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Debate feminista

versão On-line ISSN 2594-066Xversão impressa ISSN 0188-9478


MARTINEZ LOZANO, Consuelo Patricia. The Feminist Smile and Patriarchal Dismemory: Using Female Irony and Humor to Historicize Violence Against Women. Debate fem. [online]. 2022, vol.64, pp.101-121.  Epub 20-Maio-2023. ISSN 2594-066X.

This study is an academic essay designed to explain patriarchy as a political order of unequal power relations that naturalizes domination, punishment, and violence against women. The structural organization that normalizes violence eliminates the perception that these actions are cultural historical constructions that can be transformed. Conversely, feminist movements confront the naturalization of violence. In this way, they develop other means of doing and telling the story from the point of view of women rather than from the parameters established by the structure of patriarchy. These feminist expressions are tinged with humor, irony, and celebratory practices, as well as an appropriation of the body that women develop in public spaces.

Palavras-chave : Violence Against Women; Patriarchy; Historical Memory; Feminism; Humor.

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