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Revista mexicana de física E

versão impressa ISSN 1870-3542

Rev. mex. fís. E vol.63 no.2 México Jul./Dez. 2017



A novel approach to the Child-Langmuir law

G. Gonzáleza  b 

F.J. Gonzálezb 

aCatedras CONACyT, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí, 78000 México. e-mail:

bCoordinación para la Innovación y la Aplicación de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí, 78000 México.


We analyze the motion of charged particles in a vacuum tube diode using a new set of variables. We obtain the space charge limited current for a charged particle moving non-relativistically in one dimension for the case of zero and non zero initial velocity without solving a nonlinear differential equation. We introduce what we call the microscopic Child-Langmuir law which is valid for the classical and relativistic cases that allows to determine the space charge limited current without solving a nonlinear differential equation.

Keywords: Child-Langmuir law; Mott-Gurney Law; space charge current

PACS: 85.30.Fg; 52.59.Sa

1. Introduction

The Child-Langmuir (CL) law is one of the most well known and often applied laws of plasma physics which states that the behavior of the current density in a planar vacuum tube diode is proportional to the three-halves power of the bias potential and inversely proportional to the square of the gap distance between the electrodes. For more than 100 years the CL law has been obtained through the solution of a second-order nonlinear differential equation. More recently, a method for estimating the space charge limited current in a vacuum planar tube diode without solving a nonlinear differential equation was described in Ref. 1 by considering the vacuum capacitance of the gap. However, the vacuum capacitance model is only an approximation and is not valid in the relativistic regime.

In this article we present a novel approach to this fundamental law which avoids the need of solving a nonlinear differential equation and provides a microscopic physical insight into the origins of the CL law. Our approach is based by using a new set of variables and requires only what we call the microscopic CL law to derive the space charge limited current. We use the microscopic CL law to obtain the exact analytical result for the relativistic and non-relativistic regimes.

The article is organized as follows, first we review the traditional solution to the CL law. We then present our new approach where we show how one can obtain the CL law without solving a nonlinear differential equation and introduce what we call the microscopic CL law. We also show that the microscopic CL law is valid for the relativsitic regime, which makes it a fundamental law for the electron dynamics inside a planar vacuum tube diode. At the end we summarize our conclusions.

2. Traditional approach to the Child-Langmuir law

For infinite planar electrodes having a potential difference V and separated by a distance D, the CL law is obtained by solving Poisson’s equation

d2Vdz2=-ρϵ0 (1)

where V is the electrostatic potential, ρ is the volume charge density and ϵ0 is the permittivity of free space 2. We can define the current density by

J(z)=ρ(z)v(z)=-JCL (2)

where v is the velocity of the electrons. By charge conservation the current density can not vary with z, hence the current density is constant. We can obtain the velocity using conservation of energy, i.e.

mv22-eV=0 (3)

where m and e are the electron’s mass and charge. In Eq.(3) we have assumed that the electron is initially at rest in the grounded cathode. Solving Eq. (3) for the velocity and substituting in Eq. (2) we obtain the volume charge density

ρ(z)=-JCL2eV/m (4)

Substituting Eq. (4) into Eq. (1) we have a second-order nonlinear differential equation for the electrostatic potential

d2Vdz2=JCLϵ02eV/m (5)

with the following boundary conditions

dVdz|z=0=0andV(z)|z=0=0 (6)

The solution for Eq. (5) is given by

V(z)=V0zD4/3 (7)

and the volume charge density in the gap is

ρ(z)=-4ϵ0V09D2Dz2/3 (8)

substituting Eq. (7) and Eq. (8) into Eq. (4) we find that the space charge limited current density is given by

JCL=4ϵ09D22emV03/2 (9)

Equation (9) is the well known Child-Langmuir law 3,4. Since the derivation of this fundamental law many important and useful variations on the classical CL law have been investigated to account for special geometries, 5,7 relativistic electron energies, 8 non zero initial electron velocities, 9,10 quantum mechanical effects, 11,13 nonzero electric field at the cathode surface, 14 slow varying charge density, 15 and quadratic damping 16.

3. New Approach

Consider now that the electrostatic potential is given as a function of the volume charge density, i.e. V = V(ρ). This means that the electric field is given by

E=-dVdz=-dVdρdρdz (10)

and Gauss law is given by

ρϵ0=dEdρdρdz (11)

Using Eq. (11) we obtain

z(ρ)=-ρϵ0ρdEdρdρ (12)

Combining Eq. (10) and Eq. (11) we have

ϵ0EdEdρ=-ρdVdρ (13)

Solving Eq. (13) for the electrostatic potential we have

V(ρ)=-1ρddρϵ02E2dρ (14)

If we know the electric field as a function of the volume charge density we can use Eq. (14) and Eq. (12) to obtain the electrostatic potential as a function of position. Our task then is to find E = E(ρ), to do this we use Poisson’s equation

d2Vdz2=-ρϵ0=-Jϵ02/m1K0+eV (15)

where K0=mv02/2 is the initial kinetic energy. Multiplying Eq. (15) by dV/dz and integrating from zero to z we have

12E2=-2Jeϵ02/mK0+eV+C (16)

where C=E02/2+Jmv0/eϵ0 is a constant of integration given as a function of the value of the electrostatic field E0 and velocity v0 at z = 0. Substituting Eq. (15) into Eq. (16) we have

ϵ02E2-ϵ02E02ρ=-mJ2e+Jmv0eρ (17)

Using the relation J = ρv in Eq. (17) we end up with

ΔδE=-JeΔp (18)

where δE = ϵ0E2/2 is the electrostatic energy density and p = mv is the linear momentum. Equation (18) is what we call the microscopic Child-Langmuir law, which states that the change in electrostatic energy density is proportional to the change in linear momentum. For the case when E0 = v0 = 0 we have

δE=-Jemv=-J2meρ (19)

Substituting Eq. (19) into Eq. (14) and integrating we obtain the electrostatic potential

V=J2m2eρ2=m2ev2 (20)

Note that the electrostatic potential in Eq. (20) equals the kinetic energy per unit charge. Substituting Eq. (19) into Eq. (12) and integrating we obtain z = z(ρ)

z=23ϵ0J2m2e(-ρ)-3/2 (21)

Solving Eq. (21) for ρ and substituting into Eq. (20) we end up with

V=9Jz24ϵ0m2e2/3 (22)

If we evaluate Eq. (22) when z = D and solve for the charge current density we find the space charge limited current density which is given in Eq. (9).

An interesting case is when the initial velocity at z = 0 is non zero, i.e. v0 ≠ 0, for this case the microscopic Child-Langmuir law is given by

δE=-Je(mv-mv0)=-J2meρ+Jmv0e (23)

The electrostatic potential will be given by

V=m2ev2-K0e=J2m2eρ2-K0e (24)

Substituting Eq. (23) into Eq. (12) we have

z=ϵ0-ρ1ρ-mJ2eϵ0Jρ-v0-1/2Jρ2dρ (25)

The integral given in Eq. (25) can be transformed by the change of variable v = J/ρ to a more suitable form

z=-mϵ02eJv0vvdvv-v0=23-mϵ02eJv-v0(v+2v0) (26)

Solving for v in Eq. (26) we have

v=-v0+23v02a2+2v03+a4+4a2v031/3+a2+2v03+a4+4a2v031/323 (27)

where a=3z-2eJ/mϵ0/2. Substituting Eq. (27) into Eq. (24) we have the electrostatic potential as a function of z.

However, if we evaluate Eq. (26) when z = D and use the fact that v(z=D)=v02+2eV0/m we can solve for the charge current density directly, which is given by

J=-2mϵ09eD2v02+2eV0m-v0×v02+2eV0m+2v02 (28)

Note that Equation (28) reduces to the Child-Langmuir result when v0 = 0. Equation (28) can be rewritten in the following form

J=JCL1+K0eV0-K0eV0×1+K0eV0+2K0eV02 (29)

One can see from Eq. (29) that a non zero initial velocity has a strong influence on the space charge limited current.

There have been other expressions proposed for the space charge limited current in a planar vacuum tube diode with nonzero initial velocity, the one given by Liu and Dougal 17

JBF=JCL1+K0eV03/4+K0eV03/42 (30)

and the one given by Jaffé

JSCL=JCL1+K0eV0+K0eV03 (31)

It has been shown that Eq. (30) represents the current at the bifurcation point and hence do not represents the space charge limit correctly 18. On the other hand, Eq. (31) is obtained by imposing a boundary condition for the current, i.e. “the number of electrons entering the discharge space must be equal or smaller than a given number N0 per cm2 per sec., and is for each potential as high as the potential permits" 10. Our result given by Eq. (29) is obtained by using a integral of motion of the electron dynamics inside the vacuum tube diode given by the energy momentum relation in Eq. (18) and only assumes that the volume charge density does not depends explicitly on time, i.e. it only depends on the coordinates.

In Fig. (1) we show all three expressions as a function of K0/eV0. Note how our expression given by Eq. (29) follows closely the relation given by Jaffé for small values of K0/eV0, but for large values of K0/eV0 the expressions given by Eq. (30) and Eq. (31) grow more rapidly than ours.

Figure 1 The figure shows the space charge limited currents as a function of K0/eV0 obtained by Liu and Dougal, Jaffé and Gonzalez for explicit comparison between them. We see in the inset figure that our expression follows closely the relation given by Jaffé for small values of K0/eV0

For the case of relativistic velocities the equation of motion of the electron in one dimension is given by

mdvdt=-eE1-v2c23/2 (32)

if we substitute the velocity in Eq. (32) by v = J/ρ we obtain

-mJ2ρ3dρdz=-eE1-J2ρ2c23/2 (33)

If we multiply by dE/dρ and use Gauss law in Eq. (33) we have

mJ2ϵ0ρ2=eEdEdρ1-J2ρ2c23/2 (34)

separating variables in Eq. (34) we have

-mJ2ed1ρ1-J2/ρ2c2=dϵ02E2 (35)

Integrating Eq. (35) and using the relation J = ρv we have

-JeΔp=ΔδE (36)

where p=mv/1-v2/c2. We see that the microscopic Child-Langmuir law also holds for the relativistic regime. Thus, for the case when v0 = E0 = 0, and considering that the charge density times the velocity remains constant, then the integral of motion is given by

ϵ02-dVdz2+Jmve1-v2/c2=0 (37)

substituting v=eV(2+eV/mc2)/m/(1+eV/mc2) in Eq. (37) and separating variables we have

0VdV(eV/m)1/4(2+eV/mc2)1/4=--2mJeϵ00zdz (38)

Equation (38) is the same as Eq. (10) given in Ref. 8 with the change of variable ω 4 = U 2 + 2U, where U = eV/mc 2. If we evaluate Eq. (38) when z = D and use V = V 0 we can solve for the charge current density directly, which is

J=JCL2F114,34,74,-eV02mc22 (39)

where 2F1(a,b;c;z) is the hypergeometric function 19. Equation (39) reduces to the classical Child-Langmuir law for c →∞.

4. Conclusions

In summary, we have shown a new method of deriving the Child-Langmuir law for the case of the electron motion inside a planar vacuum tube diode which avoids the need of solving a nonlinear differential equation and presents a new insight into the way of approaching the problem of the charge dynamics inside a planar vacuum tube diode. We found what we call the microsocopic Child-Langmuir law, which states that the change in electrostatic energy density is proportional to the change in linear momentum. We have shown that the microscopic Child-Langmuir law is valid for the classical and relativistic regimes.


This work was supported by the program “Cátedras CONACYT" and by the project “Centro Mexicano de Innovación en Energía Solar" from Fondo Sectorial CONACYT-Secretaría de Energía-Sustentabilidad Energética, and by the National Labs program funded by CONACyT through the Terahertz Science and Technology National Lab (LANCyTT).


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Received: August 09, 2016; Accepted: December 15, 2016

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