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vol.84 número1Especies de Cyathus (Basidiomycota: Fungi) del bosque atlántico de Pernambuco: taxonomía y notas ecológicasScutellaria cuevasiana y Scutellaria sublitoralis (Lamiaceae), dos especies nuevas de Jalisco y Nayarit, México índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista mexicana de biodiversidad

versão On-line ISSN 2007-8706versão impressa ISSN 1870-3453


GONZALEZ-GALLEGOS, Jesús Guadalupe; VAZQUEZ-GARCIA, José Antonio  e  CHAZARO-BASANEZ, Miguel de Jesús. Salvia carreyesii, Salvia ibugana and Salvia ramirezii (Lamiaceae), three new species from Jalisco, Mexico. Rev. Mex. Biodiv. [online]. 2013, vol.84, n.1, pp.7-19. ISSN 2007-8706.

Three new species from Jalisco, Mexico, are described and illustrated. These species grow in tropical or in tropical and temperate transitional forests. The 3 species belong to Salvia L. subgenus Calosphace (Benth.) Benth. Salvia carreyesii J. G. González is morphologically similar with section Briquetia Epling. It is characterized by the contrasting vegetative morphology between mature and immature individuals, its relatively large and sessile or sub-sessile leaves (the uppermost amplexicaul), glandular-capitate hairs on the floral axis and calyx, and dark violet corollas. The characters of Salvia ibugana J. G. González correspond to those of the species of section Angulatae (Epling) Epling, within which S. ibugana is distinguished by the digitiform papillae disperse on its stems, petioles and floral axis. Salvia ramirezii J. G. González fits well within section Sigmoideae Epling by means of the sigmoid shape of the lower branch of its style. It is morphologically similar to Salvia crucis and S. quercetorum, from which it can be distinguished by the triangular, slightly succulent, shorter, glabrous, lustrous leaves.

Palavras-chave : digitiform papillae; endemic; Jalisco; section Angulatae; section Briquetia; section Sigmoideae; Salvia subgenus Calosphace.

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