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vol.8 número1El programa de apoyos directos al campo (PROCAMPO) y su impacto sobre la gestión del conocimiento productivo y comercial de la agricultura del Estado de México índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Agricultura, sociedad y desarrollo

versão impressa ISSN 1870-5472


FRANCISCO-ARRIAGA, Fidel; GUERRERO GARCIA-ROJAS, Hilda R.; KIDO-CRUZ, Antonio  e  CORTES-ZAVALA, María Teresa. Income generated by forest resource harvesting in Pichátaro, Michoacán, México. agric. soc. desarro [online]. 2011, vol.8, n.1, pp.107-117. ISSN 1870-5472.

Non-wood products (NWP) and their contribution to a community's income have increasingly captured the interest of scholars and researchers. This study is inscribed within this framework, where the economic value and contribution to family income is calculated, from harvesting pine resin, edible mushrooms, medicinal plants and honeycombs, carried out by inhabitants in the indigenous community of Pichátaro, Michoacán, México. The non-wood product that most contributes to the family income is pine resin, extracted from several species. The net present value per hectare from the four NWP studied was $97.58 USD ha-1, the net animal income per harvester varied between $40 and $792 USD, representing a contribution to the annual family income of between 0.93 and 18.56%. Results from this study underline that NWP marketing contributes a reduced amount to the community family income, due to the decrease in forest cover, their low sale price and the low negotiation ability by harvester community members.

Palavras-chave : Non-wood products; community members; family income; forest sustainability; economic assessment.

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