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Revista de ciencias tecnológicas

versão On-line ISSN 2594-1925

Rev. cienc. tecnol. vol.5 no.3 Tijuana Jul./Set. 2022  Epub 14-Ago-2023 

Artículos de investigación

Weibull strength distribution and reliability S-N percentiles for tensile tests

Análisis de resistencia Weibull para los percentiles S-N y su nivel de confiabilidad en test de tensión

Manuel Baro Tijerina1  *

Manuel Román Piña Monarrez2

Jesús Barraza Contreras2

1Industrial and Technology Department, Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Nuevo Casas Grandes, Casas Grandes, México

2Industrial and Manufacturing Department at IIT Institute, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, Ciudad Juárez, México


Based on the true stress, the ultimate material’s strength, and the fatigue slope b values, the probabilistic percentiles of the S-N curve of ductile materials are formulated. The Weibull β and η parameters used to determine the product’s reliability are determined directly from the material’s strength values corresponding to 103 and 106 cycles. And since in Table corresponding to the properties of this A538 A (b) steel and collected by table 23-A of Shigley Mechanical Engineering Design book; authors present the σt, Sut, and b values of several materials, then the Weibull parameters for each one of these materials as well as the 95% and 5% reliability percentiles of their S-N curves are given. A step-by-step application to the steel A538 A (b) material is presented. And based on the maximum and minimum applied stress values, the corresponding Weibull stress distribution was fitted and used with the Weibull strength distribution, in the stress/strength reliability function to determine the element’s reliability.

Keywords: Mechanical design; True stress-strain; Weibull distribution; Fatigue reliability analysis; Stress/Strength, Reliability Engineering


Basado en el estrés verdadero σ_t, la última resistencia del material S_ut, y la curva de fatiga b, la curva S-N de material de acero dúctil es formulada. La distribución Weibull con parámetros β y η son usados para determinar la confiabilidad del elemento y ambos son directamente determinados por la resistencia del material que en este caso corresponde a 103 y 106 ciclos. Y como corresponde en la tabla de propiedades del acero A538 A (b) y recolectada esta información del libro de Ingeniería mecánica de Shigley: los autores presentan el estrés verdadero, ultimo estrés y la curva de diferentes materiales. Entonces los parámetros Weibull β y η, así como los percentiles de confiabilidad 95 y 5 % de la curva S-N son presentados. Se presenta una aplicación paso por paso para el acero A538 A (b). Y basado en el máximo y mínimo estrés aplicado, la distribución Weibull correspondientes es presentada. Por último, basado en el máximo y mínimo estrés, la distribución Weibull correspondiente fue ajustada y usada con la resistencia de la distribución Weibull, en la función estrés-resistencia de confiabilidad con el objeto de estimar la confiabilidad del elemento.

Palabras clave: Diseño mecánico; Estrés-resistencia; Distribución Weibull; Análisis de fatiga; Ingeniería de confiabilidad

1. Introduction

Since the reliability of a mechanical component depends on the applied stress value and on the strength that the used material presents to overcome the applied stress, then because both the applied stress and the material’s strength are random variables, then researchers have been proposing to use a probabilistic stress-cycles S-N curves. However, because the probabilistic percentiles of the S-N curves are based on the common confidence interval (CL) of the expected average, as shown in section 3.3, then the proposed formulations are inefficient to perform a reliability analysis.

Thus, in this paper based on the theory given in [1], a Weibull methodology to determine the strength distribution and the reliability percentiles of the S-N curve are both given. In the proposed Weibull/tensile test methodology, the only needed inputs are 1) the ultimate material’s strength [2] (S ut ) value, (which is a measure of the maximum stress that an object/material/structure can withstand without being elongated, stretched or pulled). 2) the true stress (σt) [2] value, (which measures the change in the area with respect to the time while the specimen is loading), and 3) the fatigue slope b value of the S-N curve. With these three inputs, the corresponding strength Weibull shape β and scale η(σ) parameters used to determine the reliability percentiles of the S-N curve, are both determined based on the S f = f S ut strength value that corresponds to N 1 =103 cycles and on the strength (S e ) value that corresponds to N 1 =106 cycles. The validation that the addressed strength β and η(σ) parameters completely represent the Sf and Se values, is demonstrated by showing that by using the β and η(σ) parameters we always can reproduce the Sf and Se values.

And because in the Table A-23 of the Shigly’s book, for several steel materials, authors present their Sut , σt and b values, then in this paper by using the proposed methodology, their corresponding strength β and η(σ) parameters, the log-mean µx and log-standard deviation ( σx ) values, as well as the 95% and 5% reliability percentiles of their S-N curves are all given in section 6. The novelty of the given reliability percentiles is that they do not represent a confidence interval CL of the S-N curve, instead they represent a reliability confidence interval for the S-N curve. But more importantly notice that because the S-N reliability percentiles are the reliability percentiles of the strength η(σ) parameter, then because in any Weibull analysis the reliability percentiles of η(σ) are always determined, then automatically we can use these η(σ) percentiles as the corresponding S-N percentiles. Consequently, any Weibull strength analysis can be seeing as a representation of the reliability percentiles of the related S-N curve [3, 4]. Additionally, because the reliability of the component depends on the applied stress and on its strength, then in section 5, the Weibull strength parameters that represents the desired S-N reliability percentiles, and the Weibull parameters that represents the applied stress, are both used in the stress/strength methodology [5] to determine the reliability of the designed element.

The structure of the paper is as follows. Section 2 presents the generalities of a tensile test. In section 3, the steps of the proposed Weibull/Tensile/Reliability percentiles methodology are given. In section 4, a step-by-step application of the proposed method is given. In section 5, the stress/strength analysis to determine the reliability of the component is presented. In section 6 the Weibull β and η(σ) parameters, the 95% and 5% reliability percentiles and the corresponding log-mean and log-standard deviation for each one of the steel materials given in the Table A-23 of the Shigly’s book are provided. Finally, in section 7, the conclusions are presented.

2. Tensile Test Generalities

In general, in a tensile test the material properties are directly measured from a sample that is tested at controlled tension force (F) until failure. The most general material’s properties [2] are the ultimate tensile strength Sut , (it is a measure of the maximum stress that an object/material/structure can withstand without being elongated, stretched or pulled), the true stress σt , (it measures the change in the area with respect to time while the specimen is loaded), the maximum elongation (L), and the reduction in the initial area ( A0 ).

Since these material’s properties are random variables, then in the analysis a probability density function (pdf) must be used [6] pg.10. In the analysis, the most used pdfs are the normal, lognormal and Weibull distributions. Fortunately, as demonstrated in [7], for mechanical stress the best distribution is the Weibull distribution, and from [1] we have that from the Weibull analysis we always can reproduce the analyzed principal stresses (or strength) values. Therefore, in this paper the Weibull distribution is used. Also notice that for β≈3.4 the Weibull distribution efficiently mimics the normal distribution, and for β>5 [8], it efficiently mimics the lognormal distribution.

However, before showing the Weibull distribution completely reproduce the used material’s strength values, let first present the generalities of a tensile test formulation.

2.1 General Tensile Test Formulation

In a tensile test analysis, by defining the engineering stress value as σ=F/A0 , and the engineering strain value as ɛ=ΔLL0=L-L0L0 where F is the applied force, A0 is the initial area of the tested element, and L0 is the initial length, and L is the final elongation of the tested element (see Fig.1).

Figure 1 Test Specimen. Source: The Authors  

The relationships among the ultimate material’s strength Sut , the true stress σt , and the true strain ɛt values (see Fig. 2) on which the proposed method is based, are as follows. Based on both F and A0 , the Sut value is defined as

Sut=FA0 (1)

Therefore, based on the S ut and ɛ values the true stress value defined as the instantaneous applied stress, at the S ut coordinate, in terms of the S ut and ɛ values are determined as

σt=Sut(1-ɛ) (2)

And the true strain value at the S ut coordinate is given as

ɛt=ln(1+ɛ) (3)

Figure 2 Stress-Strain representation. Source: The Authors 

Thus, since now from Eq. (1) the S ut value can be determined, and from Eq. (2), the corresponding σt value is given, then now let present how the b value is determined.

2.2 Fatigue Slope Formulation

In the analysis, the fatigue slope b value of the S-N curve is the exponent that let us to determine the strength range that corresponds to a desired pair of life cycles values [1]. The common approach in the S-N analysis consists in determining b in the logarithm range given by N 1 = 103 and N 2 = 106 cycles (see Fig.3). In this logarithm scale the cycles-strength coordinates to determine b are [log (103),log(fSut)] . and [log106,logSe] Where f represents the strength’s percentage that the material presents after 103 cycles, and S e represents the corresponding fatigue strength limit.

Figure 3 S-N curve representation. Source: The Authors 

Hence, since in this logarithm range the S-N curve behavior is linear given as

Yi=a+bXi for i=1 (4)

Where Y 1 =log (f S ut ), Y 2 =log (S e ), X 1 = log (103) and X 2 = log (106) then the fatigue b and parameters of the S-N curve are determined as

b=-13logfSutSe (5a)

a=logfSut2Se (5b)

Therefore, based on Eqs. (5a and 5b) the relation between the applied stress and its corresponding cycles to failure is given by the Basquin formula given as

Ni=σeqa1/b (5c)

However, when S e is unknown, then the fatigue b value defined in Eq.(5a), based on the σt value is given as

b=log(fSut/σt)log(2N) (6a)

Consequently, the cycles to failure defined in Eq.(5c) based on the σt value is given as

Ni=12logfSutσt1/b (6b)

Now that from Eq. (5a and 6a) we can determine the b value, let present the methodology to determine the strength Weibull β and η(σ) parameters directly from the S f and S e values.

3. Weibull/Tensile Test/Reliability Methodology

This section is structured to present 1) the steps to determine the strength Weibull β and η(σ) parameters directly from the maximum S f = (f S ut ) = S max and the minimum (S e ) = S min tensile strength values. 2) how to use the derived β and η(σ) parameters to determine the reliability percentile of the related S-N curve. And 3) how to determine the log-standard deviation σx value directly from the β value. Let start given the Weibull’s generalities.

3.1 Generalities of the Weibull distribution

For the two parameter Weibull distribution [9] given by

f(ti)=βηtiηβ-1exp-tiηβ (7)

Where t represents the desired life time, β is the shape parameter and η is the scale parameter. However, since in this paper the life of the element is represented by either its cycles to failure N, or by its material’s strength σ value, then by replacing t in Eq. (7) with either N i or σi , the corresponding Weibull reliability function is given as

RNi or σi=exp-NiηNβ=exp-σiη(σ)β (8)

From Eq. (8), notice that 1) although to determine the reliability of the element we can use either N i or σi , the corresponding η(N) and η(σ) values are different ( η(N)η(σ) ). And 2) the η(N) and η(σ) values are related by the life/stress model, as can be the Arrhenius, the inverse power law model and the Basquin equation defined here in Eq.(5c). Also notice that because in Weibull analysis, by supposing the failure mode remains constant, then in the n (N) analysis the β value is considered to be constant [10]. Consequently, as shown in Eq. (8), in any Weibull analysis, we always have two Weibull families. One representing the cycles to failure W(β, η(N) ) , and the other representing the material strength W(β, η(σ) ) . Here the analysis is performed based on the W(β, η(σ)) family. Now let present the steps to determine the β and η(σ) parameters directly form the tensile S f = (f S ut ) = S max and (S e ) = S min values.

3.2 Steps to Determine the Weibull Strength Parameters

Step1. From the used material determine the corresponding S ut σt and fatigue slope b values.

Step2. Determine the desired reliability R(n) index to perform the analysis. In practice, it is R(n)=0.9535. And it corresponds to test a set of n=21 parts [11]. From [11], the relation between R(n) and n is given as

Rn=exp-1n (9)

Note 1. Here observe R(n) is not the reliability of the element, instead R(n) is just the reliability on which the analysis will be performed. R(n) is alike the confidence interval CL used in the quality field.

Step3. By using the n value of step 2 in Eq. (10), compute the Y i elements [12] and its corresponding arithmetic mean µy and standard deviation σy values as

Yi=ln-(ln 1-(i-0.3)/(n+0.4)) (10)

Note 2. Observe, once n was selected in step 2, the µy and σy values computed from the Yi elements defined in Eq. (10) are both constant. For n=21 (or R(n)=0.9535) they are µy=-0.54562412 and σy=1.17511694 . In this paper these two values are used.

Step 4. Based on Eq.(6b), by using N 1 = 103 and the σt and b values of step1, determine the maximum strength S f value as

Sf=σt2N1b (11)

Note 3. Observe that because S f = f * S ut , then from Eq. (11) the f value is directly given as f = (S f )/S ut .

Step 5. If the S e value is unknown, then based on Eq.(6b), by using N 2 = 106 and the σt and b values of step1 determine the minimum strength S e value as

Se=σt2N2b (12)

Step 6. By using the µy value from step 3, and the S f and S e values, determine the strength Weibull shape parameters as

β=-4*µy0.99*ln(Sf/Se) (13)

Step 7. By using the addressed S f and S e values, determine the Weibull scale parameters as

η(σ)=Sf*Se2 (14)

The β and η(σ) parameters determined in steps 6 and 7 are the parameters of the Weibull strength distribution.

Note 4. Notice if f, S ut , and S e are known then from Eq.(5a)b can be estimated, implying the true stress σt value is not necessary. It is to say, as shown in Eqs. (13 and 14), the Weibull strength parameters only depends on the S f and S e values.

Now based on the β and η(σ) parameters let determine the corresponding log-mean µx and log-standard σx deviation values used to formulate the confidence interval of µx .

3.3 Steps to Determine the Log-mean and the Log-standard Deviation

The analysis is based on the linear form of the reliability function [2] defined in Eq.(9) given as

Yi=b0+βXi (15)

Thus, since from Eq. (15) Xi=lnti , then we need to determine its log-mean µx and its log-standard deviation σx values. From [1] the µx value is directly given by the strength scale η(σ) parameters as

µx=ln(η(σ)) (16a)

And from [13], based on both the µy value of step 3, and on the addressed β value, the σx value is given as

σx=σyβ (16b)

Thus, a confidence interval (CL) of µx is given as

CL=µx±Zα/2σx (17)

Where Zα/2 is the th desired percentile given by the normal distribution, (which for CL=0.95, is Z0.1/2=1.644853 ).

Unfortunately, although from Eq. (16a) µx=ln(ησ) , the CL limits defined in Eq. (17) cannot be used to determine a confidence interval for η(σ) .

Consequently, Eq. (17) cannot be used to determine the reliability percentiles of the S-N curve neither. This fact occurs because there is not a direct relationship between CL and R(t). CL represents an instantaneous probability that the strength of n identical components behaves around µx , and R(t) represents the probability that a observed (measured) µx value stay around this value through the time. It is to say, while the CL value depends only on the lack of homogeny of the material, the R(t) index depends also on the applied stress, the desired time t, and on the observed µx value. Thus, Eq. (17) should not be used to determine the S-N percentiles that represents the desired R(t) index. Numerically, the deficiency of using CL in reliability analysis is given in section 4.2.

Here notice that in contrast to Eq. (17), in reliability analysis we are interested only in the upper limit. Consequently, since from Eq. (8) the R(t) index depends only on the η(σ) value, then because µx=ln(η(σ)) , in the analysis µx is the lower allowed value that we can used to design the element. Therefore, as shown in [14] if µx=ln(η(σ)) is going to be monitored in a process, then in the monitoring control chart the µx value must be set us the lower allowed value.

Now based on the addressed µx and σx values, let present the formulation to determine the reliability percentile of the related S-N curve.

3.4 Reliability Percentiles for the S-N Curve

The efficiency of the proposed method is based on the following two facts.

1) Since from Eq.(14), η(σ) is given as the square root of the product of S f , and S e , then in logarithm scale µx=ln(η(σ)) is the average between S f and S e , implying that ln(Sf)-ln(ησ)=ln(ησ)-ln(Se) or equivalently that the relation given in Eq.(18) always holds

ln(Sf/ησ)=ln(ησ/Se) (18)

2) Because in logarithm scale the three values, ln(Sf) , ln(ησ) and ln(Se) , all are in the same S-N line, then this line represents the lower th-reliability percentile for which it is expected the product present the desired R(t) index. Consequently, from Eq. (18) and Eq. (8), we have that the following reliability relationship always holds

R σ=exp-η(σ)ησNiβ=exp-SfiSfβ=exp-SeiSeβ (19)

Eq. (19) implies that in practice, the derived reliability percentiles of the S-N curve can also be used as the minimum strength η(σi) value that the used material must present to have the desired reliability. Now based on the above two facts, the steps to determine the reliability percentiles of the S-N curve are as follows.

3.4.1 Steps to Determine the Reliability Percentiles for the S-N Curve

Step 1. Determine the Y i element that corresponds to the desired upper reliability percentile of the S-N curve as

Yui=ln-(ln R(tui) (20a)

Step 2. Determine the Y i element that corresponds to the desired lower reliability percentile of the S-N curve as

YLi=ln-(ln 1-R(tLi) (20b)

Step 3. By using the Y ui value of step1, determine the upper values of Sf , ησ , and Se that corresponds to the upper reliability percentile of the S-N curve as

Sfu=SfExp{Yui/β}; η(σu)=ησExp{Yui/β}; Seu=SeExp{Yui/β} (21)

Step 4. By using the Y Li value of step 2, determine the lower value of S f , η(σ) , and S e that corresponds to the lower reliability percentile of the S-N curve as

SfL=SfExp{YLi/β}; η(σL)=η(σ)Exp{YLi/β}, SeL=SeExp{YLi/β} > (22)

Step 5. Plot the upper and lower reliability percentiles.

Now let present the numerical application.

4. Numerical Application

As an application let used data given in the first row of Table A-23 of the Shigly’s book. The material is the steel grade (a) A538A (b). For this material, the Weibull strength parameters of section 3.2 are as follows.

4.1 Weibull Strength Parameters

Step 1. The corresponding strength data are Sut=1515MPa , σt=1655MPa and fatigue slope b=-0.065.

Step 2. Suppose R(n)=0.9535 is desired.

Step 3. The Yi elements are given in Table 1. From these data µy=-0.54562412 and σy=1.17511694 .

Step 4. The maximum strength is Sf=16552*1000-0.065=1009.79MPa .

Step 5. The minimum strength is Se=16552*1000,000-0.065=644.51MPa .

Step 6. The Weibull shape parameter is β=-4*(-0.54562412)0.99*ln(1009.79/644.51)=4.909848 .

Step 7. The Weibull scale parameter is η(σ)=1009.79*644.512=806.7353MPa .

Therefore the Weibull strength distribution to the steel grade (a) A538A (b) material is W(4.909848, 806.7353MPa).

Now based on these parameters let determine the corresponding log-mean µx and log-standard deviation σx values mentioned in section 3.3.

Table 1 Elements of vector Y by using Eq. (10)  

n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Yi -3.403483 -2.491662 -2.003463 -1.6616459 -1.3943983 -1.1720537 -0.9793812 -0.807447 -0.6504921 -0.50450882 -0.366512921
n 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 μy=-0.54562412
Yi -0.234122 -0.105285 0.0219284 0.1495258 0.279845 0.4159621 0.56250196 0.7276158 0.92931067 1.22965981 σy=1.17511694

Source: The Authors

4.2 Log-mean and Log-standard Deviation

From Eq. (16a), the log-mean is µx=ln806.7353=6.692995 and from Eq.(16b) the log-standard deviation is σx=1.175116944.909848=0.239338 , (observe both µx and σx were determined without any observed failure time data). Therefore, from Eq.(17), the 95% confidence interval for µx is CL=6.692995±1.644853*0.239338 ; [6.299319µx7.086673] or equivalently because from Eq.(16a) µx=ln(η(σ)) , then by taking the exponential, the 95% confidence interval for ησ is [544.2009MPaησ1195.9219MPa] , unfortunately as shown next, this confidence interval should not be used in reliability analysis.

For example, notice that although under probabilistic point of view we can say with a confidence level of 95% the lower expected value of the Weibull scale parameter is η(σL)=544.2009MPa , and then it should be monitored in the production process in logarithm scale as in Fig.4 and/or in natural scale as in Fig.5

Figure 4 Control Chart for μx (logarithm Scale). Source: The Authors 

Figure 5 Control Chart for the Weibull scale parameter. Source: The Authors 

Unfortunately, as mentioned above in reliability, monitoring (or using) the lower limit of η(σ) is not correct because in reliability the addressed η(σ) value (or nominal µx value) is the lower allowed value. Thus, in the monitoring process, the η(σ) value (or equivalently the µx value) is the one that must be set as the lower allowed limit in the control chart (see Fig.6 and Fig.7).

Figure 6 Control Chart for μx (logarithm Scale). Source: The Authors 

Figure 7 Control Chart for the Weibull scale parameter. Source: The Authors 

Additionally, it is shown that although by using the CL limits defined in Eq. (17), the 95% confidence for the S-N curve plotted in Fig.8 is possible, they do not the 95% reliability confidence interval for the S-N curve. Consequently, because the CL confidence interval is not a reliability percentile, then by using the CL values in Eq. (19), the estimated reliability is not the desired R(t)=0.95 index.

Figure 8 Probabilistic Percentiles for the S-N curve. Source: The Authors 

Seeing this observe that by using the upper and lower limits of CL to determine R( σ ), the demonstrated reliability is not the desired one. For the upper level η(σU)=1195.9219MPa , then with η(σ)=806.7356MPa in Eq.(19), the estimated reliability instead of be Rσ=0.95 is only R σU=exp-806.73561195.92194.909848=0.8653 .

Similarly, if we use the lower confidence level η(σU)=544.2009MPa with η(σ)=806.7356MPa in Eq.(19), the estimated reliability index instead of be R σ=0.95 , also is only of R σL=exp-544.2009806.73564.909848=0.8653 .

Therefore, the general conclusion is that by using the CL limits in reliability analysis we sub-estimate the real R( σ ) index (0.8653<0.95) of the element, and consequently the CL limits should not be used in the reliability analysis.

Now we know the CL values should not be used, let determine the reliability percentiles for the S-N curve that we can use in any reliability analysis. Following section 3.4.1, the analysis is as follows.

4.3 Reliability Percentiles for the S-N Curve

The reliability percentile analysis for the S-N curve is as follows

Step 1. From Eq.(20a) the upper Yi element for R(t)=0.95 is Yui=ln-(ln 0.95)=-2.970195249 .

Step 2. From Eq.(20b) the lower Yi element for R(t)=0.05 is YLi=ln-(ln 1-0.95)=1.0971887 .

Step 3. From Eq. (21) the upper strength values are





Step 4. From Eq. (22) the lower strength values are





From the above data, notice because the Yui value was determined by using R σ=0.95 , then by using the Sfu , η(σu) and Seu values in Eq. (19), the reliability percentile is always R σ=0.95 .

For R σ/Sf,Sfu=exp-1009.791849.084.909848=0.95 , R σ/η(σ),η(σu)=exp-806.73561477.264.909848=0.95 , and R σ/Se,Seu=exp-644.511180.204.909848=0.95 .

Similarly, since the YLi value was determined by using R σ=0.05 , then by using the SfL , η(σL) and SeL values in Eq. (19), the reliability percentile in all cases is always R σ=0.05 .

For R σ/Sf,SfL=exp-1009.79807.574.909848=0.05 , R σ/η(σ),η(σL)=exp-806.7356645.184.909848=0.05 and R σ/Se,SeL=exp-644.51515.444.909848=0.05 .

The corresponding percentiles of the S-N curve in MPa and in logarithm scale are all given in Table 2.

Table 2 Reliability Percentiles for the S-N- curve of the A538A (b) 

Percentiles in Mpa Values Percentiles in logarithm scale
Limits Sf η(σ) Se ln(Sf) ln(η(σ)) ln(Se)
Upper 1849.08 1477.26 1180.20 7.5224 7.2979 7.0734
Mean 1009.79 806.74 644.51 6.9175 6.6930 6.4685
Lower 807.57 645.18 515.44 6.6940 6.4695 6.2450

Source: The Authors

Here it is very important to notice from either Table 2 or Figure 9 that data in MPa do not fall in a right line with the η(σ) value.

Figure 9 S-N curve in MPa values. Source: The Authors 

In contrast observe from Fig. 10 that in logarithm scale they are in line with the η(σ) value. Also notice from Fig.9 and Fig.10 that the upper and lower percentiles are not symmetric around the η(σ) value, and that this fact is due to in Weibull analysis, the η(σ) does not represent the 0.50 percentile, instead it represents the 0.6321 failure percentile, implying the limits around the η(σ) value never will be symmetric around the η(σ) value.

Additionally, remember that as shown in Eq. (18), the symmetrical behavior around η(σ) occurs only for the Sf and Se values from which the η(σ) value was determined. In order to clarify the mentioned facts, in Table 3 the Weibull analysis for the expected values of η(σ) are given.

Table 3 Weibull Scale Analysis 

n Yi Yui σi η(σi) R(t)
1 -3.4035 0.5000 403.35 1613.55 0.9673
-2.9702 0.5461 440.56 1477.26 0.9500
2 -2.4917 0.6020 485.66 1340.07 0.9206
3 -2.0035 0.6649 536.44 1213.23 0.8738
4 -1.6616 0.7129 575.11 1131.64 0.8271
5 -1.3944 0.7528 607.28 1071.69 0.7804
6 -1.1721 0.7876 635.42 1024.24 0.7336
-1.1023 0.7989 644.51 1009.79 0.7174
7 -0.9794 0.8192 660.85 984.83 0.6869
8 -0.8074 0.8484 684.40 950.94 0.6402
9 -0.6505 0.8759 706.63 921.02 0.5935
10 -0.5045 0.9023 727.96 894.04 0.5467
11 -0.3665 0.9281 748.71 869.26 0.5000
12 -0.2341 0.9534 769.17 846.14 0.4533
13 -0.1053 0.9788 789.62 824.22 0.4065
0.0000 1.0000 806.735 806.735 0.3679
14 0.0219 1.0045 810.35 803.14 0.3598
15 0.1495 1.0309 831.68 782.54 0.3131
16 0.2798 1.0587 854.05 762.04 0.2664
17 0.4160 1.0884 878.06 741.20 0.2196
18 0.5625 1.1214 904.66 719.41 0.1729
19 0.7276 1.1597 935.60 695.62 0.1262
20 0.9293 1.2084 974.84 667.62 0.0794
1.0972 1.2504 1008.74 645.18 0.0500
1.1023 1.2517 1009.79 644.51 0.0492
21 1.2297 1.2846 1036.33 628.00 0.0327

Source: The Authors

Figure 9 S-N curve in logarithm scale. Source: The Authors 

The practical interpretation of data given in Table 3 is as follows.

1. The values of the column σi in Table 3 represent the maximum applied stress values for which a product that has the η(σ) strength value, will present the reliability R(t) index given in the row of Table 3 that corresponds to the selected σi value. For example, if a component (material) with strength of η(σ)=806.7353MPa , is subjected to constant stress of σ =403.35MPa, then as shown in Table 3, it is expected the element will present a minimum reliability of exp-403.35806.73534.909848=0.9673 . In Table 3, by using the Yi value defined in Eq. (10), the corresponding σi value was determined as

σi=ησ*exp{Yi/β} (23)

2. The values of the column η(σi) in Table 3, represent the strength value that a product should has to present the given reliability R(t) index when the applied stress is constant at the η(σ) value. For example, the η(σi)=1613.55MPa value given in the first row of Table 3, represents the minimum strength value that a product (material) must have to presents a reliability of Rt=0.9673 when the maximum applied stress is constant at the value of η(σ)=806.7353MPa . It is to say Rt=exp-806.73531613.554.909848=0.9673 . In Table 3, the η(σi) value was determined as

η(σi)=ησ/exp{Yi/β} (24)

From Table 3 also notice the rows where the Weibull analysis reproduce the Sf=1009.79MPa and Se=644.51MPa values, as well as the upper 95% and lower 5% percentiles of η(σ) were also added. Also from Table 3, notice that as shown in Fig. 9 and in Fig. 10 the behavior around the η(σ) value is not symmetrical. Now let determine the reliability of a component by using the stress/strength analysis.

5. Stress/Strength Analysis

Since all mechanical element is subjected to an applied stress and it has an inherent strength to overcome the applied stress, then because both the stress and the strength are random variable, the element’s reliability must be determined based on the distribution that represent the applied stress, and on the distribution that represent the inherent strength. Therefore, the right reliability function to be used in the analysis of a mechanical element is the composed reliability function known as a stress/strength reliability function [15]. In this stress/strength approach any pair of combination of stress and strength functions is possible. However, the most common combinations are the normal/normal, the log-normal/log-normal, the Weibull/Weibull and any pair of combination among these three distributions [16]. But because here the analysis is a stress-based analysis which is efficiently modeled by the Weibull distribution, then the Weibull/Weibull approach is used as follows.

5.1 Numerical Analysis

In this section, the strength Weibull distribution data addressed in section 4.1 of the steel grade (a) A538A (b) material is used. From this section the addressed Weibull strength family is W (β=4.909848, η(σ)=806.7353MPa). Therefore, to apply the stress/strength analysis the corresponding stress Weibull distribution must be addressed. Doing this, suppose from an application the maximum principal applied stress is σ1=600MPa and the minimum principal applied stress that generates a failure is σ2=380MPa . ( σ1 and σ2 are the principal stresses given by the Mohr circle analysis).

Thus, with these two principal stress values, from Eq. (14) the scale Weibull stress parameter is ηs=600*3802=447.4935MPa , and from Eq. (13)β=4.909848. Thus, the Weibull stress distribution is Ws(β=4.909848, ηs=477.4935MPa). Consequently, from the Weibull/Weibull stress/strength reliability function [1] given as

R(t/ηs,ησi)=ησi^βησi^β+ηs^β (25)

Therefore, the reliability of the designed component is

Rt,ηs,ησi =806.73534.909848806.73534.909848+477.49354.909848=0.9292

Finally, it is important to observe because the reliability index given in Table 3 and that given from Eq. (25) tends to be the same for high reliability indices, (say a reliability above 0.90), then the reliability of an element can be determined directly by using the Weibull strength parameters as in Table 3, or by using the stress and strength distributions in Eq. (25).

Seeing this numerically, suppose that in an application the used material is subjected to reversible stress with Weibull stress parameter η s =403.35MPa. Therefore, from Eq. (25), as shown in Table 3 , the estimated reliability is


Similarly, if the applied stress is ηs=536.44MPa, then

it is Rt,ηs,ησi=806.73534.909848806.73534.909848+536.444.909848=0.8811 . For detail of the given formulation see [1].

Consequently, for high reliability indices, the σi column of any Weibull Strength analysis can be used as the maximum allowed constant stress value that we can apply, in order the component presents the desired reliability. Similarly, the η(σi) column of any Weibull Strength analysis can be used as the minimum allowed strength value that the used material must present, in order the designed element present the desired reliability when it is subjected to a maximum stress value represented by the strength scale η(σ) value. Now by using the proposed Weibull/S-N methodology, the Weibull parameters, the log-mean and log-standard deviation parameters and the 0.95 and 0.05 reliability percentiles of each one of the steel materials given in Table A-23 of the Shigly’s book are all given in Table 4.

6. Weibull/S-N analysis for Materials given in Table A-23 of the Shigly’s book.

The analysis is presented in Table 4.

Table 4 Weibull Strength Parameters. Log-Parameters and Reliability Percentiles for Tensile Test Data given in Table A-23 of the Shiglly´s book 

Steel Ultimate True Fatigue Strength at Strength at Weibull Parameters Log-Parameters Reliability Percentiles for the S-N Curve
Grade Strength Stress Exponent N1=10^3 N2=10^6 Shape Scale Mean Stdev R(0.95), Yui=-2.970195249 R(0.05), YLi=1.0971887
(MPa) (MPa) b Sf Se β η(σ) μx σx Sf η(σ) Se Sf η(σ) Se
A538A (b) 1515 1655 -0.065 1009.79 644.51 4.909848 806.7353 6.6930 0.23934 1849.08 1477.26 1180.20 807.57 645.18 515.44
A538B (b) 1860 2135 -0.071 1244.59 762.12 4.494931 973.9233 6.8813 0.26143 2409.91 1885.82 1475.71 975.03 762.98 597.06
A538C (b) 2000 2240 -0.070 1315.76 811.29 4.559144 1033.1798 6.9404 0.25775 2524.12 1982.03 1556.36 1034.33 812.19 637.76
AM-350 (c) 1315 2800 -0.140v 966.08 367.29 2.279572 595.6811 6.3897 0.51550 3555.35 2192.21 1351.71 597.01 368.11 226.98
AM-350 (c) 1905 2690 -0.102 1238.93 612.42 3.128824 871.0582 6.7697 0.37558 3201.28 2250.73 1582.43 872.47 613.41 431.27
Gainex (c) 530 805 -0.070 472.85 291.56 4.559144 371.2990 5.9170 0.25775 907.11 712.29 559.32 371.71 291.88 229.20
Gainex (c) 510 805 -0.071 469.27 287.36 4.494931 367.2170 5.9060 0.26143 908.66 711.05 556.42 367.63 287.68 225.12
H-11 2585 3170 -0.077 1765.55 1037.24 4.144676 1353.2559 7.2103 0.28352 3615.00 2770.82 2123.77 1354.92 1038.51 796.00
RQC-100 (c) 940 1240 -0.070 728.37 449.11 4.559144 571.9388 6.3490 0.25775 1397.28 1097.20 861.56 572.58 449.61 353.05
RQC-100 (c) 930 1240 -0.070 728.37 449.11 4.559144 571.9388 6.3490 0.25775 1397.28 1097.20 861.56 572.58 449.61 353.05
10B62 1640 1780 -0.067 1069.67 673.37 4.763285 848.6937 6.7437 0.24670 1995.54 1583.29 1256.20 849.60 674.08 534.83
1005-1009 360 580 -0.090 292.64 157.16 3.546001 214.4546 5.3681 0.33139 676.25 495.57 363.17 214.76 157.38 115.33
1005-1009 470 515 -0.059 328.89 218.80 5.409154 268.2541 5.5919 0.21725 569.53 464.54 378.90 268.51 219.01 178.63
1005-1009 415 540 -0.073 310.04 187.25 4.371782 240.9454 5.4846 0.26880 611.62 475.31 369.38 241.23 187.47 145.69
1005-1009 345 640 -0.109 279.49 131.63 2.927891 191.8084 5.2565 0.40135 770.79 528.98 363.03 192.14 131.86 90.49
1015 415 825 -0.110 357.55 167.24 2.901273 244.5348 5.4994 0.40503 995.30 680.69 465.53 244.96 167.53 114.58
1020 440 895 -0.120 359.50 156.93 2.659501 237.5196 5.4703 0.44186 1098.32 725.65 479.44 237.97 157.23 103.88
1040 620 1540 -0.140 531.34 202.01 2.279572 327.6246 5.7919 0.51550 1955.45 1205.72 743.44 328.36 202.46 124.84
1045 725 1225 -0.095 595.03 308.70 3.359369 428.5862 6.0605 0.34980 1440.53 1037.58 747.34 429.24 309.17 222.69
1045 1450 1860 -0.073 1067.92 644.97 4.371782 829.9229 6.7213 0.26880 2106.68 1637.19 1272.32 830.89 645.72 501.81
1045 1345 1585 -0.074 903.14 541.69 4.312704 699.4441 6.5503 0.27248 1798.27 1392.69 1078.59 700.27 542.33 420.01
1045 1585 1795 -0.070 1054.37 650.12 4.559144 827.9276 6.7189 0.25775 2022.68 1588.28 1247.17 828.85 650.84 511.07
1045 1825 2275 -0.080 1238.51 712.69 3.989251 939.5048 6.8454 0.29457 2607.67 1978.12 1500.56 940.70 713.60 541.32
1045 2240 2275 -0.081 1229.13 702.42 3.940001 929.1759 6.8343 0.29825 2612.12 1974.67 1492.77 930.38 703.33 531.69
1144 930 1000 -0.080 544.40 313.27 3.989251 412.9691 6.0234 0.29457 1146.23 869.50 659.59 413.50 313.67 237.94
1144 1035 1585 -0.090 799.72 429.47 3.546001 586.0525 6.3734 0.33139 1848.03 1354.28 992.45 586.89 430.09 315.18
1541F 950 1275 -0.076 715.54 423.28 4.199212 550.3410 6.3105 0.27984 1451.50 1116.40 858.65 551.01 423.80 325.95
1541F 890 1275 -0.071 743.25 455.13 4.494931 581.6169 6.3658 0.26143 1439.17 1126.19 881.28 582.27 455.65 356.56
4130 895 1275 -0.083 678.46 382.41 3.845061 509.3598 6.2332 0.30562 1468.94 1102.82 827.95 510.03 382.91 287.47
4130 1425 1695 -0.081 915.77 523.34 3.940001 692.2871 6.5400 0.29825 1946.18 1471.23 1112.20 693.18 524.02 396.14
4140 1075 1825 -0.080 993.53 571.72 3.989251 753.6687 6.6250 0.29457 2091.87 1586.84 1203.74 754.63 572.44 434.24
4142 1060 1450 -0.100 678.06 339.83 3.191401 480.0262 6.1738 0.36821 1719.72 1217.47 861.90 480.79 340.37 240.97
4142 1250 1250 -0.080 680.50 391.59 3.989251 516.2114 6.2465 0.29457 1432.79 1086.88 824.48 516.87 392.09 297.43
4142 1415 1825 -0.080 993.53 571.72 3.989251 753.6687 6.6250 0.29457 2091.87 1586.84 1203.74 754.63 572.44 434.24
4142 1550 1895 -0.090 956.13 513.47 3.546001 700.6748 6.5520 0.33139 2209.48 1619.16 1186.56 701.68 514.21 376.82
4142 1760 2000 -0.080 1088.80 626.54 3.989251 825.9382 6.7165 0.29457 2292.46 1739.01 1319.17 826.99 627.34 475.88
4142 2035 2070 -0.082 1109.91 629.92 3.891952 836.1532 6.7288 0.30194 2380.80 1793.59 1351.21 837.25 630.74 475.17
4142 1930 2105 -0.090 1062.09 570.37 3.546001 778.3221 6.6571 0.33139 2454.33 1798.59 1318.05 779.44 571.19 418.58
4142 1930 2170 -0.081 1172.40 670.00 3.940001 886.2909 6.7870 0.29825 2491.56 1883.53 1423.88 887.43 670.87 507.15
4142 2240 1655 -0.089 841.41 454.99 3.585844 618.7373 6.4277 0.32771 1926.36 1416.57 1041.69 619.61 455.64 335.06
4340 825 1200 -0.095 582.89 302.40 3.359369 419.8396 6.0399 0.34980 1411.13 1016.40 732.09 420.48 302.86 218.14
4340 1470 2000 -0.091 1001.47 534.12 3.507034 731.3685 6.5949 0.33507 2335.88 1705.89 1245.81 732.43 534.89 390.63
4340 1240 1655 -0.076 928.79 549.44 4.199212 714.3642 6.5714 0.27984 1884.11 1449.12 1114.57 715.23 550.10 423.10
5160 1670 1930 -0.071 1125.08 688.94 4.494931 880.4084 6.7804 0.26143 2178.52 1704.75 1334.01 881.40 689.72 539.73
52100 2015 2585 -0.090 1304.27 700.43 3.546001 955.8018 6.8626 0.33139 3013.98 2208.72 1618.60 957.17 701.44 514.03
9262 925 1040 -0.071 606.26 371.24 4.494931 474.4169 6.1621 0.26143 1173.92 918.62 718.85 474.95 371.66 290.84
9262 1000 1220 -0.073 700.46 423.04 4.371782 544.3580 6.2996 0.26880 1381.80 1073.85 834.54 544.99 423.54 329.15
9262 565 1855 -0.057 1202.78 811.31 5.598949 987.8368 6.8955 0.20988 2044.44 1679.09 1379.03 988.73 812.04 666.93
9050C (d) 565 1170 -0.120 469.96 205.15 2.659501 310.5005 5.7382 0.44186 1435.80 948.62 626.75 311.09 205.54 135.80
9050C (d) 565 970 -0.110 420.40 196.63 2.901273 287.5136 5.6613 0.40503 1170.23 800.33 547.36 288.02 196.98 134.72
9050X (d) 440 625 -0.075 353.43 210.52 4.255201 272.7739 5.6086 0.27616 710.31 548.21 423.10 273.10 210.78 162.68
9050X (d) 530 1005 -0.100 469.96 235.54 3.191401 332.7078 5.8073 0.36821 1191.94 843.83 597.39 333.24 235.91 167.01
9050X (d) 695 1055 -0.08 574.34 330.50 3.989251 435.6824 6.0769 0.29457 1209.27 917.33 695.86 436.24 330.92 251.03 94

7. Conclusions

  1. Although the relation µx=ln(ησ) holds, the confidence interval CL limits of a S-N curve defined in Eq. (17), should not be used to perform a reliability analysis. They sub-estimate the reliability index.

  2. From Eqs. (21 and 22) the upper and lower Sf inline, η(σ) , and Se values to determine any desired reliability percentile for a S-N curve are given by using only the corresponding YL,ui and β values.

  3. Observe that although here the Weibull strength parameters were both determined for N1=103 and N2=106 , any other desired values between these two values can be used.

  4. As shown in Table 3, the lower reliability percentiles of the S-N curve are the minimum strength values given in the column η(σi) of Table

  5. Due to the column η(σi) of Table 3 represents the minimum strength values that the designed element must have to present the desired reliability, then the reliability percentiles of the S-N curve can be used as the accelerated levels in and ALT test to demonstrate the product presents the intended reliability [17].

  6. Although the Weibull analysis performed in Table 3 is for constant stress values, and that given by the stress/strength methodology is for variable stress behavior, for high reliability =0.9678 [18] [RσRt,ηs,ησi]

8. Authorship acknowledgements

Manuel Baro Tijerina: Conceptualización; Ideas; Metodología; Análisis formal; Investigación; Borrador original. Manuel R. Piña Monarrez: Conceptualización; Ideas; Escritura. Alberto Jesús Barraza Contreras: Análisis de datos; Escritura; Borrador original; Revisión y edición.


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Received: July 31, 2022; Accepted: September 20, 2022; Published: September 22, 2022

*Autor de correspondencia: Manuel Baro Tijerina, Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Nuevo Casas Grandes, Casas Grandes, México. Email: ORCID: 0000-0003-1665-8379

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