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Innovación educativa (México, DF)

versão impressa ISSN 1665-2673


ZHIZHKO, Elena Anatolievna. Teaching the reading and writing of academic texts to future educational researchers. Innov. educ. (Méx. DF) [online]. 2014, vol.14, n.65, pp.99-113. ISSN 1665-2673.

In this work we present the results of the theoretical analysis of the teaching of reading and writing of academic texts to future educational researchers. The study was conducted from the perspectives of critical hermeneutics (Gadamer), linguistic structuralism (De Saussure, Benveniste), and the theory of speech genres (Bakhtin). Based on the study, we can confirm that the educational researcher's appropriation of one of the necessary tools for his work-scientific language-is carried out through learning the grammatical, syntactical, and logical mechanisms that allow the construction of texts (particularly academic and scientific texts) useful in understanding reality and functioning within it. Active learning (writing) of the scientific language poses a complex problem since it must be strictly limited in terms of style and must represent a functional language used by students as a means of communication. An important support mechanism in the organization of learning academic reading and writing can be the historical-cultural paradigm that presupposes the fact that each student differs from the others according to his age, previous training, social status, psychological traits, skills, etc.

Palavras-chave : Tools for educational research; language and speech genres; use of scientific language; teaching academic reading and writing.

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