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vol.9 número1Evaluación del potencial hidroenergético a pequeña escala en cuencas hidrológicas con un modelo lluvia-escurrimientoModelando una caja-negra aplicada a la hidrología índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Tecnología y ciencias del agua

versão On-line ISSN 2007-2422

Tecnol. cienc. agua vol.9 no.1 Jiutepec Jan./Fev. 2018  Epub 24-Nov-2020 



Carlos Chávez1 

Carlos Mota2 

Carlos Fuentes3 

Antonio Quevedo4 

1Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Querétaro, México,

2Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Querétaro, México,

3Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua, Jiutepec, México,

4Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Querétaro, México,


Knowledge of the bulb moisture distribution during an irrigation event helps to understand the depth of wet soil better. The flow of water in soil is modeled with Richards’ equation, however, most solutions require a lot of computational time or the solution is bounded to a specific domain. In this study, the two-dimensional Richards’ equation is solved using two schemes: one implicit in the entire depth and a mixed scheme: explicit in the unsaturated zone and implicit in the saturated zone. The implicit scheme was solved with the conjugate gradient for non-linear problems using a sinusoidal function on the surface. The comparison was performed between the two schemes and the results of wetting profiles and infiltrated depth were similar, given an error criterion. The infiltration process was simulated in a furrow irrigation event through a constant depth in the three furrows, and in a second event they were imposed a different depth to each one. The moisture distribution profiles obtained during the simulated time can help us to give recommendations for the disadvantages of establishing a different depth in the furrows during an irrigation event.

Keywords Richards; two dimensional; finite differences; furrow irrigation


El conocimiento de la distribución del bulbo de humedad durante un evento de riego ayuda a comprender de mejor manera la profundidad de mojado. El flujo del agua en suelo es modelado con la ecuación de Richards, sin embargo, la mayoría de las soluciones requiere de mucho tiempo computacional o la solución está acotada a un dominio en específico. En este trabajo se resuelve la ecuación de Richards 2D usando dos esquemas: un esquema implícito en todo el perfil y un esquema mixto: explícito en la zona no saturada e implícito en la saturada. El esquema implícito se resolvió con el gradiente conjugado para problemas no lineales usando en la superficie una función sinusoidal. La comparación se realizó entre los dos esquemas, y los resultados de perfiles de humedecimiento y lámina infiltrada fueron similares, dado un criterio de error. El proceso de infiltración se simuló en un evento de riego por surcos mediante tirante constante en los tres surcos, y en un segundo evento se les impuso un tirante diferente a cada uno. Los perfiles de distribución de humedad que se obtienen durante el tiempo simulado pueden ayudar a dar recomendaciones de las desventajas de establecer un tirante diferente en los surcos durante un evento de riego.

Palabras clave Richards; bidimensional; diferencias finitas; riego por surcos


The two most common modes for gravity irrigation are border irrigation and furrow irrigation. These processes naturally occurred in the 3D space. When space geometry and boundary conditions are invariant concerning some coordinate axis, the infiltration process can be simplified and considered as a unidimensional process; this is the case of border irrigation, in which the geometry of space is similar to a parallelepiped. In-furrow irrigation the process geometry is more complex and requires that at least two spatial variables be considered for their correct simulation (López-Avendaño, Palacios-Vélez, Fuentes-Ruíz, Rendón-Pimentel, & García-Villanueva, 1997).

The equation representing the movement of water in a partially saturated soil is obtained by combining the continuity principle and Darcy's law. If the specific capacity is introduced as the derivative of the retention curve CΨ=θΨ, the resulting equation is expressed regarding a variable θ(Ψ), called the Richards’ equation (1931), which in its two-dimensional form is as follows:


where θ is the moisture content, Ψ is the pressure, x is a spatial variable (horizontal), z is the depth, K is the hydraulic conductivity and t is the time.

To solve this equation the hydrodynamic characteristics of the soil were incorporated: the moisture retention curve and the hydraulic conductivity curve. The functions most used to represent them are the van Genuchten equation (1980) and the Brooks and Corey equation (1964), respectively:



where θ s is the moisture content at saturation, generally assimilated to the total soil porosity (ϕ); θ r is the residual moisture content, Ψ is the pressure, Ψ d is a characteristic value of pressure, K s is the saturated hydraulic conductivity, η, m and n are parameters of dimensionless and positive shape.

The parameters m and n are related from the restriction proposed by van Genuchten (1980) to the hydraulic conductivity model of Burdine (1953): m = 1-2/n. The parameter η is related to m, n and the total porosity by (Fuentes, Zavala, & Saucedo, 2009):


where, s = D f /E in which D f is the fractal dimension of the porous medium and E = 3 is the Euclid dimension of the physical space, linked to the total porosity with the following implicit equation:


There are some papers in the literature that study the Richards’ equation in two dimensions: Zavala-Trejo, Fuentes-Ruíz y Saucedo-Rojas (2005) studied the underground agricultural drainage for which they used the two-dimensional (2D) Richards’ equation. Saucedo Zavala, Fuentes and Castanedo (2013) coupled the Barré Saint Venant unidimensional equation with the 2D Richards’ equation to model the border irrigation. López et al. (1997) analyzed water infiltration in a furrow-type domain using the 2D Richards´equation. However, the solution they apply to solve it is with the discretization of the derivative conventionally: by adding a weight factor or interpolation parameters for time and space. In this study the 2D Richards’ equation - applied to furrow irrigation- is solved using two schemes: an implicit scheme for the entire depth and a mixed scheme: explicit in the unsaturated zone and implicit in the saturated zone. The implicit scheme was solved with the conjugate gradient for non-linear problems using a sinusoidal function on the surface. The proposed model is adapted to simulate the variation of depth in time (Dirichlet condition) and in the dry zone of the furrow a Neumann-type condition can be imposed, whereby evaporation conditions or a transpiration function can be applied, according to needs required.

Materials and methods

Creation of the spatial domain

The spatial domain to solve the Richards’ equation was created with the following steps: 1) selection and discretization of domain boundaries, 2) filling of interior regions with uniformly distributed random points, and 3) triangulation with the Delaunay algorithm (1934). The two types of existing boundaries are exterior (where the points of interest are in the interior) and interior (where the points of interest are in the exterior).

To model the furrow infiltration, a square boundary was assumed and the upper side was replaced by a periodic function, in this case, a sinusoidal function was chosen, f(x) = 15 sin (πx/45) which gives a 30 cm furrow in height and 90 cm from ridge to ridge (Figure 1). Once the boundary was obtained, the next step was to obtain the discretization of the same.

Figure 1 Left: Boundary with the upper part similar to an irrigation furrow. The upper part f is a sinusoidal function translated and scaled to match the upper part of sides a and c. Right: Discretization of the left boundary, boundary points. 

To fill the interior first the smallest square containing all boundary points was obtained. Once this square was obtained C: [a, b] x [c, d] the point P k was sought by using a uniform distribution within the square C. To find out if P k was within the boundary, the sum of the angles from P k of each pair of contiguous boundary points was found (Figure 2 and 3).

Figure 2 Point P k within a "furrow"- type boundary. Note that for a point that is in the interior of a boundary, the covered angle is of 360 degrees. 

Figure 3 (A) “furrow-type domain” with 10.000 interior points. (B): Domain (1) after removing the points that have a distance less than 5 mm. (C): Domain triangulation (2). 

For a point in the interior of a boundary the sum of the angles mentioned is ± 360 degrees and for a point on the exterior of the boundary the sum is zero degrees. When discarding the exterior points remains a domain (Figure 3(A)). The large number of points in Figure 3 (A) generated in this first step is because the interior regions are required to be as dense as possible. Subsequently, we proceeded to eliminate points that were at a distance considered convenient, for example, all those that were at a distance less than 5 mm from each other (Figure 3 (B)), to finally proceed to the union of the remaining points, resulting in a triangulation of the domain, as shown in Figure 3 (C). The domain with more points will have a greater number of nodes, which implies a greater computational cost to find the solution.

Although the function used to represent a furrow is periodic and a half would be sufficient to model the infiltration, in this study all the exemplification is done using three furrows; this is due to a simulation with different loads in each of the furrows to observe the behavior of the wetting profile.

Finite-Differences Solution for the 2D Richards’ equation

The equation (1) evaluated at some point t in time is written as follow:


In this equation Ψ(k) is a function of three variables Ψ (x, z, t). Equation (1) with discrete time derivative takes the following two forms (in addition to others, depending on the chosen scheme and precision):



Equation (7) corresponds to the explicit model and equation (8) corresponds to the implicit model. Thus, the right side of equation (8) is defined as the operator Op (Ψ k ), equations (7) and (8) take a simpler form:



when C [Ψ (k)] ≠ 0, the solution obtained is a recursive solution:


However, in the saturated zone C (Ψ k ) = 0, so that at these points equation (11) cannot be applied. For these cases it is necessary to optimize equation (10) and the algorithm used in this work is that of the conjugate gradient for non-linear problems also called "non-linear conjugate gradient". The method requires that a function to minimize be defined, in this case we require that equation (10) be fulfilled, whereby naturally an error function is as follows:


The non-linear conjugate gradient for 2D Richards

Following the procedure described by Dai and Yuan (1999), starting from equation (12) defined as the error function, and with the operator defined from equation (8), the procedure consists of the following steps: 1 ) It was chosen x0=Ψ(k); 2)x0=-xE(x0); 3)α0=argminEx0+αx0; 4) x1=x0+α0x0 and 5) S0=x0 . From step 1 to step 5 is the part where starts x0, the following steps (6 - 10) are iterative and the algorithm ends when Ex0 ” is small: 6)xn=-xE(xn); 7)β=ΔxnTΔxn/Δxn-1TΔxn-1; 8)Sn=Δxn+βSn-1; 9) αn=argminExn+αΔxn and 10) xn+1=xn+αnSn. Finally xn+1 is chosen as the solution to the pressures in time t. Although it is possible to apply the algorithm for the whole vector of pressures, for reasons of performance the changes were made only in the saturated zone, because, in the unsaturated zone, it is possible to apply the recurrence rule. The initial condition for x0 is Ψ(k) in the unsaturated zone with the explicit method and Ψ(k-1) in the saturated zone.

Method to solve the operator OpΨk

To simplify the notation the following simplifications were made: Ψi is defined as the pressure in the node i at any time; the spatial coordinate of the node i is defined as Ci=xi,zi, where xi is the coordinate in the length and zi in the depth; Ci,j is the spatial coordinate of the j-th node related to the node i, that is Ci,j = Ci,j=xi,j,zi,j; mj is the number of nodes related to node i and Pi is the ternary xi,zi,Ψi=Ci,Ψi. Using first-order derivation, the derivative in Ci is estimated by deriving the plane ax+bz+c that best fits the points Pi,P1,i,P2,i,,Pmi,i. One way to approach this plane is to use the pseudoinverse matrix defined by Cj,i and solving for a, b and c ; the points Pi,P1,i,P2,i,,Pmi,i satisfy ax+bz+c , so axi+bzi+c=Ψi, and axi,j+bzi,j+c=Ψi,j. The above equations define the following system of equations:


The matrix A of equation (13) is not necessarily invertible, however, on the assumption that any system can be optimized (Penrose, 1955), it is defined as:


where A+ is the pseudoinverse matrix of A.

With values a, b and c obtained, it is possible to derive in any direction, in particular, towards x and z. Similarly to the linear approximation, using a second-order derivation, the derivative in Cj,i was estimated by deriving the surface ax2+bxy+cy2+dx+ey+f that best fit the points Pi,P1,i,P2,i,,Pmi,i. One way to approach this surface is to use the pseudoinverse matrix defined by Cj,i and solving for a, b, c, d, e, and f, thus, we obtained the points Pi,P1,i,P2,i,,Pmi,i satisfying ax2+bxy+cy2+dx+ey+f , so they also satisfy axi2+bxiyi+cyi2+dxi+eyi+f=Ψi and axi,j2+bxi,jyi,j+cyi,j2+dxi,j+eyi,j+f=Ψi,j. These equations are defined as follows:


where applying the same consideration as in the solution of equation (14), the matrix A is defined as:


where A+ is the pseudoinverse matrix of A.

At the end of this procedure, with the values a, b, c, d, e, and f obtained, the derivative was calculated.

Calculation of the infiltrated water depth

The volume infiltrated per length unit of channel in the unit time (A˙I) was calculated with the following expression (Fuentes, De León-Mojarro, & Hernández-Saucedo, 2012):

A˙I=AIt,AIx,t=PmqIx,y,z,tdPm (17)

where qIx,y,z,t is the infiltration flow per unit of channel surface or unit flow and Pm is the wetted perimeter in each furrow.


Comparison between the implicit schema and the mixed scheme

The two schemes (implicit and mixed) were compared. The values used were from the Montecillo soil (Fuentes, 1992; Saucedo, Zavala, & Fuentes, 2011; Saucedo et al., 2013), that were: θr=0.0000cm3cm-3 , θs=0.4865cm3cm-3 , Ks=1.8400cmh-1, Ψd=-45.9000cm, m=0.1258 and a depth L=90cm. In this simulation, we used an average distance between nodes in both schemes of Δz=1 cm, and a time discretization of Δt=0.01 h for the mixed method, whereas for the implicit an Δt=0.00128 h was used. The results for 240 min (Figure 4) indicate no difference between the two schemes but the mixed scheme requires a much finer time discretization than the implicit scheme. However, the implicit scheme requires more calculations for each time, which makes the simulation of an infiltration event a little slower.

Figure 4 Comparison between the implicit scheme (white lines) and the mixed scheme (black lines) at 240 minutes. 

The computation time required to simulate the 240 min, using a computer of 6 GB in RAM, for the mixed method was of 18 min, whereas for the implicit method it was of approximately 24 min, that is, the implicit method required 30% more time than the mixed method, however, with today's computing resources the simulation time can be reduced a bit more.

It is important to mention that this computation time corresponds to the discretization of the three furrows, if this simulation is conducted only in half of a furrow, times to get the solution would be reduced, with the same spatial and time discretization, at 4, 5 and 6 minutes, respectively. The result of the infiltration curves of the solutions are practically the same.

Simulation of furrow infiltration in 2D: constant depths in furrows

Based on the hydrodynamic characteristics of the Montecillo soil, a simulation of the infiltration process was performed in three furrows in which a 10 cm water depth was applied in the first and third hours of infiltration, and in the second and fourth hour, 5 cm of depth. Curves were drawn with the following volumetric water contents: 0.47 cm 3 cm -3, 0.43 cm 3 cm -3, 0.39 cm 3 cm -3, 0.35 cm 3 cm -3, 0.31 cm 3 cm -3. Figure 5 shows two moisture profiles corresponding to the first hour of infiltration, at minute 60 water depth changes from 10 cm to 5 cm. As can be seen, the wetting front moves faster in the first hour (Figure 5) than in the second one (Figure 6) because in the second hour there is a 5 cm water depth from the base of the furrow, so, in that hour, the effects of capillarity contribute more than the pressure effects. The inverse effect can be seen in the upper image of Figure 7, in which the downward pressure is greater than in the previous minutes, because water depth changed to 10 cm in the minute 120.

Figure 5 First hour of infiltration with a 10 cm depth from the base of the furrow. At minute 60 the depth changes to 5 cm. 

Figure 6 Moisture distribution during the second and first hour. The 5 cm depth is constant. 

Figure 7 Moisture distribution in the third and fourth hour. 

Figure 6 shows two moisture profiles corresponding to the second hour of infiltration and Figure 7 shows two moisture profiles corresponding to the third and fourth hour. As can be seen in the series of images, when the change of water depth from 10 to 5 cm in the furrow is made, it favors the wetting in the ridges of the furrow, whereas with a higher depth, the redistribution of the moisture profile is higher at the base of the furrow than in the ridge. With a simulation time of 60 minutes, it is already possible to carry the moisture content to 0.31 cm3 cm-3 in a depth of 35 cm and the ridges of the furrow.

The moisture content in the furrow at 180 minutes of simulation can be seen that it is practically saturated: that is, it has an amount of water slightly higher than 0.47 cm3 cm-3 and the maximum amount of water it can have is 0.4865 cm3 cm-3. After 135 min the top of the furrows are saturated and, from that moment, for any moisture content in the soil profile tends to be horizontal, which resembles a constant infiltration (Figure 7).

Simulation of furrow infiltration in 2D: different depths in furrows

Using the same hydrodynamic characteristics of the Montecillo soil of the previous section, a simulation was performed in three furrows where in each of them the loads were now different: 3, 9 and 6 cm, from left to right. The simulation results showed that the redistribution of moisture in the ridges of the furrow and on the soil profile during the infiltration process is better in the area between the furrows with water depth of 9 and 6 cm (Area 1) than that between furrows with 3 and 9 cm of water depth (Area 2) (Figure 8 and Figure 9).

Figure 8 Moisture distribution in the first and second hour. 

Figure 9 Moisture distribution in the third and fourth hour. 

The moisture distribution in the ridges of the furrows, the union of the wetting bulbs and wetting area is better in the first area than in the second. In area 1, the furrow that has 9 cm of water depth must contribute more water to the furrow on the left (3 cm water depth), so that the distribution of moisture to lower layers is less than between furrows of 9 and 6 cm.

Also, the moisture content in the ridge of the furrow with water of 9 cm is higher than in the ridge of the furrow with 3 cm, in the latter the main problem is that the wetting towards the lower layers (Figure 9) is delayed. This problem is very common in the events of gravity irrigation, where the flow rate applied in each furrow is not homogeneous due to the fact that the siphons are not calibrated, that there are faults in the opening of gates or, as in most cases, the expense provided in each furrow is at the discretion of the irrigator. This brings several complications, among the most important is that the water depth applied in each furrow is not homogeneous, which leads us to apply more water than that needed in some parts of the plot, or in the worst case, to apply a smaller amount.

As a problem in two dimensions, the infiltrated water table is now represented as the infiltrated area, which, if multiplied by a length, the infiltrated volume is obtained. Thus, the infiltrated area (cm 2) was calculated in each furrow with equation (17) and by making comparisons (Figure 10), one can see that for the time of 240 min in the furrows of 9, 6 and 3 cm of each water depth, infiltrate on average 512, 467 and 401 cm 2 respectively. That is, 110 cm 2 less would be infiltrating in the furrow with load of 3 cm, moreover, the furrows with a higher depth will tend, by difference in the depths, to contribute to the wetting of the furrows with less depth, which also brings with it a reduction in the wetting pattern in each one of the furrows that corresponds them to wet.

Figure 10 Evolution of the infiltrated water table in furrows with variable load 


The infiltration phenomenon in a two-dimensional domain was modeled and solved by the conjugate gradient method. The nature of Richards's equation made the explicit method not sufficient -unlike other non-linear equations- so it was combined with the implicit method. The presented methodology showed good results, besides that it presents the goodness of incorporating a variable depth in time.

The arbitrariness in the position of points of the space domain allowed us to create any spatial discretization, however, this causes that derivatives have to be solved using the surface closest to a region of points. With the use of this methodology, on the dry zone of the burrow, a Neumann-type condition can be imposed so that conditions of evaporation or a function of transpiration can be applied, according to the needs that are required.

Finally, the solution used can help to make decisions about the irrigation time and the depth we want to get wet, since in the simulations carried out with maximum times of 4 h it was possible to see that the saturated depth reached 50 cm, sufficient time to wet the root zone of most crops. However, in practice, these times are much higher, which leads to the application of excessive water tables and low application efficiency.


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Received: January 23, 2017; Accepted: July 12, 2017

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