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vol.7 número38Química de la biomasa vegetal y su efecto en el rendimiento durante la torrefacción: revisiónSelección de árboles semilleros de Juglans pyriformis Liebm. en poblaciones naturales de Coatepec y Coacoatzintla, Veracruz índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista mexicana de ciencias forestales

versão impressa ISSN 2007-1132


DE LA CRUZ HERNANDEZ, José Antonio; AVILA AKERBERG, Víctor; RIVERA HERREJON, María Gladys  e  VIZCARRA BORD, Ivonne. Protected natural areas and common use system of forest resources in Nevado de Toluca. Rev. mex. de cienc. forestales [online]. 2016, vol.7, n.38, pp.25-41. ISSN 2007-1132.

San Francisco Oxtotilpan ejido is an agrarian entity whose territory overlaps with three natural protected areas (NPAs), two of which are under federal governance, while the other one is managed at the state level. About 98 % of the 2107 ha ejido lands are forested. A system of common natural resources management of the area is confronted with conservation policies of the natural heritage, in the form of federal and state protected areas. This situation is expected to reorganize with the current Federal Government proposal of new conservation and management programs for the two protected areas, which would encourage a higher surveillance and legal certainty for natural resources management which would allow the ejido members a broader sense of ownership of their territory. In other terms, the agreements within the ejido, and between the ejido and other community and formal institutions, will be modified so that they will involve pressures to the systems that will necessarily promote their re-organization. This paper brings elements towards the comprehension of this dynamic and for the development of conservation and forest use public policies and actions that consider the social impact on formal and informal community institutions for a participatory management in natural protected areas.

Palavras-chave : Protected natural areas; Nevado de Toluca Flora and Fauna Protection Area; Natural Resource Protection Areas of Valle de Bravo-Malacatepec-Tilostoc and Temascaltepec; forest management; Matlatzinca; San Francisco Oxtotilpan.

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