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En-claves del pensamiento

versão On-line ISSN 2594-1100versão impressa ISSN 1870-879X


GARCIA PIEDRAS, Myriam. The Symbol as the Path to Transformation in Analogical Hermeneutics. En-clav. pen [online]. 2015, vol.9, n.17, pp.135-155. ISSN 2594-1100.

The following paper presents the symbol as an effective conduit that "metaphorically" invites the alchemical transformation of consciousness. If such a transformation occurs, it will be reflected in an ethical practice and, ideally, in the search to access anagogical levels of being. While the symbol comes from the sensual-tangible world, it touches the realm of mystical spirituality, as it possesses its unrepresentable part of ineffable transcendence. The symbol touches upon different regions of the being because it is only interpreted by means of analogy. This essay, therefore, relies on Analogical Hermeneutics, a philosophical current proposed by the Mexican philosopher Mauricio Beuchot.

Palavras-chave : Hermeneutics; Analogy; Symbol; Anagogy; Conscious.

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