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vol.7 número13México 2013: Los vuelcos de la historia. Del nacionalismo revolucionario al neoliberalismo índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 2007-2538


TABOADA, Hernán G. H.. Buscando leer la historia mundial desde Nuestra América. Valenciana [online]. 2014, vol.7, n.13, pp.251-263. ISSN 2007-2538.

In Latin America, there are now many traditional protests of the abandonment of historiographical eurocentrism which, to some degree, have achieved national and regional discourse. However, we continue to be indebted to the old "universal" history originated in Europe. It's key proponent is Hegel, but also the capillary diffusion of school books, encyclopedias, and other vulgar works. This persistence is due to a cultural hegemony of Creole groups in Latin America that have a very particular relationship with Europe and its culture. Their historical vision, which we have denominated "eurocriolism," continues to dominate, while it has been displaced in Europe itself. The proposals for a polycentric world history which now has been in other countries for decades, are just becoming known in Latin America. The article aspires to briefly define that universal eurocreole history, to briefly present currents in world history, to criticize some so-called alternative lectures to "Nuestra América," (Leopoldo Zea, Enrique Dussel) and to signal the path yet to be travelled.

Palavras-chave : Historiography; Latin America; Historiographic éurocentrism; Word History; Latinamerican philosophy; Criollismo.

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