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 número68Indigenismos antillanos e imagen visual: México, ¿un referente?Crítica romántica y proyecto mestizo en Alternativa Latinoamericana, revista del Movimiento Ecuménico argentino (1985-1990) índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Latinoamérica. Revista de estudios Latinoamericanos

versão On-line ISSN 2448-6914versão impressa ISSN 1665-8574


KANIA, Marta. Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Cultural Heritage: Threats and Challenges for a New Model of Heritage Policy. Latinoamérica [online]. 2019, n.68, pp.121-157. ISSN 2448-6914.

The purpose of this article is to analyze the condition of indigenous peoples’ rights in the context of the protection, safeguard and management of their cultural heritage, especially those elements which have been recognized as of “outstanding universal values” and inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. As the territory of reference, I chose the Latin American area. I point out the negative aspects of the political appropriation of the cultural heritage and the implications of its designation as a World Heritage for indigenous peoples. Referring in particular to the international documents and analyzing the content of the recommendations and reports adopted in recent years by the UN-system, I also try to identify the positive social initiatives and political practices.

Palavras-chave : Heritage; Culture Politics; Indigenous Peoples Rights; Decolonization; Latin America.

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