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Acta médica Grupo Ángeles

versão impressa ISSN 1870-7203


BALDIN, André Víctor et al. Diagnosis and treatment of acute hand infections. Acta méd. Grupo Ángeles [online]. 2018, vol.16, n.1, pp.87-91. ISSN 1870-7203.

Hand infections are a serious health problem due to their catastrophic consequences and prolonged disabilities, so an aggressive and dynamic approach is required to avoid minimizing their complications. Several factors influence the clinical outcome of infections, including: location, microorganism, timing of treatment, antibiotic efficacy, patient health and immune status. This article describes the most frequent acute hand infections, their diagnosis and treatment.

Palavras-chave : Acute infections; paronychia; tenosynovitis; dog; cat and hand human bites.

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