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vol.29 número2Nucleosíntesis en el cosmos: lo que creemos que sabemos y las preguntas por venirDocumentación de procesos de restauración ecológica asistida: islas de cultivo y plantaciones de melina en Guanacaste, Costa Rica. índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Ciencia ergo sum

versão On-line ISSN 2395-8782versão impressa ISSN 1405-0269


MEJIA-ARGUETA, Euridice Ladisu; SANTILLAN-BENITEZ, Jonnathan Guadalupe  e  MEJIA-JUAREZ, José. Identification of E. coli strains carrying extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL) isolated at Medical Center (ISSEMyM) in Toluca. Cienc. ergo-sum [online]. 2022, vol.29, n.2, e160.  Epub 20-Out-2023. ISSN 2395-8782.

Data on BLEE-producing E. coli isolated from patients in different hospital areas were analyzed using the interactions between antibiograms and areas through a two-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Bartlett’s test for homoscedasticity. We found a 45% incidence of E. coli, and out of 135 strains sampled, 4.58% were E. coli BLEE. In addition, using Bartlett’s test, we determined a significant difference between the areas and in their phenotypic tests, so training, control, and prevention measures should be implemented in the health sector, avoiding the spread of infections between public health areas to a greater extent.

Palavras-chave : nosocomial infection; Microbiology; bacterial resistance.

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