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vol.9 número1Turismo de hacienda, trabajo femenino y transformaciones locales: El caso de los talleres artesanales de la Fundación Haciendas del Mundo MayaEl proceso histórico de conformación de la antigua Payo Obispo (Hoy Chetumal) como espacio urbano fronterizo durante la etapa de Quintana Roo como territorio federal índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 1870-5766


ABADIA, Sixte et al. The Athletic Boom and Social Activism: Solidarity, Road Races and the Example of Spain's Oxfam Trailwalker 2013. Península [online]. 2014, vol.9, n.1, pp.105-124. ISSN 1870-5766.

In recent years we have witnessed a boom in years in athletic events with an increase in number of participants. Within this framework, races organized to benefit social causes have also significantly increased in number and participation. The Oxfam-Intermón Trailwalker is a race that includes a cross-training challenge -100 km in less than 32 hours in teams of four members- and solidarity, because each team is committed to collect at least 1500 euros. This race presents a particular combination: passion for sport and responsibility for the common good. The aim of this article is to analyze the role of this sporting event in a particular social context: Spain, where the Trailwalker has already completed its third edition, during the ongoing economic crisis. Athletics and social solidarity are particularly related in a project like the Trailwalker, where people are not running only to compete but also to help others.

Palavras-chave : sport; solidarity; cooperation; Trailwalker; Spain.

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