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Computación y Sistemas
versão On-line ISSN 2007-9737versão impressa ISSN 1405-5546


Recent Advances in Optics and Photonics

Comp. y Sist. vol.23 no.1 Ciudad de México Jan./Mar. 2019

 ·  Editorial
Guzmán Cabrera, Rafael; Torres-Cisneros, Miguel; Sánchez Mondragón, José Javier

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 Artigo do número temático
 ·  Finite Element Simulation and Experimental Analysis of Cutting Forces in Orthogonal Turning in AISI-1045 Steel
Prieto Juárez, Marco Antonio; Aguilera Gómez, Eduardo; Plascencia Mora, Héctor; Ledesma Orozco, Elias; Reveles Arredondo, Juan Francisco; Campos Silva, Martha Libia

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 ·  Effect of the Erbium Concentration in the Luminescent Properties of ZrO2
Ojeda M., M.; Rentería, V.; Sánchez-Mondragón, J. J.; May-Arrioja, D. Alberto; Torres-Cisneros, M.; Ojeda M., M. L.; Velásquez, C.

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 ·  Detection of Ethanol Concentration using a Generic Optical Sensor Platform
Vázquez-Guardado, Abraham; Ramirez-Flores, J. Alfredo; Lopez-Galmiche, Gisela; Escobedo-Alatorre, J. Jesús; Sánchez-Mondragón, J. J.

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 ·  Fabrication Process of a Reverse Mode Polymer-Dispersed Liquid Crystal using UV Curing
Martínez-Martínez, R.; Lee, Yun-Han; Pastrana Sánchez, María Rosario; Sánchez-Mondragón, J. J.; Wu, Shin-Tson

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 ·  Efficiency of Phase Unwrapping and Image Filtering Algorithms Implemented in a Fpga Applied on Holographic Interferometry
Juárez Núñez, Víctor Manuel; Mayorga Cruz, Darwin; Zamudio Lara, Álvaro; Escobedo Alatorre, J. Jesús

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 ·  Color Image Segmentation of Seed Images Based on Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) Neural Network
Barrón-Adame, J. M.; Acosta-Navarrete, M. S.; Quintanilla-Domínguez, J.; Guzmán-Cabrera, R.; Cano-Contreras, M.; Ojeda-Magaña, B.; García-Sánchez, E.

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 ·  Graphic User Interface for Modeling States of Polarization in Fiber Optics
Carrillo-Delgado, C. M.; Filoteo-Razo, J. D.; Sierra-Hernandez, J. M.; Hernandez-Garcia, J. C.; Jauregui-Vazquez, D.; Lopez-Dieguez, Y.; Estudillo-Ayala, J. M.; Herrera-Piad, L. A.; Rojas-Laguna, R.

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 ·  Design of a MEMS-Based Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvesting Device for Automotive Applications
Elvira-Hernández, E. A.; Woo-García, R. M.; López-Huerta, F.; Vázquez-Leal, H.; Herrera-May, A. L.

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 ·  Simulation for Obtaining Relevant Parameters for Optimal Wireless Power Transfer
Hernández-Robles, Iván A.; Lozano García, J. Merced; Martínez Juárez, Jairo J.

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 ·  Effect of the Trivalent Erbium Concentration on the Luminescent Properties of TiO2 Er3+ Composites
Olvera-R, Octavio; Chamé-F, Karely; Sánchez-Mondragón, J.J.; Torres Cisneros, M.; Ojeda, M. Luisa; Velásquez, Celso

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 ·  Cardiac Abnormalities Detection from Compressed ECG
Torres-Cisneros, M.; Guzman-Cabrera, R.; Villalobos, S.; May-Arrioja, D.A.; Martell, F.

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 ·  Modelado con COMSOL Multiphysics: Distribución de temperatura de nano partículas de Fe3O4 para terapia oncológica
Romero Coripuna, R.L.; Cordova Fraga, T.; Basurto Islas, G.; Guzmán Cabrera, R.

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 ·  Processing of MRI Images Weighted in TOF for Blood Vessels Analysis: 3-D Reconstruction
Hernández-Delgado, José; Cruz-Aceves, Ivan; Cordova-Fraga, Teodoro; Sosa-Aquino, Modesto; Guzman Cabrera, Rafael

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 ·  Basic Emergence of Nonlinearities and its Effect on Supercontinuum Generation in Air-Silica Photonic Nanowires
Lozano Crisóstomo, Néstor; García Melgarejo, Julio C.; Rocha Medina, José E.; Espinoza Blanco, Jesus I.; May Arrioja, Daniel A.; Sanchez Mondragon, J. Javier

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 ·  Novel Structures' Configurations for Long-Range Surface Plasmon-Polaritron
Torres-Cisneros, M.; Fuentes-Fuentes, M. A.; May-Arrioja, D. A.; Guzman-Sepulveda, J. R.; LiKamWa, P. L.; Sánchez-Mondragón, J. J.

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 ·  Learning Relevant Models using Symbolic Regression for Automatic Text Summarization
Vázquez, Eder; Ledeneva, Yulia; García-Hernández, René Arnulfo

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 ·  Recognition of Partial Textual Entailment for Indian Social Media Text
Rudrapal, Dwijen; Das, Amitava; Bhattacharya, Baby

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 ·  Arabic Discourse Analysis: A Naïve Algorithm for Defective Pronunciation Correction
Terbeh, Naim; Maraoui, Mohsen; Zrigui, Mounir

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 ·  Una revisión a la realidad de la automatización de las pruebas del software
Serna M, Edgar; Martínez M, Raquel; Tamayo O, Paula

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 ·  Node Position Estimation for Efficient Coverage Hole-Detection in Wireless Sensor Network
Das, Smita; Kanti DebBarma, Mrinal

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 ·  Solutions To Storage Spaces Allocation Problem for Import Containers by Exact and Heuristic Methods
Armas, Laidy De; Valdes, Danilo; Morell, Carlos; Bello, Rafael

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 ·  A Comparative Study of Sorting Algorithms with FPGA Acceleration by High Level Synthesis
Ben Jmaa, Yomna; Ben Atitallah, Rabie; Duvivier, David; Ben Jemaa, Maher

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 ·  A Comparative Study of Evolutionary Computation Techniques for Solar Cells Parameter Estimation
Avalos, Omar; Cuevas, Erik; Valdivia-González, Arturo; Gálvez, Jorge; Hinojosa, Salvador; Zaldívar, Daniel; Oliva, Diego

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 ·  Identificación de especies de roedores usando aprendizaje profundo
Seijas, Cesar; Montilla, Guillermo; Frassato, Luigi

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