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vol.8 número especial 19Efecto de localidad y madurez sobre el perfil de ácidos grasos del fruto de aguacate ‘Hass’Influencia del clima y rugosidad sobre la tolerancia a refrigeración del aguacate ‘Hass’ índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista mexicana de ciencias agrícolas

versão impressa ISSN 2007-0934

Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc vol.8 spe 19 Texcoco Nov./Dez. 2017 


Proportions of mechanical damages and their effect on post-harvest quality of avocado ‘Hass’

Juan Antonio Herrera González1  § 

Eulalio Venegas González2 

Lucas Madrigal Huendo1 

1Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales Agrícolas y Pecuarias-Campo Experimental Uruapan. Avenida Latinoamericana 1101, Uruapan, Michoacán, México. CP. 60150. Tel. 553 8718700, ext. 84202. (;

2Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo-Facultad de Agrobiología “Presidente Juárez”. Paseo Lázaro Cárdenas 2290, Colonia Viveros, Uruapan, Michoacán, México. CP. 60170. (


The avocado ‘Hass’ fruit is very susceptible to external and mechanical damages occurring in pre and post harvest. Harvesting and postharvest management can further reduce quality if it is not suitable. The present study aimed to estimate mechanical damages during pre-harvest and harvest, as well as its effect on postharvest. Mechanical damages were evaluated at different stages of harvesting and packing to estimate sample sizes suitable for inspection and evaluation of the aforementioned damages and their effect on post harvest quality of avocado ‘Hass’ for export. The harvester’s actions, during the harvesting process, have an effect on cuts (0.2 -1.2%) and uneven (1-1.7%), as well as the transfer of the fruit inside the orchard (cuts 1.2%, bruises 2.02 %) and from this to the baler (bruises 4.57%). Some external damages (smallpox 30%, Trips 69% and clove 11%) remained constant at both harvest times, while others occurred in higher percentages in October (chickenpox, sunburn and bruising) than at the april harvests. Larger gauges are harvested in October (class I 31%, extra38% and super 23.4%) than in April (class i 23.4%, extra 32% and super 26.6%). The maximum sample size for evaluation and quality inspection was 374-382 fruits per harvested lot.

Keywords: Persea americana Mill.; harvest; postharvest


El aguacate ‘Hass’ es muy susceptible a daños externos y mecánicos ocurridos en pre y postcosecha. El manejo de la cosecha y poscosecha puede reducir aún más la calidad si no es adecuado. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo estimar daños mecánicos durante precosecha y cosecha, así como su efecto en postcosecha. Se evaluaron daños mecánicos en diferentes etapas de cosecha y empacadoras para estimar tamaños de muestra para la inspección y evaluación de los daños y su efecto sobre la calidad poscosecha de aguacate ‘Hass’ para exportación. Las acciones de la cuadrilla cosechadora, durante el proceso de cosecha, tienen efecto sobre las cortaduras (0.2-1.2%) y destupado (1-1.7%), así como el traslado del fruto dentro del huerto (cortaduras 1.2%; magulladuras 2.02%) y a la empacadora (magulladuras 4.57%). Algunos daños externos (viruela 30%, Trips 69% y clavo 11%) fueron constantes en ambas épocas de cosecha, mientras que otros se presentaron en porcentajes mayores en octubre (varicela, quemadura de sol y magulladuras) que en las cosechas de abril. Se cosechan calibres más grandes en cosechas de octubre (clase I 31%, extra 38% y súper 23.4%) que en las de abril (clase i 23.4%, extra 32% y súper 26.6%). El tamaño de muestra máximo para la evaluación e inspección de la calidad fue de 374-382 frutos por lote cosechado.

Palabras clave: Persea americana Mill.; cosecha; poscosecha


The avocado ‘Hass’ fruit is very susceptible to external and mechanical damages occurring in pre and post harvest (Hodges and Toivonen, 2008), which results in a reduction of the sensorial, nutritional, chemical constituents, mechanical and functional properties of the fruits (Aliasgarian et al ., 2015). During pre-harvest, Hass avocado is exposed to adverse climatic conditions that reduce fruit quality at harvest maturity (Sharma et al., 2014) and post- harvest behavior, is directly related to the tolerance to this natural or induced stress during preharvest (Mazhar et al., 2011). Some external damages of fresh fruits can be minimized by monitoring and control of pests and diseases in pre-harvest (Li and Thomas, 2014). In avocado, external damages such as scab, thrips, chickenpox, pox, nail and sunburn are the most recurrent external damages.

Management during harvesting and postharvest can further reduce quality without proper management (Everett et al., 2008). Mechanical damage can be instantaneous and in some cases has an incubation period to become visible for 12 h (Opara and Pathare, 2014) and are the result of excessive force during harvest (Van-Linden et al., 2008), causing mechanical damage, with impacts and compression (bruises), frictions (punctures) and punctures (Polat et al., 2012) being the most common during harvesting and post-harvesting. Unattended) also occurs along with mechanical damage (Opara and Pathare, 2014). These mechanical damages accelerate the maturation process, lead to senescence, decrease the days to maturity of consumption, increase dehydration of the fruit and cause decay in the pulp and loss of nutritional value (Berry et al., 2017).

In Mexico, 1.64 million tons of avocado are produced, only 1.2 million tons are produced in Michoacan, of which 45-50% is exported to the United States of America and Canada (SIAP, 2015). As we harvest and mobilize this volume of fruit, it causes mechanical damage to be a recurring problem.

In each batch harvested, which arrives at the exporter, the quality (external and mechanical damages), maturity (percentage of dry matter in the pulp) and the caliber of the fruit must be evaluated. Therefore a sampling established in the NMX-FF-016-SCFI-2006 (Secretaria de Economia, 2006) and establishes a sample size of 0.3% of each lot. A lot is composed of 300-500 cartons, with 28-30 kg of fruit each, about 100 fruits per carton, 30 thousand to 50 thousand fruits per lot.

So a sample of the lot will be composed of 90-150 fruits, which in many cases is not representative. In the sampling, one of the major problems is that the material is not homogeneous nor the sample is representative, since a statistical procedure to complete the required sample size is not followed (Lim et al., 2015) . Therefore, choosing a suitable sample size is one of the most important aspects when evaluating fruit quality, since the probability of error in sampling is reduced (Montgomery, 2004) and will have validity and reliability, due to which the sample represents the target population and its results are extrapolated to it (Seoane et al., 2007a). In the sampling of avocado quality characteristics, an adequate sample size will allow to collect, organize, summarize and analyze data that will help to make reasonable and operative decisions for fruit handling in the packaging line and quality (Seoane et al., 2007b).

The information on external damages or biotic or abiotic stress (Hodges and Toivonen, 2008) during pre- harvest and its effect on quality at the time of harvest and at maturity of consumption is scarce, and adequate sample sizes are not available for each parameter evaluated in the NMX-FF-016- SCFI-2006 (Secretaria de Economia, 2006) and for each harvesting season. The present investigation had as objective: 1) to estimate mechanical damages during the harvest and transfer to the packing house; 2) to evaluate external and mechanical damages of fruits that arrive to the packer in two different times of harvest; and 3) estimating sample sizes suitable for the evaluation and inspection of external and mechanical damages in avocado packers for export.

Materials and methods

Study 1. Mechanical damage in avocados during harvesting and transport to the baler

The mechanical damages in avocado were quantified from the harvest to the pre-packing in an export packing machine, in Uruapan, Michoacán. The study was carried out from October 1 to 18, 2013. Seven fruit cutters certified for export (Tingambato, Leones, Sal 3, Volcan, La 18, Sal 1 and Valle) were evaluated in seven orchards with registry of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA, for its acronym in Spanish) of the municipalities of Tacambaro, Uruapan, Tancítaro, Ziracuaretiro and Periban, in the state of Michoacan.

The process of harvest, collection and transport to the packaged was divided into 5 stages (Table 1). The crews started harvesting at about 8:00 am. Each group consisted of 11 people, of whom three random cutters were selected. The workday lasted between 5-6 h, for which evaluations 1, 3 and 5 h were performed after the beginning of the fruit cut. The assessment began at each hour evaluated with the measurement of the fruits in stage 1 (Table 1), the carton where the fruits were placed (stage 2) was marked to follow up in the later stages (stage 3 to 5).

Table 1 Description of the stages of harvesting, harvesting and transport from the orchard to the avocado packing plant for export. 

Número Etapa Descripción
1 Bolsa de cosecha Frutos cosechado con tijera o gancho y colocados en la bolsa recolectora del cosechador.
2 Vaciado de frutos a caja de plástico Frutos que estaban en la bolsa recolectora y fueron vaciados en cajas de plástico para su posterior recolección y traslado.
3 Cargado del remolque del tractor Colocación de las cajas con frutos recién cosechados en el remolque jalado por el tractor.
4 Del remolque al camión Traslado en remolque de frutos en cajas de plástico desde su lugar de cosecha hasta el camión de traslado a la empacadora, además incluye el acomodo de las cajas dentro del camión.
5 Huerto-empacadora-descargue de fruto Traslado de fruto del huerto a la empacadora y su descargue en el área de acopio.

The evaluation consisted of counting the total fruits of the box and the fruits with mechanical damages. To avoid contamination of the fruit (contact with the soil), the evaluation was carried out on a tarpaulin of 2 m2 . Each mechanical damage found in the fruits was marked with a circle and the number of the stage, to avoid double the count of damages.The mechanical damages evaluated were: 1) tearing. Mechanical damage in the area of the peduncle or any part of the fruit, caused by the scissors, the harvest hook or broken plastic boxes. Not deep wound that causes rupture of the epidermis; 2) cutting. Mechanical damage in any part of the fruit caused by harvesting hook or broken plastic boxes, characterized by being deep wounds with a length greater than 1 cm; 3) bruising. Injury caused by striking or compressing a part of the fruit without causing rupture of the epidermis (skin) giving a dark and elongated coloration; and 4) unattended. Fall of the peduncle caused by the harvester or the harvest. In addition to the mechanical damages, the total number of boxes harvested in the day, number of boxes in each hour harvested, as well as the number of fruits in each box evaluated were also registered.

Study 2. Evaluation of external and mechanical damages in two harvest periods

In an avocado packer for export, in Uruapan, Michoacán, sampling was carried out on lots of fruits that arrived at the packing house at two different harvest times. The first sampling was carried out in October 2015, in fruits with an average harvest maturity of 24-26% dry matter (MS) in the pulp, in 11 plots from 11 orchards in different locations. The second sampling was performed in April 2016, in fruits with an average harvest maturity of 32-34% MS in the pulp, in 11 lots from 11 orchards. Simple random sampling was used, 200 fruits were taken from each batch.

The presence or absence of external damages (scab, thrips, chicken pox, nail and sunburn) and mechanical damages (bruises, scrapes, cuts and peduncle fall) were evaluated in each fruit. evaluated the degree of maturity with a subjective scale of 5 categories (1= forest green, 2= fruit turning black, 25%, 3= fruit turning black, 50%, 4= fruit turned black, 75%, and 5= 100% black fruit) (Herrera et al., 2017). The data were expressed as percentage of fruits with external or mechanical damages, by caliber and degree of maturity.

Study 3. Calculation of the sample sizes to estimate the external and mechanical damages of fruit of ‘Hass’

With the data obtained in study sample 2, the proportion of fruits with each damage (external or mechanical) was estimated by dividing the number of damaged fruits between the sample size used (n= 200). With the values of p, the proportion (q) of fruit without damage was calculated in each study period (q = 1-p). The sample size was calculated with the expression n= [(Zα/2)2 pq]/β2], where Zα/2 is the critical value of the standard normal distribution with a significance level α= 0.05 and has a value of 1.96 and β is the maximum permissible error in terms of proportion (Montgomery, 2004). With the above data the sample size of each mechanical or external damage was calculated.

Study 4. Effect of mechanical damage on postharvest

In order to evaluate the effect of the mechanical damages, avocado ‘Hass’ fruits with 24-26% of dry matter in the pulp were sampled, free of physical damages, with supreme quality (Secretaria de Economia, 2006), between 210-250 g. Four groups of fruits were made, to which mechanical damages were induced: group 1. Bruising (compression); group 2. Friction (friction); group 3. Punctures (cuts) and group 4. Without stalk (unclogged). As a control, a group of fruits without mechanical damage was included. After induction, the fruits were stored at room temperature (22 ° C ±2 °C and 85 ±10% relative humidity) until consumption maturity. During storage and consumption maturity, weight loss (%), days at maturity of consumption, external quality, dehydration, vascular obscuration, basal decay scales proposed by (White et al., 2005) and day of detachment of peduncle.

Statistic analysis

In studies 1 and 4 a completely random design, harvest time (study 1) and induced mechanical damage (study 4) were used as a variation factor, respectively. The analysis of variance was performed for each of the measured variables. The comparison of the means of scab, thrips, varicella, smallpox, nail, sunburn, bruises, scabs, cuts, peduncle fall, gauges and degree of maturity in study 1 and study 4, days to maturity of consumption, external quality, dehydration, vascular obscuration and basal rot were performed with the Tukey test, p= 0.05.

Results and discusión

Study 1. Mechanical damage in avocados during harvesting and transport to the baler

Combine harvesters

The cutting speed was different between the combine harvesters (p< 0.05), with the group Sal 3 and Volcan being the ones with the most boxes per hour harvested, the Tingambato and Valle crews were the ones with the fewest harvests (Table 2). The rest of the crews harvested at an average rate of 100 boxes per hour. The Lions group was the one that more fruits placed in the plastic boxes with 143 fruits, with 100 fruits per box, the Valle group was the one that placed less. The rest placed between 115 and 120 fruits per box, although this variable depends to a large extent on the caliber being harvested (Secretaria de Economia, 2006). The percentage of tearing, cutting and unclogging was different among combine harvesters; but no bruises were reported in any group (Table 2).

Table 2 Boxes, fruits and mechanical damage per crew and time of harvest of avocado ‘Hass’. 

Cajas/hora Frutos/caja Desgarraduras (%) Cortadura (%) Destupado (%)
Tingambato 57.9 c 120.4 b 0.4 a 0.45 b 0 b
Leones 97.5 b 143.1 a 0 b 0.25 b 1.38 ab
Sal 3 150 a 103.5 c 0 b 1.12 a 1.01 ab
Volcán 150.5 a 119.3 b 0 b 1.05 a 2.33 ab
La 18 100 b 115.7 b 0 b 0.19 b 2.69 a
Sal 1 100 b 120.4 b 0 b 0.51 b 1.89 ab
Valle 56.6 c 100 c 0 b 0.26 b 1.01 ab
Hora después de inicio de cosecha
1 108.5 a 116.4 a 0 b 0.4 a 1.3 a
3 100.8 b 120.8 a 0.1 a 0.6 a 1.7 a
5 73 c 106.7 b 0.07 ab 0.3 a 1.6 a

Medias con la misma letra en las columnas no son significativamente diferentes. Tukey (p≤ 0.05).

Harvest time

The number of boxes and the number of fruits per hour evaluated was different (p< 0.05). Being hour 1 and 3 where more boxes are harvested and where more fruit is placed per box. No significant differences were observed in the cut-offs (p> 0.05) between the evaluated hours (p> 0.05); this indicates that harvesters cause this mechanical damage at any time and at the same rate (Table 2); (p> 0.05), with the highest percentages occurring at three hours (Table 3).

Table 3 Mechanical damage at each harvest stage of avocado ‘Hass’. 

No. etapa Cortaduras (%) Desgarraduras (%) Magulladuras (%) Caída de pedúnculo (%)
1 1.2 a 0.11 ab 0.02 c 8.6 a
2 0.03 b 0.03 b 0 c 0.66 b
3 0 b 0.03 b 0 c 0 b
4 1.2 a 0.24 a 2.02 b 0.06 b
5 0.5 ab 0 b 4.57 a 0 b

Medias con la misma letra en las columnas no son significativamente diferentes; Tukey (p≤ 0.05).

Harvest stage

The occurrence of mechanical damages was different in the stages evaluated (p < 0.05) . The cuts occurred more frequently in stages 1 and 4. Stage 4 was the highest tear percentage, followed by stage 1. The bruises were initiated in step 4 and were sharpened in step 5, where the accommodation and transfer of boxes with fruit. The fall of the peduncle (unoccupied) occurred in stage 1 and was caused directly by the harvester. It also occurred in other stages, but in very low percentages (Table 4).

Table 4 External and mechanical damages associated with pre and harvest of avocado ‘Hass’ for export in two harvest seasons. 

Daños externos Daño (%) Daños Daño (%)
Octubre Abril Octubre Abril
Roña 41.1 b 57.8 a Rozaduras 15.8 b 66.1 a
Viruela 30.9 a 30.9 a Cortaduras 7.5 b 16.5 a
Trips 67.2 a 72.7 a Magulladuras 59 a 26.1 b
Varicela 60 a 26.6 b Caída del pedúnculo 23.9 a 29.2 a
Clavo 13.8 a 8.2 a
Quemadura de sol 26.4 a 8.1 b

Medias con letras iguales dentro de filas no son estadísticamente diferentes; Tukey (p< 0.05).

The results agree with those reported in other crops such as mango (Mazhar et al., 2011), strawberry (Aliasgarian et al., 2015) , orange (Miranda et al., 2015) and grapefruit (Pérez et al ., 2002), where mechanical damages are considered as a type of stress, as a consequence of an inappropriate harvest, handling and techniques of transportation of the fruit during the harvest and postharvest. In addition, these authors point out that the most common mechanical damages are cuts, tearing and bruising caused by impacts, compressions and vibrations.

Study 2. Evaluation of external and mechanical damages in two harvest periods.

External and mechanical damages

The effect of external and mechanical damages on quality is shown in Table 4, where it can be seen that the percentages of damage caused by smallpox, thrips, clove and peduncle fall were statistically the same at both harvesting times (p> 0.05). External damages such as scab, chickenpox, sunburn, chafing, cutting and bruising on the fruit were different in the two sampling periods (p> 0.05). The damages caused by scab, scratches, cuts, were more frequent in April crops than in October. While, chickenpox, sunburn and bruising were higher in October than in April (Table 4). Although the results show that most of the fruits present at least one type of external or mechanical damage, NMX-FF-016-SCFI-2006 establishes quality criteria, up to 2 cm2 of scab damages, thrips and chafing are accepted, but chickenpox, smallpox, nail, sunburn and mechanical damage are not allowed.

Caliber of fruits and states of maturity

The results of the calibers and state of maturity of the harvested fruit are shown in Table 5, which shows that there are significant statistical differences between the calibers harvested, fruit maturity and between harvest season (p<0.05). In October, class I, extra and super extra calibers accounted for 92% of the fruits harvested, while in April the same calibers decreased to 82%. Fruits with marble and commercial caliber showed higher frequency in April crops, while those with class I caliber show higher percentages in october crops. April crops showed a higher percentage (24%) of more black fruits (fruits turned to black 50%, fruits turned to black 75% and totally black fruits), while fruits with the same characteristics, harvested in October, presented percentages close to 3% (Table 6). Osuna et al. (2010) reported that darkening of the skin does not affect the quality and post-harvest life of avocado ‘Hass’ in Michoacán; however, it is considered that the degree of color of the skin is a measure of maturity.

Table 5 Average fruit sizes evaluated at two harvest times of avocado ‘Hass’ in Michoacán. 

Calibre Evaluación (%)
Octubre Abril
Canica (<85 g) Cx 0 ay C 0.6 b
Comercial (85-135 g) C 0.6 a C 4.3 b
Mediano (136-170 g) C 7.1 a BC 13.1 a
Clase I (171-210 g) AB 31 a AB 23.4 b
Extra (211-265 g) A 38.1 a A 32 a
Súper (>265 g) B 23.4 a AB 26.6 a

x= medias con letras mayúsculas iguales entre columnas no son estadísticamente diferentes, Tukey (p< 0.05); y= medias con letras minúsculas iguales dentro de filas no son estadísticamente diferentes, Tukey (p< 0.05).

Table 6 Darkening of the skin of evaluated fruits in two seasons of avocado ‘Hass’ harvest in Michoacán. 

Grado de oscurecimiento Evaluación (%)
Octubre Abril
1) Verde (0% negro) Ax 82.5 ay A 44.5 b
2) Fruto virando a negro (25%) B 14.4 b AB 31.3 a
3) Fruto virando a negro (50%) C 0.3 b BC 19.9 a
4) Fruto virado a negro (75%) C 0 b CD 4 a
5) Fruto 100% negro C 0 a D 0.3 a

x= medias con letras mayúsculas iguales entre columnas no son estadísticamente diferentes, Tukey (p< 0.05); y= medias con letras minúscula iguales dentro de filas no son estadísticamente diferentes, Tukey (p< 0.05).

Study 3. Estimation of sample sizes of external and mechanical damages of ‘Hass’

The sample sizes calculated with the proportions of external and mechanical damages obtained in study 2, for each of the damages are shown in Table 7. The largest sample sizes, estimated for October crops, corresponded to damages by rubella, bruises and chicken pox with 374, 372 and 369 fruits per harvested batch, whereas, for April crops, the largest sample sizes were for rust, peduncle fall and bruises with 382,340 and 329 fruits per harvested batch.

Table 7 Sample size (number of fruits) suitable for the inspection of external and mechanical damages in freshly harvested avocado that arrives to the baler for two harvest times. 

Daño Tamañode muestra estimado
(número de frutos)
Externo/mecánico Octubre Abril
Roña 374 382
Magulladuras 372 329
Varicela 369 280
Viruela 340 310
Trips 329 217
Quemadura de sol 296 150
Caída del pedúnculo 272 340
Rozaduras 207 303
Clavo 185 100
Cortadas 100 196

Therefore, the sampling procedure suggested for the inspection and evaluation of external and mechanical damages in the avocado packer for export would be as follows: 1. Collect the maximum number of fruits indicated in Table 7; 2. The fruits should be collected with a simple random sampling, using the double-blind method, avoiding visual contact with the fruits; 3. Inspect each fruit until it reaches the number of fruits required for each external and mechanical damage. For example, in samplings for October crops, when harvesting the fruit 100 is stopped evaluating cuts and continuing with the remaining damages, by extracting the evaluated fruit 185, it will stop evaluating the nail and continue with the rest of the damages until reaching the variable rash with the maximum number of fruits; and 4.Capture the data and estimate the percentages of fruits with mechanical and external damages in the fruits of each batch that arrive to the packer for selection and packaging for export. With the data obtained, the packer can estimate the quality of each batch and can determine how to run the fruit in the machinery and distribution of the fruits with mechanical and external damages in the packing boxes.

A different and smaller sample size can be selected than those obtained in Table 7, sacrificing precision, reliability and maximum permissible error when estimating the proportions of the damages to the fruit.

Study 4. Effect of post-harvest mechanical damage

Analysis of variance for the quality variables in fruit maturity showed significant statistical differences between induced mechanical damages (p< 0.05). Fruit friction caused the greatest weight loss (21.1%), the rest of the induced mechanical damages and the control lost between 13 and 15% of weight. The fruits that took the most time to reach maturity of consumption were fruits with bruises, cuts and the witness, all with 13 days; this indicates that these mechanical damages had no effect on the ripening processes of the fruit. However, fruit with friction reached the maturity of consumption 11.6 days after harvest, two days before the rest of the treatments, being this mechanical damage that accelerates the time from maturity to consumption.

The damage due to the lack of peduncle as well as the control showed the lowest external quality of the fruit with values of 1.1 and 1.3, respectively, while friction damage obtained a value of 2.1, higher than those mentioned.

Dehydration showed no significant difference between treatments and did not exceed 5% as a result of these treatments. Friction and bruising significantly affected 20 and 12%, respectively, vascular darkening (Table 8). The basal rot was more affected in fruits with frictions and fruits without peduncle. The control fruits and those with bruises took 12 days to detach the peduncle. The fruits with punctures (10 days) and frictions (9 days) were, two or three days earlier in the peduncle detachment. This indicates that fruits with broken or damaged cells have lower quality at maturity of consumption.

Table 8 Effects of mechanical damage on fruit quality at maturity of consumption. 

Variables evaluadas Daños mecánicos inducidos
Magulladuras Fricciones Punciones Sin pedúnculo Testigo
Pérdida de peso (%) 14.7 b 22.1 a 15.5 b 13.7 b 15. b
Días a madurez de consumo (días) 13.8 a 11.6 c 13.5 ab 12.8 b 13.8 a
Calidad externa* 1.7 ab 2.1 a 1.6 ab 1.1 b 1.3 b
Deshidratación* 0.2 a 0.7 a 0.4 a 0.2 a 0.3 a
Oscurecimiento vascular* 1.2 ab 1.8 a 0.5 dc 1 bc 0.2 d
Pudrición basal* 0.4 bc 1.2 a 0.1 c 0.9 ab 0.6 abc
Desprendimiento de pedúnculo (días) 12.2 a 8.7 b 9.9 b - 12.4 a

Medias con letras iguales entre filas no son estadísticamente diferentes (Tukey, p<0.05). *= escala de evaluación subjetiva de 0 a 3.5 (White et al., 2005).


The crews harvest fruit at a different rate, varying from 56 to 150 boxes per hour, and place from 100 to 140 fruits per box, although this depends on the caliber of the fruit. The cuts and the stunted (fall of the peduncle) are the mechanical damages that cause the harvester and are constant during the hours of harvest. The cuts occurred more frequently in the crop bag (stage 1) and in the truck (step 4). The bruises were initiated in stage 4 and were exacerbated in stage 5. The decomposition occurs more frequently in stage 1. The damages by smallpox, thrips, clove, and stalk fall remained constant in the two seasons of harvest.

Damage from chickenpox, sunburn and bruising was more frequent in fruits harvested in October. Rash, chafing and cuts were higher in April fruit. In October larger gauges were harvested than in April. In April harvests more than 50% of harvested fruits showed a degree of skin from 50% turned to black to a total black.

The maximum sample size required for evaluation and quality inspection was 374-382 fruits per batch of harvested fruit.

The mechanical damages diminished the quality of the fruits in maturity of consumption. The frictions and punctures were the ones that affected the quality, decreasing the days to maturity of consumption, greater damage by vascular obscuration, basal rot and external quality.

Literatura citada

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Received: September 00, 2017; Accepted: December 00, 2017

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