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vol.8 número1Percepción de estudiantes con discapacidad visual sobre sus competencias digitales en una universidad pública del sureste de MéxicoDiagnóstico de las habilidades digitales y prácticas pedagógicas de los docentes en educación primaria en el marco del programa Mi Compu.MX índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Apertura (Guadalajara, Jal.)

versão On-line ISSN 2007-1094versão impressa ISSN 1665-6180


SOTO ORTIZ, José Luis  e  TORRES GASTELU, Carlos Arturo. The perception of collaborative work by teaching support digital tools. Apert. (Guadalaj., Jal.) [online]. 2016, vol.8, n.1, 00002. ISSN 2007-1094.

The new creation of curricula at the Faculty of Statistics and Informatics of the University of Veracruz adheres to institutional guideline of promoting continuous improvement in student- centered learning using new information technologies. This exploratory study of mixed type examines the educational experience Telecommunications Principles pertaining to recent education program Bachelor of Computer Networks and Services. Hence the purpose of this paper is to present the perception of students on activities including collaborative work with digital tools. To this end, generating computer programs, oscilloscope and virtual classroom was used, where observations were recorded. Data collection was applied to a group of 28 students through a survey of mixed type, who completed the course. Finally, the results indicate that the group exists in acceptance favorable towards collaborative work using ICT as an integral part of their training.

Palavras-chave : Collaborative work; higher education; communications; digital tools; perception.

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