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Entreciencias: diálogos en la sociedad del conocimiento

versão On-line ISSN 2007-8064


SANCHEZ-MENDOZA, Saúl  e  BAUTISTA-CRUZ, Angélica. The effect of slow-release fertilizers and phytohormones on the growth of Agave angustifolia Haw. Entreciencias: diálogos soc. conoc. [online]. 2022, vol.10, n.24, e2482738.  Epub 28-Fev-2023. ISSN 2007-8064.


To evaluate the effect of the addition of slow-release fertilizers and phytohormones on growth and total soluble solids content (sugars) of Agave angustifolia Haw plants.

Methodological design:

A completely randomized design with a 3×3 bifactorial arrangement was used. The evaluated factors were: 1) slow-release fertilizers (FLL): Osmocote plus® (OS) and Basacote plus® (BA) and, 2) phytohormones: Biozyme® (BI) and Agromil plus® (AG). Additionally, a control without fertilizer (SFR) or phytohormones was included. After twelve months plant height (AP), number of unfolded leaves (NH), stem diameter (DT), root length (RL), root volume (VR), root density (DR), sugar content (total soluble solids in the stem, SST), fresh weight of leaves (PFH), stem (PFT), and root (PFR) were measured.


With reference to the control plants, OS increased NH by 10.1 %, AP by 10.4 %, DT by 10.2 %, PFH by 28.4 % and PFT by 33.1 %. BA increased PFR by 42.1 %. The interaction OS+SFI increased NH by 24.5 %, AP by 13.5 %, DT by 23.4 %, PFT by 81.1 % and VR by 135.9 %. With OS+BI, AP increased 13.6 % and PFH 50.1 %. BA+SFI increased PFR by 105.6 %.

Research limitations:

The products evaluated do not include doses or application periods for agave. This is one of the first studies that provides information in this regard. Research on FLL and phytohormones in agave is scarce.


The slow-release fertilizers promoted the growth of A. angustifolia but not the content of SST. Phytohormones did not promote the growth of agave plants or content of SST.

Palavras-chave : agave; plant growth; fertilization; plant growth regulators.

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