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vol.12 número35Professores que formam professores e suas percepções frente ao uso das TIC nas aulas de MatemáticaObstáculos, avatares e implicações do processo de incorporação da população mbya-guaraní na educação formal da Provincia de Misiones (Argentina) índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista iberoamericana de educación superior

versão On-line ISSN 2007-2872


APARICIO-LEY, Eloisa; CAVAZOS-ARROYO, Judith  e  GAETA-GONZALEZ, Martha-Leticia. Library service quality and academic performance at university: an explanatory model. Rev. iberoam. educ. super [online]. 2021, vol.12, n.35, pp.185-205.  Epub 20-Nov-2021. ISSN 2007-2872.

The purpose of this article was to analyze in which way the quality of library service affects students' academic performance through four constructs. A quantitative, explanatory, cross-sectional, convenience, and explanatory sample of 701 Mexican university students was carried out and data were analyzed with structural equation modeling. A significant effect of library service quality on students' self-efficacy beliefs was found, which impacts their participation in the library and their learning strategies. This also has an impact on self-regulatory learning processes, which in turn affect academic performance. The results show the direct and indirect effects of the quality of library services on aspects of the academic process, which ultimately impacts academic performance.

Palavras-chave : academic performance; quality; university library; self-efficacy; student participation; learning strategies; self-regulated learning; Mexico.

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