of psychiatric nursing students in an undergraduate course at a private Chilean university. The study was of a qualitative type, designed as a collective case study. A convenience sample was used, along with the analysis of content of a questionnaire answered by 77 students. The results, according to the four areas of the experiential learning theory showed: in the area of concrete experience, ease of contact with patients and greater competence; in reflective observation, a decrease in stigma, a discovery of the meaning of learning, and increased self-knowledge; in abstract conceptualization, comprehension of content; and in active experimentation, innovative methodologies for learning and innovation in solutions for patients.

Palavras-chave : teaching models; university teaching; professional teaching; mental illness.

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