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Abanico veterinario

versão On-line ISSN 2448-6132versão impressa ISSN 2007-428X


ROMO-VALDEZ, Juan et al. Method of supplementation of organic zinc and productive response of pigs in initiation stage in warm weather. Abanico vet [online]. 2018, vol.8, n.2, pp.68-80. ISSN 2448-6132.

In order to evaluate the productive response of pigs in initiation under conditions of high environmental heat load to organic zinc additional supplementation, 816 piglets (21 days of age and 6.280 ± 0.817 kg of body weight) were used, born of mothers who were supplemented with 0 or 100 mg Zn / kg of diet during pregnancy and lactation, under a randomized complete block design with a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial arrangement. The experiment was carried out during two periods: 1) May-July and 2) September-November; each with duration of 49 days. In each period, 408 piglets were grouped by weight in 3 uniform groups, distributed in 12 pens (6 repetitions / treatment). The levels of additional supplementation tested were 0 and 100 mg Zn/kg of diet and the treatments were: 1) Mothers not supplemented-piglets not supplemented (Control); 2) Mothers not supplemented-supplemented piglets (ZnC); 3) Mothers supplemented-piglets not supplemented (ZnGL) and 4) Mothers supplemented-piglets supplemented (ZnGL + ZnC). The pigs were fed diets that met their nutritional requirements during the experiment. The average THI was 78.19 ± 2.9 during the test period. There was no interaction between treatments on the variables evaluated. Supplementing Zn during the gestation-lactation period tended (P = 0.06) to decrease mortality; however, continuing with additional supplementation during the initiation phase offered no advantage. There were no differences in the other variables evaluated in the supplemented group due to the supplementation method. It is concluded that additional supplementation with 100 mg of Zn from Zn during the gestation-lactation phase help to reduce the mortality in the initiation stage, in piglets bred in warm weather.

Palavras-chave : Zinc methionine; piglets; mortality; productive performance.

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