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versão impressa ISSN 2007-2538


RAMIREZ, Mario Teodoro. Una metafísica de la existencia para el siglo XXI. Valenciana [online]. 2015, vol.8, n.15, pp.59-82. ISSN 2007-2538.

In this essay we begin from the question that inquires about a philosophical thought that is up to the new century in which we live, that is to say, far away from the typical formulations of the XX century and, in a way, from the whole history of philosophy. It is proposed then, from the problematic of sense and nonsense, a philosophy based on the notion of 'existence' (in all its reach) regarding an absolute truth of thought. Since this proposal we challenge the positions that have talked about a return to the religious (and of the theological turn) pleading for an atheism that is both critical and positive. Also, is made a valuation of the atheist content of the figure of Christ as a way to the internal overcoming of the religious consciousness. All of this is exposed by of the commentary of the works of the french philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy and some other authors. As a conclusion, we define in five points the conditions, tasks and basic commitments of a renewed philosophy in accordance with our new age.

Palavras-chave : Meaning; Existence; God; Christ; Justice; Infinity; XXI century.

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