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Revista mexicana de ciencias pecuarias

versão On-line ISSN 2448-6698versão impressa ISSN 2007-1124

Rev. mex. de cienc. pecuarias vol.14 no.4 Mérida Out./Dez. 2023  Epub 17-Nov-2023 


Correlations between behavior in corrals and the bullring in Lidia breed bulls

Juan Manuel Lomillosa  * 

Eloy Marinob 

Enrique Recasb 

René Alonsob 

Marta Elena Alonsoc 

a Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU. Facultad de Veterinaria. Departamento de Producción y Sanidad Animal, Salud Pública Veterinaria y Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos C/ Tirant lo Blanc, 7. 46115 Alfara del Patriarca. Valencia, España.

b Equipo Veterinario. Plaza de Toros de las Ventas. Madrid, España.

c Universidad de León. Facultad de Veterinaria. Departamento de Producción Animal. León, España.


The value of fighting bulls (Lidia breed) is quantified based on their behavior in the bullring. Predicting this behavior is challenging because the heritability of behavior patterns is unknown and their interpretation subjective. An analysis was done of the possible relationship between bull behavior during pre-bullfight handling (unloading, first and second veterinary examinations) and during the bullfight. Behavioral parameter data was recorded for 200 adult bulls during pre-bullfight handling and the bullfight. Among the six genetic lines in the sample, the Santa Coloma and Albaserrada lines exhibited the highest values for mobility, aggressiveness, respiratory rate, and fight rate. Correlations were identified between some behaviors in pre-bullfight handling and others during the bullfight. Mobility during unloading and the first examination was positively correlated with Exit speed in the opening, Focus on banderillero (lancer on foot) in the second period of the bullfight and Determination in the third period. In contrast, aggressiveness during unloading was negatively correlated with mobility parameters during the second and third periods. No differences between animals were observed during the second examination, indicating that bulls quickly adapted to the corrals. The results suggest that some aspects of bull behavior prior to the bullfight can provide valuable information to bullfighters and breeders.

Keywords Behavior; Lidia breed; Ethology


El valor productivo de cada toro de lidia se cuantifica en función de su comportamiento en la plaza, el cual es muy difícil de predecir, puesto que se desconoce la heredabilidad de cada tipo de comportamiento, y su interpretación suele ser subjetiva. En este trabajo, se analiza la posible relación de la actitud observada durante la estancia previa del toro en los corrales de la plaza, con el comportamiento desarrollado durante la lidia. Para ello, se han estudiado 200 toros adultos, registrando su comportamiento en los corrales y posteriormente durante la lidia. Se observan diferencias entre encastes en los patrones registrados previos a la lidia, siendo los encastes Santa Coloma y Albaserrada los que desarrollaron una mayor movilidad, agresividad, frecuencia respiratoria y tasa de peleas. Existen correlaciones significativas entre varias conductas recogidas durante el desembarque y los patrones etológicos registrados durante la lidia. La movilidad durante el desembarque y primer reconocimiento veterinario se correlaciona positivamente con la rapidez de salida, con la fijeza en banderillas y con la repetición de embestida en la muleta. De forma inversa la agresividad durante el desembarque, evidenciada en el mayor número de embestidas a los burladeros, se correlaciona negativamente con parámetros indicativos de movilidad durante las banderillas y muleta. Durante el segundo reconocimiento veterinario, no se observaron grandes diferencias de comportamiento entre animales, ya que el toro se aclimata rápidamente al nuevo entorno de los corrales. Los resultados obtenidos apuntan una relación entre la actitud del animal previa a la corrida, lo cual puede dar información valiosa a toreros y ganaderos.

Palabras clave Comportamiento; Raza de lidia; Etología


The breed of cattle bred for bullfighting is known as Lidia. It is the only breed exploited for its ethological performance. Since the 18th Century, individuals have been selected based on behavioral traits observed during what is known as a tienta, a test of aggressiveness1. Because it has been a genetic improvement process carried out at the herd level, it has produced multiple genetic lines characterized by phenotypic2 and ethological3 traits that are both stable and defined4. The resulting bulls are raised for four to five years to fight in the bullring for approximately fifteen minutes5. The goal of selection is to produce bulls deemed apt for bullfights, which exhibit behavior broadly termed bravura (implying both ferocity and bravery). However, defining ideal behavior for a fighting bull is extremely difficult and highly subjective6-7.

To produce bulls with the desired bravura, breeders keep exhaustive records of behavior in breeding animals during the tienta, and of bulls during bullfights8. This is a complex task that does not necessarily produce high heritability of the desired traits9. One challenge in attaining trait heritability is defining what the desired behavioral traits are. Many authors have tried to objectively describe the desired behavioral traits in fighting bulls by defining the ethological patterns, positive or negative, defining the opposing qualities of bravura and meekness10-14. Some have devised ethological assessment methods based on the frequency of behavioral patterns. For example, there is a fighting bull rating table15, a bull aptitude test16, and bull evaluation sheets17,18. In addition, a computer program and ethological assessment methodology19 have been implemented20-22. These studies focus on quantifying or evaluating bull behavior, be it during the tienta or a bullfight. The intent is to select breeding animals or verify bull performance during bullfights.

A bull’s behavior during pre-bullfight handling (transport, unloading and stabling) may reflect the ethological traits it will exhibit during the bullfight. If this hypothesis holds true, observing bull behavior prior to a bullfight could provide valuable information on its potential behavior in the ring. This would be merely predictive since the performance of the bullfighters and the variables in each bullfight also strongly influence on a bull’s behavior. This connection has been suggested previously16, but without scientific analysis to support the argument. The present study objective was to analyze bull behavior during pre-bullfight handling in an effort to begin defining ethological guidelines that could predict bull behavior in the bullring.

Material and methods

Data were collected for two hundred animals which fought at bullrings in the cities of Valencia and Madrid, Spain. All animals were between three and five years of age. They came from 17 herds, and belonged to 6 different lines of the Lidia breed.

Pre-bullfight handling did not differ, following a standard procedure. This begins with transport to the bullring three days before the bullfight where the bulls are unloaded individually into a small pen (approx. 150 m2), and cooled with water until they have calmed down. They are then moved through a narrow corridor to a scale, where they are weighed individually, and into a larger corral (approx. 300 m2). Here they have an initial veterinary examination. The bulls remain together in the corral for 48 h. On the day of the bullfight, they are moved individually into another (approx. 300 m2) corral where they have a second, and final, veterinary examination.

Bull behavior during the pre-bullfight handling process was documented on a form by three veterinarians who agreed on the evaluation before recording it. Behavior was assessed at four stages in the process: unloading (1); first veterinary examination (2); second veterinary examination (3); and during time in corrals (4).

At stages 1, 2 and 3, mobility, aggressiveness and respiratory rate were assessed using a three-point scale (1= low, 2= intermediate, and 3= high). At stage 4, once all the animals were in the same corral, two types of collective behavior were assessed: nervousness, (1-calm, 2-vigilant, 3-nervous) and fight rate (1-infrequent, 2-moderate, 3-frequent).

Video recordings were taken of each animal’s bullfight and later evaluated by the same person, with experience in ethological assessment. The software and methodology described by Sánchez et al19, and validated by Alonso et al23-25, were used. This allows evaluation of an animal’s behavior during each of the bullfight’s three periods (known as tercios). During each tercio, a total of 21 behavioral variables (see below) were graded on a five-point scale and recorded in an independent spreadsheet file, along with the duration of each tercio.

1. Exit speed (rapisal). The speed at which the bull runs through the door into the ring. 0= animal exits walking and stops in corridor. 5= animal exits at a run.

2. Stops at door (parapu). If the bull stops when it steps onto the sand. 0= animal maintains exit speed when stepping onto sand. 5 = animal stops.

3. Ring circuit (recorre). If the bull moves around the ring before being stopped by the first flourishes of a cape. 0= animal remains standing at some point in the bullring. 5= animal makes one or more circuits.

4. Distance at start of charge (acudlar). Distance at which the bull begins to charge when first provoked. 0= animal only charges when a bullfighter is very close. 5= animal charges at any distance, no matter distance to the bullfighter.

5. Attacks shields (remata). If bull gores or hits shield behind which bullfighter shelters. 0= under no circumstances does animal attack shield. 5= animal attacks shields every time it gets near them during initial lancing.

6. Head height vis-a-vis horse (humillacab). Estimated height at which bull places horns on horse’s body. 0= animal raises horns towards lancer. 5= animal places horns on lower portion of protective armor or on horse’s abdomen.

7. Push. Extent to which, once it has made contact, the bull uses its dorsal muscles and hind quarters to push the horse. 0= animal does not push at all, remains static or leans slightly into horse. 5= animal uses dorsals and hind legs in attempt to displace horse.

8. Goring. If bull gores horse’s protective armor and to what extent. 0= animal firmly pushes against armor, without changing from point of initial contact. 5= animal insistently gores armor, and even tries to detach the lance.

9. Release (suelto). If animal releases or disengages from horse after feeling pain from the lance, and runs away from horse without bullfighters challenging it. 0= animal remains with horse and does not escape, requires challenge. 5= animal disengages and quickly runs away after feeling pain from lance.

10. Response to pain (crecedol). Extent to which the bull, upon feeling pain, increases its force and aggressivity against the horse. 0= animal decreases aggressivity in response to pain. 5= animal attacks more decisively after lancer’s aggression.

11. Distance to banderillero (largoban). The distance from which the bull charges the banderillero (lancer on foot) when called. 0= animal waits until banderillero is very close. 5= animal charges before being called on all three attempts.

12. Focus on banderillero (fijoban). Extent to which animal focuses on banderillero or is distracted. 0= animal is constantly distracted by the crowd and other bullfighters. 5= animal focuses on banderillero from the first call until the lancing ends.

13. Follows banderillero (sigueban). The tenacity with which the bull follows the banderillero once the darts have been anchored in its back. 0= animal stands still after encounter. 5= animal insistently follows banderillero, normally until he takes cover behind a shield.

14. Gallop. Frequency with which bull gallops. 0= animal never gallops. 5= animal is constantly galloping.

15. Distance of charge at muleta (largomu). Distance from which bull begins charge at muleta (cape supported with stave). 0= animal does not charge until muleta is very close. 5= animal begins charge from large distance when given the option.

16. Head height vis-a-vis muleta (humillamu). Head height of bull when charging muleta. 0= animal keeps head high from beginning to end of charge. 5= animal lowers head when beginning charge and keeps it low until finishing.

17. Determination (codicia). The passes in each “set” of charges at the muleta can continue without pause after each one. This is frequently the case at the beginning of the third tercio, but can decrease as it progresses. 0= animal stops after each set. 5= animal does not pause between passes in all sets.

18. Delay (tardea). Number of calls or challenges required for bull to charge. 0= animal charges the moment cape is shown. 5= animal requires repeated calls, on each pass, before charging.

19. Charge area (embiste). The third tercio occurs in an area chosen by the bullfighter or one preferred by the bull. 0= encounters must happen in area preferred by animal, usually near the shields or the exit to the corrals. 5= animal exhibits no preference.

20. Focus on muleta (fijomul). Extent to which bull remains focused on muleta. 0= animal looks at the bullfighter or the crowd, is constantly distracted. 5= animal remains focused on muleta at all times.

21. Runs away from muleta (huyemul). Extent to which bull runs away from muleta, in search of an exit, after first charges. 0= animal exhibits no intent to avoid muleta. 5= animal constantly runs away, making it impossible to complete passes.

Results for all the variables described above were expressed as a mean with standard deviation. A one-way ANOVA was applied to identify any effect of genetic line or moment of observation (unloading, first examination, second examination) on the ethological variables documented pre-bullfight. If a factor of variation had two levels and was statistically significant (P≤0.05), a Student-Newman-Keuls test (P≤0.05) was run a posteriori to compare groups of homogeneous means. Any possible linear relationships between the ethological variables documented in the corrals and those documented during the bullfight were identified with a Pearson’s linear correlation test. All statistical analyses were run with the IBM® SPSS® ver. 19.0 software program26.


Analysis (ANOVA, Student-Newman-Keuls) of the ethological values collected during pre-bullfight handling indicated that animal attitude, represented by mobility, aggressiveness and respiratory rate, exhibited no changes during unloading and the first examination, which take place on the same day and consecutively. Aggressiveness and respiratory rate decreased significantly in the second examination (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Ethological values (means) during unloading and two veterinary examinations 

Analysis of bull behavior by genetic origin (line) identified differences between them during pre-bullfight handling (Table 1), but not during the bullfight. In the corrals, the Santa Coloma and Albaserrada lines exhibited the highest values for mobility, aggressiveness and respiratory rate, especially at unloading and first examination. Values for the nervousness variable were highest in Santa Coloma in the corrals, and highest in Albaserrada and Santa Coloma animals during the bullfight (P<0.05).

Table 1 Ethological parameter values (mean) by genetic line during pre-bullfight handling 

Line n Unloading 1st Exam 2nd Exam Corrals
Mobi Agre Resp Mobi Agre Resp Mobi Agre Resp Nerv Fight
Murube 18 1.55a 1.13a 1.23a 1.76a 1.02a 1.21a 1.46a 1.09a 1.24a 1.24a 1.08a
Núñez 24 2.27b 1.26a 1.58a 2.17a 1.41a 1.59ab 2.25b 1.53a 1.01a 1.27a 1.02a
Domecq 100 2.35b 1.44a 1.30a 1.96a 2.02a 1.80b 1.84ab 1.48a 1.53a 1.28a 1.35a
Atanasio 22 1.92ab 1.87a 1.83a 1.55a 1.70a 1.83b 2.20b 1.23a 1.25a 1.22a 1.38a
Albaserrada 18 2.64c 2.91b 2.83b 2.52b 2.53b 2.58c 2.3b 2.88b 1.53a 1.51a 2.20b
Santa Coloma 18 2.55c 2.88b 2.54b 2.53b 2.01a 2.77c 2.74c 2.29ab 1.81a 2.43b 2.76b
Total 200 2.20 2.01 1.82 2.41 2.14 1.94 2.34 1.74 1.39 1.59 1.79

Mobi= mobility; Agre= aggressiveness; Resp= respiration rate; Nerv= nervousness; Fight= fight rate.

ab Different letter superscripts in the same column indicate significant difference (P<0.05).

The Pearson’s linear correlation analysis identified multiple significant correlations (Tables 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6). Results have been simplified by grouping the results from the unloading and first examination stages since their means did not differ (Figure 1).

Table 2: Pearson’s linear correlation analysis between bull ethological parameters recorded during pre-bullfight handling and during the opening of the bullfight  

Rapisal Parapu Recorre Acudlar Remata
Unloading Mobi 0.34* 0.12 0.09 0.12 -0.03
Agre 0.13 -0.07 0.15 0.01 0.27*
Resp 0.08 0.04 -0.07 -0.02 0.12
Examination Mobi 0.03 0.03 -0.06 0.11 0.05
Agre 0.11 0.02 0.09 0.06 0.00
Resp 0.17 0.08 0.03 0.11 0.05
Corrals Nerv 0.14 -0.07 0.12 0.19 0.04
Fight 0.04 0.08 0.03 -0.18 0.03

Rapisal= Exit speed; Parapu= Stops at door; Recorre= Ring circuit; Acudlar= Distance start of charge; Remata= Attacks shield; Mobi= Mobility; Agre= Aggressiveness; Resp= Respiration Rate; Nerv= Nervousness; Figh = Fight rate.

* (P<0.05).

Table 3 Pearson’s linear correlation analysis between bull ethological parameters recorded during pre-bullfight handling and during the first tercio (varas) of the bullfight  

Humillacab Empuja Cabecea Suelto Crecedol
Unloading Mobi 0.14 0.05 -0.09 0.06 0.00
Agre 0.12 -0.04 0.03 -0.16 0.10
Resp -0.07 0.16 0.10 0.08 0.01
Examination Mobi 0.08 0.12 -0.05 0.12 0.07
Agre 0.03 -0.06 0.15 0.08 0.12
Resp 0.09 0.19 0.01 0.16 0.18
Corrals Nerv 0.17 0.13 0.06 0.11 -0.11
Fight 0.08 -0.17 0.12 -0.03 -0.18

Humillacab= Head height vis-a-vis horse; Empuja= Push; Cabacea= Goring; Suelto= Release; Crecedol= Response to pain; Mobi= Mobility; Agre= Aggressiveness; Resp= Respiration Rate; Nerv= Nervousness; Fight= Fight rate.

* (P<0.05).

Table 4 Pearson’s linear correlation analysis between bull ethological parameters recorded during pre-bullfight handling and during the second tercio (banderillas) of the bullfight  

Largoban Fijoban Sigueban Galopa
Unloading Mobi 0.58* 0.05 0.12 0.09
Agre -0.22* 0.01 -0.21* -0.41*
Resp 0.12 0.06 0.17 0.10
Examination Mobi 0.18 0.02 -0.01 0.21*
Agre -0.03 0.11 0.11 0.05
Resp 0.1 -0.07 -0.02 0.01
Corrals Nerv 0.17 -0.11 0.16 0.17
Fight -0.05 0.05 0.09 -0.07

Largoban = Distance to banderillero; Fijoban = Focus on banderillero; Sigueban = Follows banderillero; Galopa = Gallops; Mobi = Mobility; Agre = Aggressiveness; Resp = Respiration Rate; Nerv = Nervousness; Fight = Fight rate.

* (P<0.05).

Table 5 Pearson’s linear correlation analysis between bull ethological parameters recorded during pre-bullfight handling and during the third tercio (muleta) of the bullfight  

Largomu Humillamul Codicia Tardea Embiste Fijomul Huyemul
UL Mobi 0.11 0.19 0.11 -0.19 0.29* -0.04 -0.15
Agre -0.31* 0.08 0.17 -0.13 0.16 0.13 0.02
Resp -0.03 0.06 -0.08 0.14 0.07 0.17 0.19
EX Mobi 0.03 -0.07 0.16 -0.17 0.12 -0.00 -0.11
Agre 0.07 0.11 -0.10 0.45* 0.08 0.16 0.02
Resp 0.00 -0.19 -0.18 0.07 0.18 0.04 0.17
COR Nerv 0.11 0.14 -0.27* 0.04 0.07 0.13 -0.12
Fight 0.08 -0.14 -0.12 0.01 -0.09 0.15 0.04

Largomu = Distance of charge at muleta; Humillamul = Head height vis-à-vis muleta; Codicia = Determination; Tardea = Delay; Embiste = Charge area; Fijomul = Focus on muleta; Huyemul = Runs from muleta; UL = Unloading; EX = Examination; COR = Corrals; Mobility; Agre = Aggressiveness; Resp = Respiration Rate; Nerv = Nervousness; Fight = Fight rate.

* (P<0.05).

In the pre-bullfight handling results, the most valuable information in terms of predicting animal behavior during the bullfight is that for unloading and first examination. At this time, the animal is in a state of stress after transport, which brings out its intrinsic characteristics of mobility and aggressiveness. In the opening of the bullfight, mobility during unloading and first examination positively correlated to the parameter “Exit speed”, as well as to “Distance to banderillero” in the second tercio (banderillas) and “Charge area” during the third tercio (muleta). In contrast, the ethological parameter values for the second examination were not strongly predictive of animal behavior during the bullfight. However, the mobility parameter in this stage positively correlated with the “Gallops” parameter in the second tercio, a reflection of good physical condition in the corrals and the bullring. Also, the aggressiveness parameter in the second examination positively correlated with the “Delay” parameter in the third tercio.


Research done in production animal management facilities to assess animal stress in response to transport to the slaughterhouse indicates that animals adapt to their new surroundings within a few hours27-29. This agrees with the present results in which bull aggressiveness and respiratory rate values were significantly lower at the second examination after they had adapted to the corrals for two days, which coincides with previous reports30.

In the pre-bullfight stages, bulls of the Santa Coloma and Albaserrada lines exhibited the highest mobility, aggressiveness and respiratory rate values during unloading and first examination. This coincides with genetic studies of the Lidia breed which state that this difference in behavior has resulted from selection focused on more temperamental or fierce behavior17,31, which has raised consanguinity rates in these lines32. The literature addressing the characteristics of the Lidia lines also indicates that the Santa Coloma and Albaserrada lines have a different capacity to adapt to the stress of transport and corralling12,33. Bulls from these lines also exhibit distinct behavior during the bullfight27.

Aggressive behavior during unloading and the first veterinary examination is common in domestic animals, and even more so in those raised in extensive systems. In the Lidia breed, the lack of space in the corrals generates greater aggressiveness between individuals34. The present results showed a positive correlation between aggressiveness in the pre-bullfight stages and the ethological parameter “Attacks shield” during the bullfight. However, it exhibited a negative correlation with the parameters “Distance to banderillero”, “Follows banderillero” and “Gallops” in the second tercio (banderillas), and with “Distance of charge at muleta” in the third tercio (muleta). A bull’s aggressiveness in the corrals was apparently linked to its entrance into the ring and goring of the shields, which, in principle, would result from breed line and bravura. But the multiple negative correlations suggest that the most aggressive individuals during pre-bullfight handling did not perform well in the bullfight; indeed, they tended to be meeker as shown in their lack of mobility and zeal during both the second and third tercios.

As suggested in a previous study, bulls exhibiting greater aggressiveness during pre-bullfight handling may be experiencing greater stress, preventing them from resting adequately and resulting in their being less aggressive during the bullfight35. Perhaps the animals included in the present study that were more aggressive in the corrals were more stressed. They expended energy during pre-bullfight handling and were therefore more tired during the bullfight itself. This is supported by the negative correlation between nervousness in the corrals and lower “Determination” values during the third tercio. Animals exhibiting nervousness and aggressiveness in the corrals may be badly adapted to handling, undermining their physical condition and causing them to perform below expectations during the bullfight. Considering this, a bull’s pre-bullfight behavior may affect its physical performance, pushing any correlation between ethologies into the background.

Respiratory frequency showed no correlation with the analyzed ethological parameters, although its relationship to animal physical condition during the bullfight, indicated by time in motion in the ring35-36, is worth further study.

Conclusions and implications

No previous data, be it published or personal testimony from breeders, is available on bull behavior in the field or during pre-bullfight handling37-38. The present results suggest some correlation between certain ethological patterns during pre-bullfight handling and behavior during the bullfight. Broader studies including analyses of bull behavior in the field and prior to the bullfight could continue to improve predictability of behavior in the ring.


The authors wish to thank the teams of veterinarians at Valencia and Las Ventas de Madrid, the companies Plaza 1 and Nautalia, the Comunidad de Madrid and the Diputación de Valencia.


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Received: October 10, 2022; Accepted: April 20, 2023

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