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vol.68 número3La Comisión Nacional de Colonización y la expansión de la pequeña propiedad rural en México 1947-1963 índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Historia mexicana

versão On-line ISSN 2448-6531versão impressa ISSN 0185-0172


URIAS HORCASITAS, Beatriz. Ephemeral Alliances: The Left and Revolutionary Nationalism in the Magazine Política: Quince días de México y del Mundo (1960-1962). Hist. mex. [online]. 2019, vol.68, n.3, pp.1205-1252. ISSN 2448-6531.

The magazine Política: Quince días de México y del Mundo (1960-1967) grouped together several leftist currents with an important group of revolutionary nationalists who were close to Cárdenas. Together they supported causes such as the Cuban Revolution, Third Worldism and the struggle against imperialism, giving rise to the error that there were no fundamental differences between their positions. This article argues that the intellectuals who participated in Política created ephemeral alliances, seeking to come to agreement on issues that were difficult to reconcile. While the magazine was clear on denouncing the lack of democracy in Mexico through an innovative critique of the Mexican Revolution, it maintained very orthodox - sometimes even backwards - positions on some of the most important events of the Cold War period. In the style of revolutionary nationalism, the magazine’s contributors also vindicated the figure of an abstract “people” fused with the state as an axis of revolutionary legitimacy. The magazine maintained an acritical position regarding communist orthodoxy and ignored countercultural developments. Due to these factors, the article argues that Política did not constitute a current of the New Left, which would not make its appearance in Mexico until the arrival of a younger generation of the left in the 1970s and 80s.

Palavras-chave : intellectuals; new left; revolutionary nationalism; Cuban revolution.

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