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Acta ortopédica mexicana

versão impressa ISSN 2306-4102


YANEZ-ARAUZ, JM et al. Recurrent dislocation of peroneal tendons. Minimally invasive technique for the deepening of the groove. Acta ortop. mex [online]. 2020, vol.34, n.2, pp.107-111.  Epub 27-Set-2021. ISSN 2306-4102.


Since William Clancy (1979) and Richard Ferkel (1997) publications, the technique of peroneal groove deepening in patients with chronic dislocation, has been used with very satisfactory results and few complications. The aim of the present study is to describe a new minimally invasive technique of peroneal groove deepening with burs and specific percutaneous surgery instrumentation and without fibula osteotomy; and to evaluate the clinical and imaging results, in 5 patients operated with this technique.

Material and methods:

A retrospective study of 5 patients with clinical and imaging diagnosis of chronic dislocation of peroneal tendons. They were treated with minimally invasive technique. This technique was described in this paper. Results were evaluated by preoperative and postoperative AOFAS score and by images (dynamic ultrasound, TAC and RMN).


None of the treated patients presented dislocation recurrence or pain at the time of evaluation. The AOFAS score improved an average of 25.5 points and was statistically significant (p value< 0.001). In the images we observed a concavity of the groove in all the evaluated cases.


This minimally invasive technique of deepening the groove of the peroneal tendons is reproducible, has reduced operating times compared to open surgery and has excellent results. This is a noninvasive treatment alternative for dislocation of peroneal tendons.

Palavras-chave : Peroneal tendon dislocation; peroneal groove deepening; MIS; percutaneous surgery.

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