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vol.8 número22Determinantes de la estructura de largo plazo del mercado de Afores en México: un análisis de supervivenciaAnálisis cualitativo de modelos de negocio para el emprendimiento social índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Entreciencias: diálogos en la sociedad del conocimiento

versão On-line ISSN 2007-8064


SAMPEDRO-HERNANDEZ, José Luis; ORTEGA PERALTA, Diana  e  TORRES VARGAS, Arturo. Institutional arrangements and knowledge mobilization in the emerging field of catalytic nanomedicine. Entreciencias: diálogos soc. conoc. [online]. 2020, vol.8, n.22, e22.72791.  Epub 09-Dez-2020. ISSN 2007-8064.


To explain the mechanisms of institutional coordination between the creation of knowledge and its mobilization towards its application in the field of catalytic nanomedicine to resolve chronic wounds of patients with diabetes. Methodology: The simple-exploratory case study is used as a research strategy. The case is the research group of the UAM-X Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology Laboratory; the unit of analysis is the “catalytic nanomedicine” project aimed at developing medical devices to treat chronic wounds caused by diabetes.


There is a structural tension between the informal rule system created in the multidisciplinary research group working under mode 2 and the formal rule system that has been designed at the macro level for a mode 1-based scientific paradigm.


The conclusions are drawn from a single case, but this case is emblematic as it is unique in Mexico.


In emerging fields such as catalytic nanomedicine, there are gaps and rigidities in the institutional coordination mechanisms that, from a meso level, affect the micro level for the creation of knowledge (“mode 2” by Gibbons) and its mobilization towards a field of concrete application (type 1 translation).

Palavras-chave : Knowledge creation; Knowledge mobilization; Institutional arrangements; Catalytic nanomedicine; Diabetes.

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