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vol.5 número3Análise probabilística da evolução da degradação de revestimentos pétreos com utilização de cadeias de MarkovCaracterização química e físico-mecânica de cimentos com adições de fíller calcário na Venezuela índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão On-line ISSN 2007-6835


SILVA, S. H. Lopes da et al. Analytic Hierarchy Process to choose the cement type to protect reinforced concrete to corrosion caused by chloride ions attack. Rev. ALCONPAT [online]. 2015, vol.5, n.3, pp.174-189. ISSN 2007-6835.

This paper discuss cement types combinations to obtain the best one to protect against the steel reinforcement corrosion caused by chloride ions. In this case, it was used the method of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), which is based on the definition of the main elements for making fast, reliable and objective decision. Three types of cement (CPII-Z-32: pozzolanic admixture, CPIII-40: blast furnace slag admixture and CPIV-32: pozzolanic admixture), two water/cement ratio (0,4 and 0,7) and two curing times (7 and 28 days), were analyzed trough results of five experiments. The application of AHP was effective to choose the type of cement, concluding that the CPIII-40 cement showed the best performance compared to the other cements.

Palavras-chave : Analytical hierarchy process; Reinforced concrete; Steel corrosion.

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