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Medicina crítica (Colegio Mexicano de Medicina Crítica)

versão impressa ISSN 2448-8909


PEREZ DUARTE, Jhonatan Surihém; MARTINEZ CAMACHO, Miguel Ángel; RODRIGUEZ, Cristiano dos Santos  e  MARQUES FILHO, Paulo Ricardo. Early mobilization in continuous renal replacement therapy: does the risk outweigh the benefits?. Med. crít. (Col. Mex. Med. Crít.) [online]. 2023, vol.37, n.2, pp.117-121.  Epub 13-Maio-2024. ISSN 2448-8909.

Early mobilization (EM) of the critically ill patient admitted to the ICU has shown great benefits in increasingly heterogeneous populations, however, patients who are linked to extracorporeal devices such as continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) are often confined to prolonged periods of bed immobilization due to the staff’s perception of possible adverse events related to the patient (desaturation, hemodynamic instability, falls, etc.) or to the catheter (disinsertion, bleeding, embolism, etc.) during the physical therapy session. However, current evidence shows that, in general, this is an unfounded fear since, if there is a EM protocol adapted to the specific needs of patients linked to CRRT and this is accompanied by a qualified and coordinated multidisciplinary team, the patient could perform activities in bed, sitting, standing and even walking without interrupting CRRT, and even then, the risk of adverse events is almost nil, which would allow us to continue to prioritize the patient’s life, while allowing them to exercise their right to live life with dignity through bodily movement.

Palavras-chave : early mobilization; physical therapy; continuos renal replacement therapy.

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