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Región y sociedad

versão On-line ISSN 2448-4849versão impressa ISSN 1870-3925


ALVARO, Belén  e  TRPIN, Verónica. Condiciones productivas y exigencias de calidad en la fruticultura de la Patagonia argentina. Región y sociedad [online]. 2013, vol.25, n.58, pp.239-273. ISSN 2448-4849.

Since the 1990s, food production has been regulated by health and quality requirements, which substantially modify the production conditions of primary producers, within the context of a restructuring of the global food-processing system. In this study we analyze the social conformation of the fruit chain located in the north of the Argentine Patagonia, where these requirements are formalized as Good Agricultural Practices (GAP). These regulations are analyzed as devices of control that make the social reproduction conditions of small farmers more complex, since they are independent producers in the fruit chain. This process impacts the paths of both their production and their lives. We worked with secondary and primary data sources. The conclusions are registered in the tensions between local production configurations and advances in the control of concentrated capital.

Palavras-chave : family farmers; Good Agricultural Practices (GAP); controls; productive paths.

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